Christ-Centered EFT Tapping For Marriage - By Dr. Arden Compton
Over the years as I have visited with people, I often find that there are many people are living in emotionally painful marriages. Also, even good marriages have room for improvement. The details are unique, but there are common principles that can help in almost every situation. I am writing this book with the hopes that more marriages can heal and people can truly experience happy, joyful marriage relationships. Of course there are already many good books and resources on how to have a happy marriage, so I don't need to reinvent the wheel here. I am not a marriage counselor, and I am not claiming that this book will be the thing that fixes all the problems in a marriage. I am going to focus on how use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) in a Christ-centered way to help remove the emotional pain in marriage. I believe that makes this book somewhat unique. As I have visited with many couples, I have seen that this process has helped save many from divorce. If this book only helps to save one marriage it will be worth it.