Spirit Code Program Volume 1, 2, and 3
per item
The information within this program spans over 3 large manuals to contain all the material.
There are additional books with additional components of the Spirit Code program: the self-sabotage program, compounds, tapping, and the new 2.0 Spirit Code approach to healing techniques.
These are separate manuals to help you organize the material (as opposed to one 1,000 page book)
These books are available because some people desire a hard copy of the program.
The material in these manuals are the same as the material available on this website within the program.
You can request to order each manual separately

The emotional freedom technique (EFT) also known simply as “tapping” has become more and more popular because of its simplicity and effectiveness. EFT utilizes acupoint stimulation on the body’s energy flows known as meridians. Scientific studies have documented that EFT can help balance out cortisol levels and significantly reduce the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety. This book provides over 40 tapping sequences that address a variety of situations that commonly present challenges in life, such as relationship conflict, trauma and self-worth. The best thing about these tapping sequences is that they are intended to draw a person closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. “I Don’t Care What Other People Think of Me” brings to mind that we are each a unique individual. We do not have to conform to the expectations of someone else. Jesus Christ was true to this principle. He did what He knew was right, no matter what the consequence was. Christ’s example of being perfectly true to Himself is why He was able to love and forgive those who nailed Him upon a cross, even while it was occurring.

The Spirit Code - A Hands on Guide to Overcoming Self-Sabotage
We've designed a 12 step program for those seeking the "next step" in energy healing. We provide a plan for those seeking long lasting change towards healing for a higher purpose of existence.
Self-sabotage is a negative lifestyle pattern currently being engaged in and is, therefore, a “living energy.” Within the energy healing world, it is a common practice to “release” negative energy; however, releasing live negative energy will not achieve long-lasting successful results until an internal change occurs. This is because the energy will be recreated as we fall into the same patterns that created the energy in the first place. These steps are designated to be done interactively for longer lasting change. You will learn how to create new thought patterns to create new results in your life while releasing toxic energy and balancing hormones.
Eternal happiness is not offered to us, it is created within us. Healing requires action – a conscious commitment to follow through with changes to your daily habits and patterns that formed the negative lifestyle. The most effective way to heal emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically is by incorporating the higher law of Moses and the teachings of Jesus Christ into your life. Each step is designed to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
For best results couple this manual with The Spirit Code program found on spiritcode.net
Self-sabotage is a negative lifestyle pattern currently being engaged in and is, therefore, a “living energy.” Within the energy healing world, it is a common practice to “release” negative energy; however, releasing live negative energy will not achieve long-lasting successful results until an internal change occurs. This is because the energy will be recreated as we fall into the same patterns that created the energy in the first place. These steps are designated to be done interactively for longer lasting change. You will learn how to create new thought patterns to create new results in your life while releasing toxic energy and balancing hormones.
Eternal happiness is not offered to us, it is created within us. Healing requires action – a conscious commitment to follow through with changes to your daily habits and patterns that formed the negative lifestyle. The most effective way to heal emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically is by incorporating the higher law of Moses and the teachings of Jesus Christ into your life. Each step is designed to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
For best results couple this manual with The Spirit Code program found on spiritcode.net

The Spirit Code: Compounds and Charts
This is a manual to accompany The Spirit Code program for Christ-Centered Energy Healing. This manual teaches "how to" use energy healing compounds. This is NOT the entire program, it is a small but very important portion.
Energy is all around. Everything is alive in its own respect. Intelligence of the universe runs deeply throughout every particle of existence. Once you choose to connect to this intelligence and offer it respect - respect for the Creator and respect for its existence, then this energy may choose to serve you in alignment with the will of the Lord.
This manual includes all the charts and information regarding forming healing compounds with the Spirit Code modality. The healing compounds comprise of multiple forms of positive energy that are combined to create a power compound of energy that assists in removing pathogens, toxins, poisons, physical block, excess within the body and healing damage to the body.
Energy is all around. Everything is alive in its own respect. Intelligence of the universe runs deeply throughout every particle of existence. Once you choose to connect to this intelligence and offer it respect - respect for the Creator and respect for its existence, then this energy may choose to serve you in alignment with the will of the Lord.
This manual includes all the charts and information regarding forming healing compounds with the Spirit Code modality. The healing compounds comprise of multiple forms of positive energy that are combined to create a power compound of energy that assists in removing pathogens, toxins, poisons, physical block, excess within the body and healing damage to the body.