Tap on the sides of your hands: · Even though I feel as though my kids don’t respect me and don’t listen to me, I still love myself and my children · Even though I feel as if love their electronics way more than me, I still deeply love and respect myself and my children · Even though I’m pretty sure my kids think and say mean things about me, I still deeply love, honor and respect myself and my children Eyebrow – I have tried really hard to be an amazing dad Side of the eye – But it’s just not that easy Under the eye – I’ve survived my own childhood Nose – I told myself I would never make the same mistakes my parents made Lip – It was easy to be the hero for my children when they were young Chest – I’ve actually worked really hard to take good care of them Armpit – I work… and work… and work Wrist – But it never seems like I have enough money to take care of my family Head – And give my children the childhood they deserve Eyebrow – I get stressed over the demands at work Side of the eye – And sometimes bring that stress home Under the eye – There’s a lot of pressure on my shoulders Nose – To be the provider Lip – Sometimes, I lack the energy to race around the house with the young kids Chest – Maybe I am a little short with them when I see them fighting Armpit – Or acting out Wrist – I should probably have a little more empathy for my parents Head – They worked hard to raise me Eyebrow – And I didn’t realize all the sacrifices they did for me Side of the eye – Until now Under the eye – Heavenly Father also works hard to give me opportunities Nose – To help me to grow and succeed in life Lip – There sure are a lot of people who love me Chest – And I feel like I am learning how to love my own kids Armpit – The way God loves me Wrist – I can stop picking out flaws in myself Head – And I can stop picking out flaws in my kids Eyebrow – They will learn on their own Side of the eye – I don’t have to teach them everything Under the eye – I don’t want them to be a robot following orders Nose – I want them to think on their own and make their own decisions Lip – However, I desire the best for them Chest – I want them to live up to their potential Armpit – But the more I push them to succeed, Wrist – The more they rebel and push back Head – Maybe if I offer them more freedom Eyebrow – They will develop their own sense of responsibility Side of the eye – No matter what, I will always worry about them Under the eye – One of the most important things I will teach them Nose – Is how to overcome their personal challenges Lip – This really isn’t about me Chest – I want my kids to love themselves Armpit – And know they deserve love! Wrist – But, it’s sure hard to put off the offenses from these rebellious kids of mine Head – But there is a higher purpose at play here Eyebrow – I’ve really got to ensure a sense of self-worth in my kids Side of the eye – Spend the time with them that they need Under the eye – Give them inspiring words of affirmation Nose – I’m ready to take these kids to the next step Lip – I am their hero! Chest – I am their leader! Armpit – They are sure to fight me, but I will renew my efforts Wrist – If I don’t fight for them, then who will? Head – This is what it means to be a father Eyebrow – I want them to progress far beyond what I have achieved in life Side of the eye – The world may have many different views of success Under the eye – I think of success as how much we love Nose – That is going to be my primary focus when I teach my kids to share love and receive love Lip – I love my children exactly as they are right now Chest – I love being a dad, through thick and thin Armpit – I will offer myself patience because fatherhood isn’t easy Wrist – But it sure is worth it Head – I am honored to be training to be just like my own Father in Heaven |