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The emotional freedom technique (EFT) also known simply as “tapping” has become more and more popular because of its simplicity and effectiveness. EFT utilizes acupoint stimulation on the body’s energy flows known as meridians. Scientific studies have documented that EFT can help balance out cortisol levels and significantly reduce the symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and anxiety. This book provides over 40 tapping sequences that address a variety of situations that commonly present challenges in life, such as relationship conflict, trauma and self-worth. The best thing about these tapping sequences is that they are intended to draw a person closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. “I Don’t Care What Other People Think of Me” brings to mind that we are each a unique individual. We do not have to conform to the expectations of someone else. Jesus Christ was true to this principle. He did what He knew was right, no matter what the consequence was. Christ’s example of being perfectly true to Himself is why He was able to love and forgive those who nailed Him upon a cross, even while it was occurring.
Have you heard of the emotional freedom technique yet? It is also called EFT or “tapping”. It is becoming more and more popular, because it is easy to learn and effective. Despite what Wikipedia says, there are studies that have shown the benefits of EFT. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, the oldest peer-reviewed psychology journal in the United States has published a handful of reports showing that EFT can help reduce levels of depression, anxiety, PTSD and assist in balancing out hormones.
Hi, my name is Paul Bunch. My beautiful wife, Melissa, and I are the creators of a healing program that we call the spirit code. The emotional freedom technique is one of the techniques we have incorporated into our practice. Although, the tapping sequences provided within the books are Christian based, you don’t have to be a Christian to put EFT into practice.
You learn the process and write your own sequences too. Whether you want to receive more clarity in your mind, more motivation when you wake up in the morning or just get out of the rut you are struggling with, EFT is a fantastic way to start. Let me first teach you how our mind naturally response to unpleasant situations.
Your life is a creation of your thoughts. Your thoughts steer the direction of your results. Those thoughts begin with your core beliefs about yourself. Seems so simple until a danger/risk appears in life. So, what happens when an undesirable experience occurs. We can quickly find ourselves feeling victimized and rejected. We find ourselves falling back into negative thought patterns that have not served us well - anger, depression, addictions, etc.
Our minds really do want us to keep us safe. The mind has a plan of action for tricky situations. When something presents a danger or risk to the mind, it goes into automatic protection mode. It’s called the fight, flight or freeze autonomic response. It is a primitive survival instinct where the brain activates the sympathetic nervous system and pumps hormones into the body. This is a response that happens so
quickly that most are unaware it is even occurring. The trouble with this automatic response is, in our normal daily lives we can become triggered easily; leaving the mind and body in a fight, flight or freeze mode, which makes it difficult to balance out the hormones. We can empower our mind to make it feel safe and quickly rebalance the hormones.
EFT/tapping is a non-invasive, emotional version of acupuncture. As we use EFT to refocus our thoughts on a positive solution, our hormones will be rebalanced and, more importantly, our emotional burdens can be relieved. Since the emotional and hormonal imbalance
began with a negative experience, we can counteract the imbalance by communicating positive words/thoughts directly linked to the imbalance. To do this, we tap on our meridian points 3+ times while relaying our intentions to the energy flows in our meridians. As we practice EFT, we are also training the mind to respond in a manner that promotes positive solutions in the future, rather than relying
upon the same old routine that continues to fail us.
LOVE: a catalyst for change
I believe that one of the greatest challenges in the world just might be learning to love ourselves. We are pretty good at criticizing ourselves, but we have a hard time building up our own confidence. Loving ourselves is not a matter of pride. Love is what inspires a person to thrive. When we don’t love ourselves end up expecting others to fill our love tank for us. Eventually, that will run other people dry. When our love tank is full, that is when we can offer greater love to others. That is when we get to a state where we don’t find offense with other
people's thoughts and actions. We reach a level of understanding and compassion for those lashing out at us.
Jesus taught us all we really need to know about health in three short sentences.
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” (KJV, Matt. 22: 37-39)
This starts by loving yourself. If a person filled all of their heart, might and mind with love for God and their fellow brothers and sisters, there would be no room left for negative emotions. Yes! Amazingly, love is the healthies pill a person can swallow.
We recognize that nobody in their mortal life is going to lovely perfectly as Christ did, which makes learning how to love others a life-long endeavor. So, let’s get started. Let’s learn how to love ourselves more and more. Let’s learn how to love others more. Create a lifestyle filled with love.
So, let’s say you’re already doing pretty good at loving yourself and others. Jesus also taught us more.
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” (KJV, Matt 5:44)
It’s a hard thing to love your enemy, especially in the moment of conflict. Jesus demonstrated that it is possible to love our enemies. He taught us that we can maintain control over our own thoughts. It takes consistent practice to uproot old thought patterns and to
focus our attention upon a new healthy, loving thought pattern. This requires repetition. It’s like lifting weights. You can’t go to the gym once and expect to have phenomenal results. To develop a lifestyle filled with love, it takes consistent practice.
The Challenge:
I would like to present a challenge to you. I challenge you to be happy. I challenge you to love yourself. I challenge you to create new lifestyle that stimulates motivation and passion. You can be grateful for each moment of the amazing life God has given you. You are intelligent. You are creative. You are strong and I encourage you to be even stronger. Your value is great in the eyes of God. Don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t let people’s expectations and judgment prevent you from doing the crazy things that make you… you. Express yourself and take risks meeting new people. You can love others even while their words and actions intend to cause you harm. Stand up for the values you believe in. Be an inspiration to those around you. What ever your health goal is, you can train your mind to focus on achieving it.
Our personal goals:
It is our personal goal to reach as many people as possible with this message, this includes rich and poor. With ever 10 books of tapping books purchased from this website (spiritcode.net), we will give a book to someone who is homeless or otherwise could not afford a book, such as a foster child or someone in prison. Please spread the work and help make effort go viral. We are self-publishers, so word of mouth is our best form of advertisement. If you know someone who is struggling with depression, anxiety or even contemplating suicide, this might be the perfect gift for them.
Hi, my name is Paul Bunch. My beautiful wife, Melissa, and I are the creators of a healing program that we call the spirit code. The emotional freedom technique is one of the techniques we have incorporated into our practice. Although, the tapping sequences provided within the books are Christian based, you don’t have to be a Christian to put EFT into practice.
You learn the process and write your own sequences too. Whether you want to receive more clarity in your mind, more motivation when you wake up in the morning or just get out of the rut you are struggling with, EFT is a fantastic way to start. Let me first teach you how our mind naturally response to unpleasant situations.
Your life is a creation of your thoughts. Your thoughts steer the direction of your results. Those thoughts begin with your core beliefs about yourself. Seems so simple until a danger/risk appears in life. So, what happens when an undesirable experience occurs. We can quickly find ourselves feeling victimized and rejected. We find ourselves falling back into negative thought patterns that have not served us well - anger, depression, addictions, etc.
Our minds really do want us to keep us safe. The mind has a plan of action for tricky situations. When something presents a danger or risk to the mind, it goes into automatic protection mode. It’s called the fight, flight or freeze autonomic response. It is a primitive survival instinct where the brain activates the sympathetic nervous system and pumps hormones into the body. This is a response that happens so
quickly that most are unaware it is even occurring. The trouble with this automatic response is, in our normal daily lives we can become triggered easily; leaving the mind and body in a fight, flight or freeze mode, which makes it difficult to balance out the hormones. We can empower our mind to make it feel safe and quickly rebalance the hormones.
EFT/tapping is a non-invasive, emotional version of acupuncture. As we use EFT to refocus our thoughts on a positive solution, our hormones will be rebalanced and, more importantly, our emotional burdens can be relieved. Since the emotional and hormonal imbalance
began with a negative experience, we can counteract the imbalance by communicating positive words/thoughts directly linked to the imbalance. To do this, we tap on our meridian points 3+ times while relaying our intentions to the energy flows in our meridians. As we practice EFT, we are also training the mind to respond in a manner that promotes positive solutions in the future, rather than relying
upon the same old routine that continues to fail us.
LOVE: a catalyst for change
I believe that one of the greatest challenges in the world just might be learning to love ourselves. We are pretty good at criticizing ourselves, but we have a hard time building up our own confidence. Loving ourselves is not a matter of pride. Love is what inspires a person to thrive. When we don’t love ourselves end up expecting others to fill our love tank for us. Eventually, that will run other people dry. When our love tank is full, that is when we can offer greater love to others. That is when we get to a state where we don’t find offense with other
people's thoughts and actions. We reach a level of understanding and compassion for those lashing out at us.
Jesus taught us all we really need to know about health in three short sentences.
“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” (KJV, Matt. 22: 37-39)
This starts by loving yourself. If a person filled all of their heart, might and mind with love for God and their fellow brothers and sisters, there would be no room left for negative emotions. Yes! Amazingly, love is the healthies pill a person can swallow.
We recognize that nobody in their mortal life is going to lovely perfectly as Christ did, which makes learning how to love others a life-long endeavor. So, let’s get started. Let’s learn how to love ourselves more and more. Let’s learn how to love others more. Create a lifestyle filled with love.
So, let’s say you’re already doing pretty good at loving yourself and others. Jesus also taught us more.
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” (KJV, Matt 5:44)
It’s a hard thing to love your enemy, especially in the moment of conflict. Jesus demonstrated that it is possible to love our enemies. He taught us that we can maintain control over our own thoughts. It takes consistent practice to uproot old thought patterns and to
focus our attention upon a new healthy, loving thought pattern. This requires repetition. It’s like lifting weights. You can’t go to the gym once and expect to have phenomenal results. To develop a lifestyle filled with love, it takes consistent practice.
The Challenge:
I would like to present a challenge to you. I challenge you to be happy. I challenge you to love yourself. I challenge you to create new lifestyle that stimulates motivation and passion. You can be grateful for each moment of the amazing life God has given you. You are intelligent. You are creative. You are strong and I encourage you to be even stronger. Your value is great in the eyes of God. Don’t give up on your dreams. Don’t let people’s expectations and judgment prevent you from doing the crazy things that make you… you. Express yourself and take risks meeting new people. You can love others even while their words and actions intend to cause you harm. Stand up for the values you believe in. Be an inspiration to those around you. What ever your health goal is, you can train your mind to focus on achieving it.
Our personal goals:
It is our personal goal to reach as many people as possible with this message, this includes rich and poor. With ever 10 books of tapping books purchased from this website (spiritcode.net), we will give a book to someone who is homeless or otherwise could not afford a book, such as a foster child or someone in prison. Please spread the work and help make effort go viral. We are self-publishers, so word of mouth is our best form of advertisement. If you know someone who is struggling with depression, anxiety or even contemplating suicide, this might be the perfect gift for them.