The primary focus of this protocol is to correct misalignments in areas where FAITH is necessary for success. In the bible series we will be walking the same path as the spiritual giants preceding us and removing the energy or adversarial influences preventing us from experiencing miracles. In this protocol we will be using the story of Moses parting the Red Sea to seek out misalignments that need correction.
Healing From Conflict part two - The Spirit Code
Deception Infection - The Spirit Code
Spiritual Parasite - LUCIUS - The Spirit Code
Pride Infection - The Spirit Code
- First; we need to understand all of the components:
- I feel that the land on the other side represents God’s commandments or plan for your life; which might feel like an impossible task that seems unattainable due to all the components outside your control such as the red sea. If God commanded you to multiply and replenish the Earth but yet you cannot get pregnant; so, your body is preventing you from fulfilling God's commandment. But when God commands you to do something that is seemingly impossible, we need to “part the Red Sea”.
- What does the red sea represent to you? The sabotages in your life that are outside your control that also presents a lack of safety due to evidence from previous experience. The water holds those sabotages in one area of your life acting as a barrier or wall.
- What items are held within the red sea? Evidence; that it is not safe to attain your goals or follow God’s commandments for your life. And distractions from the goal possibly creating fear to prevent success. Each item represents a memory or a traumatic experience. The memory/energy is being held in the item and acting as a sabotage or barrier preventing you from reaching your ultimate goal. Now, Moses did not empty out the sea or take away the hunger from the sharks or whales. All he did was place his staff in the water and let God do the rest. When the sea parted, the sea life did as well.
- The adversarial sabotage looks more like a HUGE blob of Jello containing items in a stasis mode. What items are in this huge blob and what do they represent?
- Focus on sending love into these items rather than remove them. Invite that love to remind them of their original creation and purpose. And even offering these items and memories gratitude for being part of your journey. Their existence as a stumbling block has helped to strengthen you and develop your faith in God.
- What does the staff of Moses represent to you? I feel like it is an act of acceptance. First of all, the staff is just a stick. It holds no power on its own. Secondly, we need to remember, we do not control the water or have the power to part the red sea in our lives. Walking forward into the water is accepting that the sabotage exists and it is outside of your control and you are powerless.
- You are performing an act of accepting God's Commandments or the mission in your life. Feel yourself allowing acceptance of God’s will to flow into your heart.
- Walking forward into the water and facing your challenge is an act of accepting the water and the sabotages exist and you are powerless to them. Feel yourself accepting the things outside your control that prevent success for completing God’s will.
- Placing your staff into the water is an act of humility. Accepting God's sacrifice for you. Accepting your own limitations. Accepting the calling to move forward in faith. And accepting that when placed in the water your staff is free to follow God’s will without a guarantee of the results. Ask for the opportunity to use staff of Moses. Now, send love into this staff and ask for the hand of God to enter into this staff in order to fulfill His commandments.
- Let's face the creature as though it is your Red Sea standing in the way of reaching your righteous goal. Ask for the staff of Moses and place it in your own heart at the same time as you place the staff into this blob containing all this energy. All these items are heartfelt memories filled with intense energy, by placing the staff into your heart we are releasing the energy that has been stuck in your heart. We are also asking God to offer His perspective to the events and memories in order to free them of the entrapment of the trauma. At the same time, we are placing the staff into this blob and asking God to perform a mighty miracle to help you fulfill His commandments.
- We tend to get in our own way and attempt to fix the problem the way we think is best or prevent a repeat of the dangerous event. But we are creating our own stumbling blocks.
- There is a covenant to follow through and fulfill your calling once you are granted that miracle. So, let’s make that covenant promise with God to make a change, to follow His promptings, to follow His commandments and to fulfill His will, not your own! Close your eyes and make this covenant with real intent to follow through. God knows your heart and the step will only work when you are sincere.
- The blob is now parting and dissipating! The blob was adversarial and has now been overcome with this act of faith. All the items are now resting on the ground. We must walk forward and address each one.
- You might see a desk or table or bed etc. – each representing an intense memory that we are creating peace with. Each item is no longer creating a barrier, but we still need to overcome each one.
- Touch each item and offer forgiveness, peace, and love. Offer freedom to the energy contained within and release the energy.
- Offer freedom to any spirits or spirit matter that had been entrapped within each item.
- Dedicate each item to God. You might see the chains being released and the items relishing in the joy of their original creation! Invite that Joy of God’s creation to fill each item. This is also an accountability step. These items had been suffering as a result of a desire to contain harmful memories within items. A bed with the trauma of a rape, creates suffering for the bed and anyone who sleeps in the bed. As the victim, it is a peace offering and softening of the heart to the healing process and offering forgiveness.
- Now we have reached the other side and have passed the red sea. We are starting over, but being willing to allow God to lead the way. There may be doubt preventing you from moving your feet. Let’s overcome that doubt. Let’s remove the energetic body of doubt.
- The manna itself represents the “feast” for your spirit. In this protocol it represents the relationships in your life. Each relationship can either offer nourishment or sickness. If the relationships/manna is riddled with a plague; it will create sickness. If you eat too much or too little; it can create illness. So, let’s clean up your relationships.
- Ask for all the light energies to remove all control energy. Cast out all remaining control energy within your relationships. ONLY IF you need to give this step more attention follow these steps:
Healing From Conflict part two - The Spirit Code
- Remove conflict lenses
- Remove spiritual parasites from your relationships (test which parasite is present)
Deception Infection - The Spirit Code
Spiritual Parasite - LUCIUS - The Spirit Code
Pride Infection - The Spirit Code
- We must perform an act to prepare the soil for God to plant the manna now that all the disease has been removed. Let’s till the soil. This is an act of uprooting the expectations and leaving the soil open for God to plat at His will. This act takes great humility; sacrificing your will in order to receive God’s will. Take a deep breath and see yourself setting down your expectations. Sit on the ground and just be present. No action steps. No expectations. Just open to receive. Trust in God. Trust the process. Trust in your body. Trust that God knows your needs. Choose to let go and let God take care of the rest. We are not planting the seed. We are not asking what God is planting. We are simply open to receive.
- Partake of the Manna. The act of partaking of the manna represents accepting and receiving the lessons God offers in order to help you fulfill your mission in life. Invite your spirit to partake one gram of manna a day. Not to over indulge or to restrict; simply to receive and become one with God’s will.