First off, if it is a medical emergency, please contact poison control. Secondly, our bodies recognize poison as something other than a toxin. To make this clear, "poison" will not fall under the category of toxin, so it must be muscle tested separately. Due to the wide range of possibilities with poison, we do not have a specific compound for assisting the body in counteracting the poison; however, once recognized within a client, the health practitioner can form an energetic compound that will specifically target the poison(s). A compound targeting a specific poison may not require each category of energy within the compounds chart. For instance, to counteract the effects of a substance that is very acidic you may need to only energetically invite in two foods. Muscle testing can determine whether or not the client's body will prefer to have it in the physical form or the energetic form; likely it will want both. Ingesting food in the physical form – muscle test the foods and supplements that are currently within the home. Muscle test to determine where the best location is to invite the energy into. You may need to invite it directly into the poison. |