Mother Nature's Solutions and the Comforter System with Herbal Formulas - By Ruth White
This system has been developed over a period of many years, utilizing the methodology described to unlock many health secrets and issues. In its simplest form it can be utilized daily to improve one's health by simply muscle testing everything. It can be used to test what a person has on hand, to make decisions about treatment for one’s self and to decide courses of action in treating others, if necessary. Once empowered, the person who understands this system well will be able to take a definitive course of action to treat themselves and others medically, and to apply supplements, herbs, plasters, oils, and even to test water, soil, and air for content and/or potential use. The system in its simplest form can be used when a person has nothing but their wits about them. In a more complicated setting, where analog information is available, it still has much merit.