Healing From Above - Conversations With Angels TRILOGY
Get your three favorite books at a great discount when bought together for only $40!!! Many of these messages are in a teaching reference for energy healing, but also for parenting, marriage and preparation for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Much of the content addresses the need to release negative energy within a person and replacing it with positive energy. The atonement is an integral part of this process, as it has the power to change the direction in which we live our lives. We believe the deeper meaning of the atonement is living the higher law where even our thoughts are righteous. We know that all thoughts that are not of God create disturbances in our body and spirit. We also know that to be prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ we must prepare to withstand great trials. Not only do we strive to heal our bodies, but the deeper meaning of our work is to share this message to help others prepare. It has been told to us that it is time to share these messages with others. We know this is the work of The Lord and we greatly desire to share these messages as the time is running short before the final days are upon us. We have chosen alias names in the book to remain unidentified to the general public. We pray you enjoy the messages as much as we do. “There are many who suffer needlessly and who pray for relief. You hold the keys to the relief they are seeking to find. This is truly the future of medicine, do not belittle your talent and instead realize your true value and others will see that value also. When you see your value, you treat your work with respect. This respect is seen and admired and will draw others in to learn more. Then they will see your value. Believe in yourself and others will too.” – Angel “When your perspective shift is more Godly, then you will choose to hear love even when harsh words are spewed in your face.” – Angel “Soften your heart to your partner’s intentions, as you are both in this trial of life together. Always choose the view least obscured by imperfections or ill worded opinions.” – Angel
“It takes a strong mind to steer the path in these final days through all the thorns, vines, deception and perversion; as evil is twisted up into a pretty bow and turned into a fluffy kitten and that which is holy is turned into a silly ancient joke upon the minds of the people.”
"The core belief is the same as the heat source. If the core belief is Christ-like, then the heat will never be turned on, but it will be recognized and felt. The response will be healthy and cognizant; therefore, it will be congruent with the will of God in an ever changing world. But if the core belief is that of defeat and death and spiraling out of control, then the event itself will be perceived as a threat."
"There is a war, a war over the hearts and souls of the people. A nation standing for justice and equality is participating in the opposite. The war is within everyone, the missing factor is the absence of awareness or acceptability. The more we choose to participate in this war within, the quicker the sand shall sink."
"We do not take lightly the words of our Savior when He promised to return unto the earth. There, we find ourselves a path that has been prepared for us to those who have heeded the warnings of the prophets of old. Quite frankly, we see this as possibly the grandest experience the earth will experience as she prepares for her transformation. We watch in excitement and sorrow."
“Your heart must be completely given unto God’s mission and His ways. You cannot play for both teams and not become injured. You cannot sit on the fence and not be split in half. You can be pure light. In fact, your body, mind and spirit crave to be pure light. It is the darkness that creates suffering, not the light. Surprisingly, when you are radiating pure light, there is no more fear to withhold you from your dreams” - Angel
His mysteries are free to the onlooker who is pure in heart and intent. Faith can take you farther than imaginable. How can you move a mountain? By moving your mind so you know how all of creation came about and the mountain is a part of you. I must warn you to keep God at the center of your lives or you will be destroyed by your own hands.”-Angel
“Your brain can be turned on and off. Most people have turned theirs off due to evil in the world. There is nothing delicious to the taste when you find out the truth about humanity. Sorrow always entails while the brain shuts down for protection of the harsh reality of your modern day. BUT this is not necessary to focus upon the bad when there is plenty of good to focus upon. See when the brain works properly the mortal man removes God from the equation. This is the downfall of his true sanity. If he could focus upon God and give His whole life unto Him who created him, then mankind could see the beauty and the creation offered. You have been given a promise to learn the mysteries of God’s kingdom and this will come in time as your mind is opened. His mysteries are free to the onlooker who is pure in heart and intent. But they cannot be comprehended by the 17% you are currently using.” - Angel