Christ-centered energy healing: Our bodies were created perfectly by God; our bodies naturally heal themselves when an injury occurs. Therefore when the body is experiencing illness, this is the body’s way of saying something is wrong and needs to change for healing to occur. We choose to heal the body, mind and spirit while listening to your specific body’s needs and being led by personal revelation/prayer. We know God will assist those who ask and take personal accountability for the necessary change.
Energy: Your entire existence is a compilation of energy sources. We work with energy that is unseen, such as a person’s spirit, energetic connections and emotional energy (see below). Energy can be positive or negative. Energy has a frequency and vibration. website:
Emotional energy: There are positive emotions such as happiness and joy; and negative emotions such as anger and frustration. There are many different types of emotional energy. There are simple types (which can still be very powerful), such a single trapped emotion of anger. There are more complex types such as traumas with many different components and even others involved.
Muscle testing: Based on the concepts of internal flows of energy, muscle testing is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body’s imbalances and assessing its needs. It involves testing the body’s responses when applying slight pressure to a muscle. Quite simply- health offers a strong muscle, illness offers a weak muscle. A direct question relating to the body’s health is asked. If the muscle remains strong, the answer is positive or yes. If the muscle is weak, then it is a negative or no answer. We can access the cause of illness this way in addition to testing for supplements or allergies amongst other things.
Self-Sabotage Program: Self-sabotage is a negative lifestyle pattern currently being engaged in and is, therefore, a “living energy.” Within the energy healing world, it is a common practice to “release” negative energy; however, releasing live negative energy will not achieve long-lasting successful results until an internal change occurs. This is because the energy will be recreated as we fall into the same patterns that created the energy in the first place. These steps are designated to be done interactively for longer lasting change. You will learn how to create new thought patterns to create new results in your life while releasing toxic energy and balancing hormones.
Eternal happiness is not offered to us, it is created within us. Healing requires action – a conscious commitment to follow through with changes to your daily habits and patterns that formed the negative lifestyle. The most effective way to heal emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically is by incorporating the higher law of Moses and the teachings of Jesus Christ into your life. Each step is designed to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Emotional Freedom Technique: This is a tapping technique done in a particular order on the meridian points. We have found that this can balance out the hormones and chemicals within the body. As an example, if a person has excess cortisol, EFT can assist in reducing the level to its proper amount.
German New Medicine: Founded by Dr. Hamer, an internist in Germany who worked with cancer patients. Every illness has a special biological program meant to ensure survival. There are 5 biological laws in which illness is created: 1) A biological shock such as an unanticipated event. 2) The cold phase - when the conflict is active and the disease begins. The hot phase - when the conflict resolves, also known as the healing phase. 3) How the individual handles the reaction to the shock on the conscious and subconscious level and how the brain is affected. This is based upon the perceptions, beliefs and experiences in life. 4) What kind of microbe (fungus, bacteria or virus) is going to be utilized in the healing phase of the conflict. The type of microbe is dependent upon what tissue or organ is affected by the conflict. 5) The "quintessence" which helps us understand the biological reason or necessity for the physical manifestation.
Life Coaching: This is a pursuit of personal development to aid our clients in making healthier lifestyle changes. We will help you to break free of the drama triangle and shift into your role as a conscious creator to manifest the ultimate vision you have for your life. We work on the core belief system and how it affects the automatic emotional response and the automatic thought response to triggers. The manner in which we handle daily stressors determines how our future is shaped. Your body is trying to communicate something is wrong and if we do not make some necessary changes, we will continue to experience the same results. We will help you to step into your role as a creator of your life while living mindfully in the present. We incorporate life coaching into all of our sessions and especially the self-sabotage steps.
Energetic compounds (or compounds of energy or simply compounds): These compounds are comprised of the energies from substances such as oils, herbs, stones, and foods. The energetic properties work together to offer healing to the spirit, mind and body. Compounds can assist in removing toxins, pathogens, "excess," and a whole lot more.
Energetic connections: There are numerous ways in which energy can be connected. When we have a complex energy, such as a trauma, it is almost always going to be connected to someone else, some thing or some location. For example, if you have an ongoing conflict with a sibling that is causing a trauma to occur, the energy will continuously be transferred between you and the sibling, causing the trauma energy to occur in each person. Examples of energetic connections are shared, inherited and rooted.
Energetic cords: Energetic cords are frequently found with energies, they are also known as the aka cord. This is the energy substance that connects us to each other. Positive and negative cords can be formed between individuals or even a memory. Cords can be removed by detaching them, dissolving or cutting them, releasing them and then removing them from your presence for a more complete healing.
Energetic blocks: There are many forms of blocks within the spirit, mind and body. The blocks in the body can be in the form of an unseen block or a physically tangible block. An example of a block in the mind is an idea of: “my body is weak.”
Walls: Walls can be formed around any body part, to include the whole body. They are typically formed between individuals, but sometimes also formed between you and church, school, work or exercise. Walls can be comprised of trapped emotions, traumas, words, thoughts and memories. One of the most notable walls is the heart-wall which prevents a person from fully giving and receiving love.
Filters: A filter lies within the mind and affects how we integrate incoming information, events or people around us based upon our perception/memory of the past.
Faulty core beliefs: Your core beliefs create an automatic thought process when a trigger occurs. This automatic thought process creates an emotional response. This response is caused by the automatic thought process, not the event itself. This response then naturally leads to a specific resulting behavior. If an apple is rotten on the tree and we pick the rotten apple, will the tree continue producing rotten fruit? When we heal the roots, the tree will produce healthy fruit. Therefore the “cause” is not the rotten fruit, but the unhealthy root system.
Limiting belief: A limiting belief is a lie we tell ourselves that will end up sabotaging any progress we pursue. Anything you say to yourself to justify why it isn’t working out for you is a limiting belief. Limiting beliefs lead to faulty core beliefs.
Empowering core beliefs: These are positive core beliefs that have become incorporated into your mind which lead toward positive results in your life in the same manner as explained above. These beliefs become a part of you from life experiences, therefore your interpretation of the past is the key to healing or converting faulty core beliefs.
Words / Thoughts / Memories: These lead to the forming of negative emotions and are the details within energy releases. When we remember events from the past, we remember the words, emotions and the thoughts, therefore the key to healing the body’s ailments lies in how we choose to remember/heal from traumatic events of the past. When we choose to look at our past and those around us with Christ like love, patience and forgiveness, we shift the negative energy to that of positive energy.
Loops: These are repetitive thought patterns that are associated with the energies, words, thoughts and memories. The loops are what engrain a particular thought into the mind. When removed, we invite new thoughts into the mind to create new pathways for healing.
Tapping also known as EFT (emotional freedom technique): EFT involves the use of fingertips rather than needles to tap on the end points of energy meridians that are situated just beneath the surface of the skin. We have found that EFT will balance out the chemicals (hormones) within a person’s body.
“Excess:” When a person has negative energy, the body seeks out a location to store the energy. The body may create new fat cells, bone, bacteria, yeast and other forms of space within a body to store energy.
Rebellious spirits: These are evil spirits that rebel against God. There are numerous types of rebellious spirits including entities, disembodied spirits, predators, etc. This term encompasses most types.
Curses or Dark Energy: Many times past experiences in life were so intense that a simple release of negative energy is not enough, dealing with the dark presence that hangs over you and releasing the curse that was created is the only way to receive a balance of health. Some curses were passed down from previous generations, some were intentionally placed upon you by another person, while the rest were self-created during a low moment in life. Many times these curses can even plague a residence and be mistaken for a "haunting". We can help you in any of these instances!
Self-destructive tools of dark influences: There are at least 28 types of these tools. They include curses and sabotages. A tool can originate from another person or from a rebellious spirit. These are unseen forms of energy that affect the spirit, but influence the body and mind, leaving in its path destruction and negative emotions. When we experience extreme hate for another person, we form negative aka cords and connections filled with rebellious spirits, leaving a curse upon another person unconsciously. For a more detailed explanation of a curse or sabotage, feel free to ask.
Mind subconscious suggestions: These are typically in the form of a thought or image within your mind. These suggestions will cause a person to form subconscious thoughts when viewing or hearing a particular word, sound or image. There are 67 types of suggestions, 66 of which are used by rebellious spirits. Suggestions can also originate from another person. There is one type (the 67th) that originates from within the individual that has it. Examples of suggestions are post-hypnotic suggestions, subliminal messages, despair anchors (triggers) and broadcast messages.
Brain foggers: These are energies that fog memories and thoughts within the mind. These are typically when a person does not want to remember a particular event and then creates a fog in the mind to obscure it. Brain foggers can also be placed within the mind by rebellious spirits or when memories are repressed.
Energy fields: A person has 7 energy fields surrounding their body. This is what forms a person’s aura. They are layered: in order from the closest to the furthest – Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Template, Celestial, Causal.
Chakras: These are rotating spheres of energy within a person. A person has seven chakras between their torso and head; beginning at the tail bone to the top of the head the orders is: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, and Crown.
Meridians: There are at least 12 main/standard meridians and 8 extraordinary meridians. They are lines of energy flows from one point of the body to another. The governing meridian is the one we use to release energy from and to invite energy into. It is connected to all other meridians.
“Full release:” This is a term we use to describe the release of all negative energy at once. Not everybody is ready; however, it is our goal to assist our client to get the point where they can release all of the negative energy at once.
Shields: There are numerous types of shields which are an extension of a person’s spirit. Depending upon the type of shield and the intention set within the shield, it can guard against rebellious spirits, mind subconscious suggestions, dark tools and disruptive frequencies (a person’s optimal functioning frequency is 7.83 hertz). Shields remain as long as a person chooses Christ-like attributes. But when negative energy is chosen (such as feeling upset or angry.) the shields will drop.
Fibonacci sequence: This is a pattern in nature that is also found within a person’s spirit, mind and body. It is a pattern of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, starting with 0. The pattern is as follows: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 . . .
Circuits, switches, electrical impulses: There is a flow of electrical impulses within the body that functions as 5 different levels that reach down into every atom within the body. They have different switches that control the circuits. The proper flow is based upon the Fibonacci Sequence. When a block is formed along the lines, circuits or switches, the impulses will find another path (detour) to flow through to reach the end point.