Peter walking on water: faith amidst the storm
Awakening steps for a deeper examination of this miracle:
What if the water chose to stop raging out of love for Christ and rejoiced when Peter overcame darkness in order to rise up to his potential?
What if the water was full of gratitude for the opportunity to serve and calmed as a result?
What if the storm was actually the earth releasing all the energy Christ had taken on while healing others? What if that was an offering of love due to a proper energy flow with creation?
What if the water was not forced or commanded?
Maybe it was commanded, but under a pure intent of duality with a perfect energy balance between man and creation rather than the intent to force or control?
What if Peter accepted the storm rather than fearing the elements outside his control?
What if Christ or Peter chose to send love into the storm to calm the raging sea? Like comforting a child.
What if we can attain a deep respect for the elements the way Christ does?
What if we are seeking personal glory by desiring to walk on water?
What if we can learn the deeper lessons involved, but what if we can also learn to walk on water and calm the raging sea?
What if you can simply humble yourself to a different way, take back your life experience while embracing the storm in your life? Then what if you could open yourself up while trust falling into God’s hands with a complete willingness to change everything and commit to being part of a community worthy of sharing the planet with The Savior? Not so He will make everything easy, but because we are living as He taught and have overcome the power of the storm? What if we were already experiencing miracles every day? What if your faith is already advanced and in alignment with Peter, without correcting the energy because you have finally understood your worth, God’s love and how to live on a higher frequency?
If you still need some energy work steps, they are listed below and that is okay too!!
Implementing energy work steps for another approach
The primary focus of this protocol is to correct misalignments in areas where FAITH is necessary for success. In the bible series we will be walking the same path as the spiritual giants preceding us and removing the energy or adversarial influences preventing us from experiencing miracles. In this protocol we will be using the story of Peter walking on water to seek out misalignments that need correction.
Potential energies: Guilt, Remorse or regret for how your actions affected those you love. Resulting in Fear energy associated with the repercussions; wishing to change the past with the intention of experiencing a different reality or future. All resulting from a trauma or a broken covenant, even possibly the fear of an oncoming or projected trauma. You do not need to know these details for this protocol.
This is a multi-energy release and potentially entangled energy or shared energy (multi-person). Either untangle the energy and invite one person to take on all components and then release or invite all involved individuals to spiritually participate in the following steps. Invite your spirit to do the following steps:
1. See yourself in a boat in the middle of a body of water; either alone or with those sharing this energy. Off in the distance you see a storm approaching. The storm looks powerful and possibly capable of threatening your survival. You begin to grip for the worst-case scenario. Unable to avoid the storm; you are filled with fear. This fear has a strong power over you and your brain is prepping for survival: fight or flight. There is a monster in the storm that is holding you hostage in this fear, we must overcome the monster to bring down the intensity of the fear.
a. Ask for the Energetic Rod of Light Intelligence to represent “Peace Be Still: and draw a circle around the monster so he can no longer control the waters.
b. Next ask for the Binding of Energetic Light Intelligence to represent “Peace Be still” and wrap around the monster starting at the feet and ending with the tip of the binding to touch his mouth so as to also prevent the power of his words to be released. (This is an advanced spirit who cannot be contained any other way, we will also only use the binding temporarily, do not cast him out as he is one of the most powerful rebellious spirits and his power will overthrow you. Follow these steps precisely)
c. Next ask for a merkaba to form as a boundary or wall filled with the Energetic Light Intelligence to act as an invisibility cloak so you cannot see the monster. Ask for this merkaba to extend below your feet as well. (When there is no fear, his power is diminished and he will shrink)
2. Now the above-mentioned steps do not prevent the storm, but they help you to access your agency in order to bring down the intensity of these effects step by step. Now we must recognize the symbolism of the boat and paddles. The boat represents putting your faith in the arm of flesh, focusing on what you can control, feeling a glimmer of control amidst chaos and feeling capable of surviving a life-threatening storm in your life. Within the boat; water may splash in the boat from the rain or waves, the boat can become damaged from the storm and it can sink. The boat is the tiny space you can control or you feel like you can control even though it is affected by the storm in your life. The paddles are representative of trying to change the outcome, trying to avoid the storm, trying to face the storm bravely or even fighting against the storm. The paddles are the action of “fight or flight”. HOWEVER, in order to remove the strong power survival mode has over you so that we can overcome all sabotages; we must remove the power of the adversarial influences.
a. Remove ALL the associated energies or Embrace all associated energies with LOVE and acceptance
b. Remove the parasites. Bring to light all parasites within the eyes, mind and all other locations associated with this energy. I ask for a cold star to attract all parasites at their entrance point in the eyes and freeze them. I ask for the cold star to form an orb to contain the parasites. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all parasites into this orb and to be cast out into the center of the cold star.
c. Remove the 3D – this is a replay of the past but rather than reliving the trauma, it is an attempt to play out “what if” scenarios each creating different branches of projected realities. The possibilities are infinite and therefore creating infinite dimensional entrapments preventing connection to agency and reality. This is exceptionally difficult to remove as there is an active disassociation from reality for protection from a very painful experience. It may feel safer to live in a fantasy than to live in reality. There may be more to address beyond these steps in order to be successful with this protocol.
Bring to light all dimensional entrapments
I invite my Creation Stone to offer a sliver of energy in the form of a long needle.
I ask this Creation Needle to pierce one of the dimensions with the intention of bouncing the light energy throughout each of the dimensions (they are all connected so piercing one will affect all of them)
I invite the light energy to vibrate at the highest frequency needed to pop each of the associated dimensions resulting in only the original remaining.
Now remove as a typical 2D dimension
Ask for the light energies to destroy the contract
Remove the rebellious spirit or lost soul – repent and become an angel in training, depart by your own free will or if you choose to attack; I will cast you out. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all remaining rebellious spirits or lost souls to depart.
Now, enter the dimension and disrupt the trauma replay. In this case since there is a disassociation rather than replaying the past, there is an attempt to change the past to create new results. Ask for the Staph of Moses and place the staph confidently in the center of this dimension and cause it to disrupt all the energy and break the cycle.
Pull anyone out of the cycle that is trapped there and depart together
In the name of Jesus Christ command, the dimension to be closed and depart.
d. There is a possible energetic body also preventing you from actively seeing/following the Savior and walking on water ENERGETIC BODIES REMOVAL - The Spirit Code
3. Now that all external influences are removed or contained, see yourself THROW THE PADDLES OVERBOARD! This shows that you are ready to stop fighting the storm in your life and you are ready to fully LET GO and put your faith in God.
a. If anything is preventing you from throwing the paddles overboard – fix or remove the issue popping up.
4. Now look up to see the Savior walking on water toward you. He is full of peace and joy. He is not requiring you to overcome the storm as the storm still rages, but you have the opportunity to focus on Him and experience peace amidst the storm. When you focus on The Savior the storm loses its power and you can even forget it exists as the peace you feel is encompassing.
a. If anything is preventing you from looking up – fix or remove the issue popping up.
5. When you are ready see yourself stepping out on the water with the Savior. At this point something might grab at your feet to pull you down; guilt, doubt, regret, shame or another triggered energy. This energy must be released after being triggered separate from the previous release as it didn’t exist until your faith was tested.
a. This is a shared or entangled energy; it also only exists when you are succeeding in life. It might originate from someone else who actively seeks your suffering or someone who is jealous or shared with from someone you wronged or someone you may have failed. Rather than a typical release let’s practice handing this energy to the Savior. Trust in Him with something we have been embarrassed to share. Letting go is a critical detail.
Invite your Creation Needle to pierce the connections with this energy in order to dry up the energy dump.
Now, use the Faith Bond you just created when you took that first step onto the water – this looks like a covenant written on the pages in a book.
Place the energy into the Faith Bond and close the book. This looks like you are placing a bookmark into a book as it is part of your story, but it no longer serves you.
Then hand the Faith Bond book to the Savior as it represents a new shared Godly energy between the two of you.
b. There may be another energetic body preventing you from grabbing the Saviors hands and returning to the water surface: ENERGETIC BODIES REMOVAL - The Spirit Code
6. Invite confidence, faith, love, forgiveness and Godly peace to flow freely through you. Ask God to place an image into your mind of how He sees you. And invite that image to radiate through your being. See yourself being lifted out of the water and returning to the water’s surface.
7. Then create a new covenant with God by grasping His hand and returning to the water’s surface. This is a choice. To no longer place your faith in flesh, no longer tackling your storm alone, no longer allowing doubt or guilt to separate you from God’s blessings. Allowing Him to lift you. Allowing Him to love you. Allowing Him to manage the storm. Accepting you cannot stop or change the storm. Allowing Him to offer peace to your heart even if the storm in your life is more than you can handle. Allowing God to teach you, His way. Invite yourself to become humble like a child and accept God’s way. This is an action – focus on the eyes of the Savior. The storm is raging all around, but you are so focused on the Savior, you don’t see the storm any longer as the peace of God is radiating from your being.
8. Now we are going to be tested: Invite the angels to remove the merkaba wall and release the Binding of Energetic Light Intelligence from the “monster”. If you are able to continue focusing on the Savior, you will have completed this protocol successfully!
9. Invite the Light of Christ to radiate throughout your being and become part of you. See yourself freely walking on water. At this point you may experience personal revelation. Be open to anything God might have to teach you or show you.
Avoid telling God what to do or what you want. This is a teachable, humble moment where you are no longer controlling the outcome or the experience.
You might ask God to show you His plan for your life.
You might ask for a blessing.
You might remove heart walls or heal your heart.
Allow the spirit to guide.
10. Wrap up the vision and invite your spirit to return to your body 100%.
What if the water chose to stop raging out of love for Christ and rejoiced when Peter overcame darkness in order to rise up to his potential?
What if the water was full of gratitude for the opportunity to serve and calmed as a result?
What if the storm was actually the earth releasing all the energy Christ had taken on while healing others? What if that was an offering of love due to a proper energy flow with creation?
What if the water was not forced or commanded?
Maybe it was commanded, but under a pure intent of duality with a perfect energy balance between man and creation rather than the intent to force or control?
What if Peter accepted the storm rather than fearing the elements outside his control?
What if Christ or Peter chose to send love into the storm to calm the raging sea? Like comforting a child.
What if we can attain a deep respect for the elements the way Christ does?
What if we are seeking personal glory by desiring to walk on water?
What if we can learn the deeper lessons involved, but what if we can also learn to walk on water and calm the raging sea?
What if you can simply humble yourself to a different way, take back your life experience while embracing the storm in your life? Then what if you could open yourself up while trust falling into God’s hands with a complete willingness to change everything and commit to being part of a community worthy of sharing the planet with The Savior? Not so He will make everything easy, but because we are living as He taught and have overcome the power of the storm? What if we were already experiencing miracles every day? What if your faith is already advanced and in alignment with Peter, without correcting the energy because you have finally understood your worth, God’s love and how to live on a higher frequency?
If you still need some energy work steps, they are listed below and that is okay too!!
Implementing energy work steps for another approach
The primary focus of this protocol is to correct misalignments in areas where FAITH is necessary for success. In the bible series we will be walking the same path as the spiritual giants preceding us and removing the energy or adversarial influences preventing us from experiencing miracles. In this protocol we will be using the story of Peter walking on water to seek out misalignments that need correction.
Potential energies: Guilt, Remorse or regret for how your actions affected those you love. Resulting in Fear energy associated with the repercussions; wishing to change the past with the intention of experiencing a different reality or future. All resulting from a trauma or a broken covenant, even possibly the fear of an oncoming or projected trauma. You do not need to know these details for this protocol.
This is a multi-energy release and potentially entangled energy or shared energy (multi-person). Either untangle the energy and invite one person to take on all components and then release or invite all involved individuals to spiritually participate in the following steps. Invite your spirit to do the following steps:
1. See yourself in a boat in the middle of a body of water; either alone or with those sharing this energy. Off in the distance you see a storm approaching. The storm looks powerful and possibly capable of threatening your survival. You begin to grip for the worst-case scenario. Unable to avoid the storm; you are filled with fear. This fear has a strong power over you and your brain is prepping for survival: fight or flight. There is a monster in the storm that is holding you hostage in this fear, we must overcome the monster to bring down the intensity of the fear.
a. Ask for the Energetic Rod of Light Intelligence to represent “Peace Be Still: and draw a circle around the monster so he can no longer control the waters.
b. Next ask for the Binding of Energetic Light Intelligence to represent “Peace Be still” and wrap around the monster starting at the feet and ending with the tip of the binding to touch his mouth so as to also prevent the power of his words to be released. (This is an advanced spirit who cannot be contained any other way, we will also only use the binding temporarily, do not cast him out as he is one of the most powerful rebellious spirits and his power will overthrow you. Follow these steps precisely)
c. Next ask for a merkaba to form as a boundary or wall filled with the Energetic Light Intelligence to act as an invisibility cloak so you cannot see the monster. Ask for this merkaba to extend below your feet as well. (When there is no fear, his power is diminished and he will shrink)
2. Now the above-mentioned steps do not prevent the storm, but they help you to access your agency in order to bring down the intensity of these effects step by step. Now we must recognize the symbolism of the boat and paddles. The boat represents putting your faith in the arm of flesh, focusing on what you can control, feeling a glimmer of control amidst chaos and feeling capable of surviving a life-threatening storm in your life. Within the boat; water may splash in the boat from the rain or waves, the boat can become damaged from the storm and it can sink. The boat is the tiny space you can control or you feel like you can control even though it is affected by the storm in your life. The paddles are representative of trying to change the outcome, trying to avoid the storm, trying to face the storm bravely or even fighting against the storm. The paddles are the action of “fight or flight”. HOWEVER, in order to remove the strong power survival mode has over you so that we can overcome all sabotages; we must remove the power of the adversarial influences.
a. Remove ALL the associated energies or Embrace all associated energies with LOVE and acceptance
b. Remove the parasites. Bring to light all parasites within the eyes, mind and all other locations associated with this energy. I ask for a cold star to attract all parasites at their entrance point in the eyes and freeze them. I ask for the cold star to form an orb to contain the parasites. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all parasites into this orb and to be cast out into the center of the cold star.
c. Remove the 3D – this is a replay of the past but rather than reliving the trauma, it is an attempt to play out “what if” scenarios each creating different branches of projected realities. The possibilities are infinite and therefore creating infinite dimensional entrapments preventing connection to agency and reality. This is exceptionally difficult to remove as there is an active disassociation from reality for protection from a very painful experience. It may feel safer to live in a fantasy than to live in reality. There may be more to address beyond these steps in order to be successful with this protocol.
Bring to light all dimensional entrapments
I invite my Creation Stone to offer a sliver of energy in the form of a long needle.
I ask this Creation Needle to pierce one of the dimensions with the intention of bouncing the light energy throughout each of the dimensions (they are all connected so piercing one will affect all of them)
I invite the light energy to vibrate at the highest frequency needed to pop each of the associated dimensions resulting in only the original remaining.
Now remove as a typical 2D dimension
Ask for the light energies to destroy the contract
Remove the rebellious spirit or lost soul – repent and become an angel in training, depart by your own free will or if you choose to attack; I will cast you out. In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all remaining rebellious spirits or lost souls to depart.
Now, enter the dimension and disrupt the trauma replay. In this case since there is a disassociation rather than replaying the past, there is an attempt to change the past to create new results. Ask for the Staph of Moses and place the staph confidently in the center of this dimension and cause it to disrupt all the energy and break the cycle.
Pull anyone out of the cycle that is trapped there and depart together
In the name of Jesus Christ command, the dimension to be closed and depart.
d. There is a possible energetic body also preventing you from actively seeing/following the Savior and walking on water ENERGETIC BODIES REMOVAL - The Spirit Code
3. Now that all external influences are removed or contained, see yourself THROW THE PADDLES OVERBOARD! This shows that you are ready to stop fighting the storm in your life and you are ready to fully LET GO and put your faith in God.
a. If anything is preventing you from throwing the paddles overboard – fix or remove the issue popping up.
4. Now look up to see the Savior walking on water toward you. He is full of peace and joy. He is not requiring you to overcome the storm as the storm still rages, but you have the opportunity to focus on Him and experience peace amidst the storm. When you focus on The Savior the storm loses its power and you can even forget it exists as the peace you feel is encompassing.
a. If anything is preventing you from looking up – fix or remove the issue popping up.
5. When you are ready see yourself stepping out on the water with the Savior. At this point something might grab at your feet to pull you down; guilt, doubt, regret, shame or another triggered energy. This energy must be released after being triggered separate from the previous release as it didn’t exist until your faith was tested.
a. This is a shared or entangled energy; it also only exists when you are succeeding in life. It might originate from someone else who actively seeks your suffering or someone who is jealous or shared with from someone you wronged or someone you may have failed. Rather than a typical release let’s practice handing this energy to the Savior. Trust in Him with something we have been embarrassed to share. Letting go is a critical detail.
Invite your Creation Needle to pierce the connections with this energy in order to dry up the energy dump.
Now, use the Faith Bond you just created when you took that first step onto the water – this looks like a covenant written on the pages in a book.
Place the energy into the Faith Bond and close the book. This looks like you are placing a bookmark into a book as it is part of your story, but it no longer serves you.
Then hand the Faith Bond book to the Savior as it represents a new shared Godly energy between the two of you.
b. There may be another energetic body preventing you from grabbing the Saviors hands and returning to the water surface: ENERGETIC BODIES REMOVAL - The Spirit Code
6. Invite confidence, faith, love, forgiveness and Godly peace to flow freely through you. Ask God to place an image into your mind of how He sees you. And invite that image to radiate through your being. See yourself being lifted out of the water and returning to the water’s surface.
7. Then create a new covenant with God by grasping His hand and returning to the water’s surface. This is a choice. To no longer place your faith in flesh, no longer tackling your storm alone, no longer allowing doubt or guilt to separate you from God’s blessings. Allowing Him to lift you. Allowing Him to love you. Allowing Him to manage the storm. Accepting you cannot stop or change the storm. Allowing Him to offer peace to your heart even if the storm in your life is more than you can handle. Allowing God to teach you, His way. Invite yourself to become humble like a child and accept God’s way. This is an action – focus on the eyes of the Savior. The storm is raging all around, but you are so focused on the Savior, you don’t see the storm any longer as the peace of God is radiating from your being.
8. Now we are going to be tested: Invite the angels to remove the merkaba wall and release the Binding of Energetic Light Intelligence from the “monster”. If you are able to continue focusing on the Savior, you will have completed this protocol successfully!
9. Invite the Light of Christ to radiate throughout your being and become part of you. See yourself freely walking on water. At this point you may experience personal revelation. Be open to anything God might have to teach you or show you.
Avoid telling God what to do or what you want. This is a teachable, humble moment where you are no longer controlling the outcome or the experience.
You might ask God to show you His plan for your life.
You might ask for a blessing.
You might remove heart walls or heal your heart.
Allow the spirit to guide.
10. Wrap up the vision and invite your spirit to return to your body 100%.