Lesson #5 Continuing the Journey
Lesson #5 Continuing the Journey
Let’s take this to the next step for practical use:
He steps onto the board and loses his balance, realizing he cannot cross this wobbly board safely, he squats down for safety. The toy is so desirous that he lunges for the toy, but that is not the purpose of the exercise so the therapist has him start over. Next, he attempts to cross the board on his tummy, but again this is also not the point so he is brought back to start over. At this point, he grows frustrated and refuses to cross the board and so he cries and throws a fit because it feels impossible. I think we get stuck in this thinking quite often ourselves when the trial is just too hard. Does God really want us to suffer? Doesn’t God want us to experience health, happiness and healing?
Surprisingly, he doesn’t reach for the toy. He turns around and with a beaming smile, he claps for himself.
I broke down in tears.
You see, we cannot comprehend why God makes us go through impossible trials. We justify our resistance because we cannot comprehend why God wants us to suffer, only that God wants us to experience joy! We seem to misunderstand trials entirely.
Is the purpose of physical therapy, to overcome the exercise and play with the toy? No, the true purpose is the muscle tone we develop from the exercises, but we are little children and cannot comprehend the purpose. All we can do accept that God knows the purpose of our trials and He knows our potential. If we stop resisting the growth process and embrace it, we can quickly complete the exercise. If your heart is truly committed to developing your full potential in this life, then there will be more advanced and more difficult exercises ahead. However, when we accept and embrace these exercises, look to God for direction and Christ for support, we can easily graduate physical therapy as a fully perfected Child of God.
Each child at physical therapy is working on different levels of difficulty. Some learning to stand, some learning to walk, some will never walk, others are practicing balance, and others are practicing jumping. We cannot expect the child learning to stand to be capable of practicing jumping. We would not place my son in a simpler exercise such as learning to stand either. It’s difficult to understand why a child without balance is placed on a wobbly board where there is no balance.
We cannot comprehend the trials we face, but we can honor the very purpose of the challenge by simply having enough faith in God to accept the trial and be willing to trust Him.
This is a fabulous example of Christ’s words, “The true miracle is the change of heart.” Sometimes physical healing is still offered as soon as we choose to partner with God and do things differently. Sometimes the hearing loss is God’s way of helping us to make some changes or to communicate an emotional need. Sometimes the body is so grateful to fulfill the purpose, that God offers the physical healing. Sometimes medical intervention is encouraged and we can be humbled to accept a medical approach. Sometimes the true miracle is a willingness to soften my heart and turn a trial into a gift by being willing to see things from God’s perspective. His hearing loss is not a limitation, it is part of God’s design. It doesn’t even feel like a burden any longer because my heart was softened. This is helping Zach (and me) to strengthen our understanding of communication to align with a higher potential or opportunity. I don’t have to know everything right now, but I do know how to proceed in the meanwhile. This was only possible when I was willing to give my heart to God and open up to His way over my way. Believe me, I was very intent on that surgery and spent the last few weeks seeking a compromise with God. Once I was willing to stop forcing God to choose between the options I created, then I was able to open up to all sorts of possibilities. I am once again humbled.
Let’s take this to the next step for practical use:
- Start with the symptom – how is your body communicating with you?
- Feel gratitude that your body communicates with you! Your body is not the enemy! Your body is the bridge between your spirit and the natural man within you as you are learning from the experiences of life. You are not perfected yet. God is helping you; we just need to learn how to change ourselves rather than changing God. Maybe the goal is not to remove the symptom or change the struggles or relieve the suffering. The purpose of life is NOT to overcome trials so you can receive the blessings you seek. Read that again. I will explain more, but this is very important in the process and a humbling acceptance.
- You have a million bit of evidence from your memories to support your feelings. So instead of changing your energy, let’s honor and embrace the opportunity to feel and experience everything!
- Nothing about your experience in life are wrong or needs changed! Your past served a very important part of your eternal progression, offering challenges that offered you growth. You have been learning how to manage opposition and agency and light vs dark. Life has presented many challenges. Maybe the problem is the resistance to the challenges of life. The opposition is not the problem, the trials and the challenges are not the problem. Maybe the shift we need to embrace is the purpose behind the challenges. God is orchestrating opportunities in your life to grow and become more like Him.
- Open your heart or your energy or your soul to the experience. Embrace it fully, accept it and be willing to grow from it. We tend to resist the trials, but let’s embrace and accept it instead.
- How do the angels do this? Heaven is full of angels that had difficult life experiences. They are not experiencing peace and joy just because the trial is over. They have learned the purpose of the trials they experienced in life and stopped resisting the trial. This is difficult because we truly hate the trials! There is a balance we must learn. Opposition is not simply evil or trials or relational opposition that we must overcome. I asked for a parable to understand this part of the lesson for better integration.
- I asked God for a Parable to help my mind understand this process better.
He steps onto the board and loses his balance, realizing he cannot cross this wobbly board safely, he squats down for safety. The toy is so desirous that he lunges for the toy, but that is not the purpose of the exercise so the therapist has him start over. Next, he attempts to cross the board on his tummy, but again this is also not the point so he is brought back to start over. At this point, he grows frustrated and refuses to cross the board and so he cries and throws a fit because it feels impossible. I think we get stuck in this thinking quite often ourselves when the trial is just too hard. Does God really want us to suffer? Doesn’t God want us to experience health, happiness and healing?
- My son represents all of us in this life, we are children being taught through difficult experiences and incapable of understanding the purpose for the trials we are facing.
- The toy represents; health happiness and healing or the goal you are reaching for.
- I am the parent so I am representing God; encouraging us and desiring to help us achieve the purpose of the trial.
- The therapist is Christ, going through the struggles with us and helping strengthen us when we cannot do it alone.
- The wobbly board represents the trials we are facing.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t reach for the toy. He turns around and with a beaming smile, he claps for himself.
I broke down in tears.
You see, we cannot comprehend why God makes us go through impossible trials. We justify our resistance because we cannot comprehend why God wants us to suffer, only that God wants us to experience joy! We seem to misunderstand trials entirely.
Is the purpose of physical therapy, to overcome the exercise and play with the toy? No, the true purpose is the muscle tone we develop from the exercises, but we are little children and cannot comprehend the purpose. All we can do accept that God knows the purpose of our trials and He knows our potential. If we stop resisting the growth process and embrace it, we can quickly complete the exercise. If your heart is truly committed to developing your full potential in this life, then there will be more advanced and more difficult exercises ahead. However, when we accept and embrace these exercises, look to God for direction and Christ for support, we can easily graduate physical therapy as a fully perfected Child of God.
Each child at physical therapy is working on different levels of difficulty. Some learning to stand, some learning to walk, some will never walk, others are practicing balance, and others are practicing jumping. We cannot expect the child learning to stand to be capable of practicing jumping. We would not place my son in a simpler exercise such as learning to stand either. It’s difficult to understand why a child without balance is placed on a wobbly board where there is no balance.
We cannot comprehend the trials we face, but we can honor the very purpose of the challenge by simply having enough faith in God to accept the trial and be willing to trust Him.
- We can easily get stuck begging God to remove the trial or even stuck feeling we are being punished because the trial isn’t going away. Everything you have felt or experienced is PERFECT and a critical part of your progression! Instead of changing the experience, let’s accept it and open up to learning everything we can. Open up to all the difficult emotions you have felt, each serve a purpose. Acceptance is critical to opening up and learning so you can keep going! This is not the same as begrudgingly enduring or suffering with joy, nor will acceptance make the suffering intensify. If you think that your resistance has kept your suffering manageable, then ask yourself – has my resistance removed the trial? Do I believe God designed my life or do I believe everything is merely accidental? Do I believe that God is perfect, that God loves me, that life has a purpose? Is there a possibility that I don’t know everything? Do I believe that my life has meaning? Do I believe the scriptures, that even if the very jaws of hell swallow me up, that this experience can be used for good? What if my suffering is part of the process of developing a higher form of intelligence to become life God? Am I willing to sacrifice what I want right now, for true happiness? Maybe we don’t even know what true happiness is, but God does. God has a purpose for everything in your life. Christ could have served His ministry simply with His teachings, but He did offer miracles. These miracles offer motivation to keep going. Miracles also offer evidence to your mind, but the true miracle is the change of heart.
- What if we misunderstand everything? What if the reward is just the motivation? What if the problem is actually the solution creating the perfect environment needed to succeed? What if suffering isn’t in the way of happiness, but suffering is the way to happiness? What if we could see our trials differently? What if we are praying for the wrong thing? What if we stop living in the past or living in the future and simply accept the experience? What if this acceptance offers the exact opportunity for the growth needed to finally overcome the trial? It’s discouraging to think that God will offer more trials instead of taking the trials away. It’s your choice to accept God’s plan for your life, but not what trials are offered. Stop praying for the symptoms or the trials to stop and instead ask God, what can I learn from this? Even thank God for the trial because the trial is creating strength or creating compassion or teaching us how to love. This is humbling and challenging!
- So, what is the purpose to this trial? This is different for everybody and it changes as you do; if you ask God to help you, rather than taking away the trial, ask God to help you learn everything you can. This can be extraordinary because the true miracle is the change of heart! God is your partner; He desires to help you reach YOUR eternal goals! The adversary is attempting to confuse the concept of a miracle and misleading us so we never learn how to overcome each trial and we never progress in our spiritual development. The balance of light and dark co-exists within the universe. We are learning hate, anger, pain, forgiveness, patience, joy, light and love. All of these energies are part of the experience, let’s feel gratitude for the opportunity to experience everything. “If the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.” D&C 122:7.
- If you want to learn the purpose to the trial, we have to take action steps and change our expectation! A simplified way to remove most expectation traps is as follows:
- Accept responsibility for the thoughts you are creating. I put my thought energy into an expected or desired result, this isn’t working so I’m willing to accept the one that needs to change is me. I’m drained because of all the energy I’ve put into creating a result that God isn’t offering. I misunderstood and I’m willing to stop creating these expectations and bring them all back so I can close the door on all the futures expectations I created.
- Then turn to the past and let’s honor the purpose of the trials by accepting the past. These trials created who you are today and offered you all the opportunities to fulfill your purpose in life. You need the evidence in your past to protect you so all we are ready to do is offer closure by accepting what happened. Accepting this, prevents your body from rejecting progress by flaring up self-preservation cycles. See yourself offering closure to the past and closing that door.
- Remove the adversarial tricksters, by recommitting to God’s plan. I accept God’s plan, I accept the purpose of opposition and trials, I choose to embrace suffering and I choose God’s plan. Then share this peaceful loving energy which will detach and force them out. This step serves a purpose because we need to be in the right mindset to handle the responsibility of evolving. If the intention is to avoid suffering, then your mind still needs refinement. You might need to be aware of more expectations before getting past this step.
- Now, see the door to the present in front of you. This represents the difficult trial you have been resisting in your life. Open the door and EMBRACE it! Have a willingness to embrace the trial, it has a purpose! Step in and see yourself humbly falling to your knees, broken, willing to experience the trial God is offering. Fully connect by grounding yourself and humbling your heart to God’s will. Fall to your knees and ask for help. Willing to be taught, willing to grow, willing to see God’s perspective so you can also develop a testimony of this trial so it can become a blessing and your heart can change. Then you can start working towards the true goal and finally reach your potential. Those symptoms were simply helping you to reach the goal! This doesn’t mean the trial gets worse, it simply means we are willing accept the trial Gd is offering.
- Now, we are aligned with receiving direction from God to understand the purpose to the trial. We are humbled enough to be willing to change. We can start working in the right direction to produce results as God’s partner. Often times the body or God is so grateful to fulfill the purpose, that healing is still the end result!! The body is your partner, it is communicating with you. When you are ready to stop seeking the desired/expected outcome, then you are humble enough to start working with God and begin making progress. There is another option and once you are willing to change your heart, then the end result is typically the exact healing you were seeking. If healing is not offered, that’s ok because you now know the purpose and enduring is no longer a challenge! The miracle is not contingent on you being perfect, but the miracle is offered differently and you may not be able to see it. You might be blind to the miracle and complicating the “exercise” or dragging out the suffering far more than necessary. That is hard to accept. The suffering you are experiencing or the trial you are attempting to overcome is HUGE! At this point humble yourself, see yourself falling to your knees weeping, “I am humbled, I am broken, I am nothing without You, please help me.”
- Open your heart. Open your mind. Open yourself to God.
- Now, you are ready to receive direction.
- As you are open to receive the direction will vary drastically.
- I am willing to suffer! I am willing to experience trials because they are helping me succeed with my true goals as a spirit child. When I embrace these trials, I can develop the strength received from the trials. I cannot change the trials and my goal is to feel better. I am embracing my life and exactly how it looks right now. I am allowing my heart to change perspectives. I am ready to partner with God to begin making progress. These trials can become blessings and I am ready to begin opening up to my potential.
- Possible option #1: We might get to offer the sacrifice steps at this point, these are taught in lesson 4, but with your intention aligned with God.
- Simplified version of the sacrifice steps: Merge your spirit and mind with the person you are helping or do this with yourself by connecting your spirit body, energetic body, mind, heart, and flesh to act as one by feeling a deep love for all these parts of you. Honor all the experiences of your life and allow gratitude to swell in your heart for the opportunity to suffer. That suffering led to growth. Your body was designed perfectly and communicates with you to help you succeed. The problem is often the solution. These struggles or symptoms are actually helping you to reach the bigger goals of your divine spiritual potential. The opposition plan God created is also perfectly designed and we can feel honored to have lived through these experiences and become willing to continue growing. When we stop resisting, we can embrace the growth and the trials become “easy” to overcome. Practicing the law of sacrifice and suffering with someone is the deepest form of love we currently understand. Become willing to take it on and open up and feel honored to suffer to offer someone else relief. Then share all you have with them; you can also feel honored to share your blessings. We all deserve to feel loved and treated with respect for our experiences and opinions. When you begin caring about others feeling loved over your own comfort, you will begin seeing how this practice helps your own heart to align with Christ. These steps actually create the energy flow that can create healing miracles within yourself and others. When you are complete, remain open even if there is discomfort. The earth will rebalance your act of sacrifice when the sacrifice was done with the right intent.
- Possible option #2: often there is an issue that God would like to help you overcome, but it may go back many eternities. You have a deep and rich spiritual history.
- Possible options #3: Maybe we are offered opportunities to overcome big hurtles or blocks; we can practice any of the energy work steps in this program at this point. The difference, has shifted because you are working towards a different goal and thus making progress, but with a willingness to participate in the exercise. The true miracle can create a deep testimony and gratitude for the struggle. You are still the child learning how to develop the muscle tone. This is a beautiful message of HOPE! Being humble enough to have HOPE redirected towards an outcome God is offering because there is a higher purpose. Open up! Open your heart, your mind and your limited understanding, like opening a door, to connect your spiritual light to God. Then take the action steps needed to work with God and continue on your healing journey.
- Allow HOPE to magnify! There is no limit to the potential to commune with God. Open up to embrace the trial with a willingness and even gratitude for the purpose!
- When you are doing these steps for someone else – You will want to implement the lesson 4 steps Christ taught to us, to go through the trial with your client, at the beginning of this work. When you are doing the steps for yourself, the steps in lesson 4 might be done right now in this process.
- My 5-year-old son has severe mixed hearing loss within the inner and outer ear. I have been praying and seeking guidance for a big decision placed before us. Do we proceed with a surgical implant hearing device or continue attempting the external hearing device that tends to end up across the room after 1 minute of wear. I received simple answers, but the answers left me seeking a compromise with God. God asked me, “if Zach could surgically have his down syndrome corrected would that be pursued?”. My answer, “no, I am aware his down syndrome is to protect him from the evils of the world as he was originally meant to be born during the millennium. He was born early as he volunteered to help us with another family matter. So, the down syndrome is not a mistake to fix, it’s protecting him.” I presented the options to God and asked for much more specific direction for his hearing loss. There are a few devices to choose between. His innocence is still protected with the down syndrome so his hearing could be corrected without altering his innocence. God showed me the regret with the implant would be extreme, which is hard for me to accept as this option seems to be ideal. I took inward reflection and realized; I am giving God the choices and limiting my ability to hear God’s will. I want to partner with God to help Zach succeed with his life’s mission, this is beyond my ability to comprehend. At this point I simply want to help him hear and seeking the best solution. Do we practice healing techniques to correct his hearing loss? Do we partner with medical intervention to correct his hearing loss? Do we continue trying to help him wear the external hearing aids? Do we work on teaching him sign language at home and school with other forms of communication devices? If there is very little time left until we are safely within the City of Light, then we may not have medical intervention if there is an infection with the implant. We may not have access to batteries for the hearing aids. But my child is missing out on these critical developmental years of communication. There may be so many factors I cannot currently comprehend and I am anxious to overcome this hurtle. So, I corrected the expectation traps I created. I simply took back all the energy I put into future expectations regarding this issue I am trying to fix for my son. I created those options and the expectation that God would offer me direction based on the limited choices I created from my short-sighted presumptions. I want to partner with God and my son’s purpose in life so I am no longer forcing God’s hand and willingly closed the false futures I created. Then I checked to see if I had drained any energy from the past to support my projections of possibilities for this decision. I returned all the energy to the past and accepted that all the experiences served a purpose and were perfect, offering acceptance and closure. I recommitted to God’s plan as a Child of God where no adversarial spirits or tricksters have my heart’s attention. I am willing to change my heart and accept the miracle God is offering. Then I chose to step into the present and ground myself in God’s will. I fell to the ground weeping “I am nothing God. Please teach me and help me to move forward Your way. I am humbled and teachable.” Then I allowed myself to open up to whatever direction God offered.
This is a fabulous example of Christ’s words, “The true miracle is the change of heart.” Sometimes physical healing is still offered as soon as we choose to partner with God and do things differently. Sometimes the hearing loss is God’s way of helping us to make some changes or to communicate an emotional need. Sometimes the body is so grateful to fulfill the purpose, that God offers the physical healing. Sometimes medical intervention is encouraged and we can be humbled to accept a medical approach. Sometimes the true miracle is a willingness to soften my heart and turn a trial into a gift by being willing to see things from God’s perspective. His hearing loss is not a limitation, it is part of God’s design. It doesn’t even feel like a burden any longer because my heart was softened. This is helping Zach (and me) to strengthen our understanding of communication to align with a higher potential or opportunity. I don’t have to know everything right now, but I do know how to proceed in the meanwhile. This was only possible when I was willing to give my heart to God and open up to His way over my way. Believe me, I was very intent on that surgery and spent the last few weeks seeking a compromise with God. Once I was willing to stop forcing God to choose between the options I created, then I was able to open up to all sorts of possibilities. I am once again humbled.
- You might find that you are feeling sad after utilizing these steps a few times because it’s a hard realization that we will continue struggling in life. The purpose is not to become hopeless, but to experience a perfect brightness of HOPE! So, let’s avoid releasing that sadness and instead embrace it. Are you sad because you feel undervalued? Are you sad because you are feeling that the world is so evil that there’s no hope. OR maybe you feel sad because God weeps and feels deep Godly sorrow for the state of the world and all the people who are suffering. Maybe feeling sad because you are grieving the life you wanted or lost and are not living? Maybe feeling sad that trials are not going away, maybe when you stopped resisting the challenges, you started grieving the challenges in your life? Let’s embrace this sadness. See the homeless woman on the side of the road who is blind, hungry, and sick. See yourself walk up to her and hold her, see her for all that she is. Her journey has been hard and we can honor her by comforting her, walking with her and understanding her. How must God feel to see all this suffering in the world. God desires that we help each other and that is exactly what this new method focuses on. How can you help more people to be an instrument in God’s hands? Let’s also connect with God. See Him as He weeps seeing His children suffering. Deeply see Him and understand Him and His heart. Let’s offer to share in that sorrow with God. Stand by His side offering to help carry this sadness with Him, to help offset these deep emotions and offer yourself as a vessel for the overflow for His sadness. it is a lot to carry for one person – even God. What a lovely opportunity to feel such deep love for your fellow man, to see them through God’s eyes. No judgement, no forced cure, but experiencing a deep love for someone you have never even met. Of course, God is amazing and blesses us for such a selfless sacrifice. Your sadness will be replaced with love and gratitude.
- Being open is more like being willing to feel the experiences of life. Being open to God and other people who you are connecting with. Your spirit core is the pure light of God and that is the part that we typically cage up to protect. We are opening the natural man which is the energetic body that acts are an outfit for the spirit core. When we open up, we are simply opening that part of the energetic body to allow the true spirit core to connect energetically to the experiences of life. It has been misused in the past so there is a component of choosing when and where to be safe to open up. Being an open vessel is allowing God to become one with us to be used for Godly purposes to bless others. If you are feeling really bad, there’s a chance you closed up your energy accidently when life was difficult. Maybe you trapped the energy you took on for your client or a dark spirit. Possibly with the intention of preventing suffering, but unintentionally creating distress. Intentionally OPEN UP! We can get specific about this because the world is not safe to remain open all the time. Being open to the experience, open to learn and grow, open to God and to bless others. Closed to evil or unsafe people. Use your chakras as a door and free your spirit by remaining open. This will also let the adversarial spirit to depart on its own. If you took this spirit on for your client, it is more powerful than you can battle plus the battle has already been won, it’s not your battle either, choosing to stop the fight and instead lean into God’s light. You also cannot simply release the energy you took on either, it could take a lifetime. Opening up to God, creation, the earth and the angels, allows creation to take on the energy and offer you relief. It may take a few hours for the earth to take on the energy for you. You might notice plants may die or a storm will occur. Send love and gratitude into the storm and into the plant for their selfless sacrifice. Allow the love to flow from you to offset the intensity of the suffering from the atmosphere that the storm or the plant is feeling. Sharing energy with creation through the direction of God the Father and/or Jesus Christ is an act of Godhood. We are not opening ourselves up for adversarial forces! We are becoming one with creation. Learning to have faith in the duality of sacrifice and service.
- If you start having bad dreams, the natural response is to cast out and shield up. Let’s do a combination of steps. When you feel there is something dark, open yourself up to release anything dark you are holding onto within you. See if there is more to learn or understand or ways to improve the process better next time. Then get more particular to how you open up: open up to God, creation and all the beauty of the angelic support available to battle with you for your freedom. Buit remain closed to any unsafe situations or people. The opposition wants you to feel alone and frightened. God wants you to be connected and feel love. We are embracing God and your divine birthright! See if there is something that invited that attack? Is there anything you can learn from the bad dream? Maybe there was a warning. I had a bed dream last night about something super evil being unleashed from a deck of cards with pictures on them. I had to destroy the cards to overcome the evil. I asked for angelic assistance to understand what was being taught. Was it awareness of the evil in the world? Was it an attack? Was there something I did that invited this evil? A: when my kids were talking later that day, my son showed me these CARDS he was ordering for a game! I asked, was this dream a warning against these cards? I spiritually looked at the cards he wanted to order and immediately felt that same fear and evil from the dream. Then, I felt deep gratitude for the dream that taught me to avoid purchasing these game cards.
- When emotions pop-up, practice leaning into them. Don’t release them, simply learn from them as they come. Ask questions and learn as you go. Examples:
- I’m feeling amazing after doing this work and I am deep in thought. Then my kids start fighting, everyone is demanding my attention, and I am feeling the heaviness of the session that I have yet to be relieved of. Then I get overwhelmed and yell or I feel defeated that I lost the amazing feeling of love and replaced it with yucky energy. I get in my head that I failed or that I can’t do this. The old way is to release this energy and cast out or discharge the energy I took on myself because it is interfering with my life and creating distress. I know, I know, this is hard. The new way of approaching this is the best way to reset and rebalance. Embrace these emotions. Q: What can I learn from this? Q: Why do I feel like a failure? Q: Did I truly fail? I feel like I am not ready for this burden, what if it destroys me or I cannot handle it or what if it is not relieved? Breathe… You are getting stuck in a fear cycle and a future trap. You closed up when opposition flared up. Let’s open back up. Get into a quiet space and see yourself open your chakras like a doorway and allow your spirit freedom. Open up to the earth and to God specifically. Remember you can depend on creation to relieve this burden and you will feel relief the more you open up and trust in God. Allow the earth to offer to carry the afflictions when it is offered and at the pace it is relieved. You see the earth is Heavenly Mother and she has always taken care of you down to every single breath of air. She will come through and she will offset this energy as you acted selflessly, the earth will also act selfless and relieve you of this suffering you took on for your client. Q: Why did I feel upset when my kids were fighting? I felt overwhelmed and frustrated, these emotions are natural. I know I am free to choose where I put my energy and I choose to feed life with my thoughts. I am not alone even if I feel alone, I only felt alone because I closed up and didn’t allow myself to be part of a community of healing energy within creation. I see this now as something I can change and as I open up, I no longer feel alone and overwhelmed. I’m glad I felt those emotions because I needed a reminder to remain open and not closed up or trapped within my limitations. My kids bring opportunities to practice service, practice love, and practice creation with God. Visualize: Picture yourself surrounded by trees, flowers, and your kids while laughing and communing with nature. Allow energy to flow freely. Share your energy and release all the love that is in your heart. Share love with the trees and the flowers, and the grass, and the dirt, and the sun. Share this energy and the earth will share energy back to you tenfold and with deep gratitude.
- Maybe you are feeling a block and struggling to repeat this process. Q: Did I exhaust myself and maybe I am apprehensive repeating this process? It took a lot out of me and I don’t know if I can handle this again. I felt such deep emotions the first time, I don’t want to feel such deep emotions, I just want to be normal. This is A LOT to practice. It is not required of you! It’s a practice and you don’t need to run faster than you have strength. Q: Did I forget that I am still learning? I am simply repeating the process Christ is teaching me. He will teach me more as I am ready. Maybe I can practice in the law of sacrifice by allowing someone else to work on me. Maybe I let my ego into the process and block me from these steps. Maybe I have a future energy trap I fed into that needs removed. Maybe these blocks are exactly what my client is feeling and I am experiencing them with my client. Maybe I can practice on someone else who might be easier. Maybe I need to practice the steps on myself again. Maybe I need to submit myself again, I am nothing without God, please teach me if I am worthy. Maybe you need to recommit to doing these steps for the purpose of building up the Kingdom of God on earth, not to create miracles or receive something. We are not limited to stopping with the steps Christ taught us during His ministry. Christ taught us that we can do far more when we are focusing on God’s ways rather than our own limitations. A block is a limitation due to an expectation. What are you expecting? Did you forget that everything is an offering or a sacrifice? Therefore, it doesn’t work when practiced alone and it is not something we create or release. We are deeply honoring, loving and partaking in a Godly act. Blocks are a choice. I choose to remember I am limitless and free. I choose to open myself back up and continue on my journey. I desire to spread God’s love and bring God’s kingdom to the earth with my thoughts and actions. The miracle is experienced within my heart. The miracle is offered freely as all of creation is rejoicing! I hardly feel like I am overwhelmed by this sacrifice for my client, I am actually thrilled to begin living my purpose and becoming one with God. Each offering of these healing steps is a blessing in my life. I am seeing the world and living experiences through other people’s eyes. I am learning true love. I am practicing sacrifice. I am practicing energetic tithing. I am getting more out of these steps than I am able to offer. So maybe the block has nothing to do with my client and everything to do with me. The steps are hard…. Super hard…. I am embracing the difficulty and the growth. I can do hard things and I am anxious to continue practicing until this becomes natural and even easy. No blocks have the power to bog me down, I am a being of light. The cage that once held my spirit, is open and I am free. A block is not real, it has no power as I am without limits and my spirit is free.
- These steps are not making you immortal! They are not making everything better and removing all afflictions or conflict in life. You will not be able to avoid all suffering in the future. The true miracle is the change of heart. When your intention is to become like Christ, you do not need a miracle or relief from suffering because you have a higher understanding of God, which will feel like the greatest miracle you could ever experience. If healing is offered, you are grateful, so beyond grateful that words cannot describe it because it’s not taken for granted nor was it demanded. In fact, you will happily repeat these steps regularly as they bring you joy as you are fine tuning yourself! The true satisfaction is seeing how this affects others. So many people suffer, so do we, but this selfless act is the path towards the healing we seek. We are not committing to bettering ourselves only if there is a miracle offered or opposition removed. We are bettering ourselves because we deeply desire to become more like God AND help others to find their way back to God. Healing is an offering once the heart has been changed. It isn’t expected or forced; it is received however it is being offered. When you know you are loved and supported, you also know that God weeps to see you suffering. He wants to bless you; He wants to relieve your burdens. We are open to receive the abundant blessings God desires to offer. Every symptom is another opportunity to practice these steps. How beautiful is that?!
- Your energetic body/the natural man is no longer polluted so intentionally keep yourself open every day. Open to share, open to receive and open to God. Again, not open to evil! Remember prior to the flood, people misused this gift to hurt and control others. It is a sacred opportunity and we must be worthy of this power. It can become corrupted and misused to control others. God blocked this after the flood to protect this incredible power and blessing. Until this becomes natural, please remember to humble yourself as an apprentice or student to The Savior. His ways are higher than our ways and we will be learning every day of our lives. Any attempt to control will either lead you to darkness or stop the energy exchange entirely. That is why this was taught in several lessons. If you didn’t learn from the other lessons, these steps can backfire.
- Example: If your husband is contentious and you desire to do these steps in order to help him – is the deeper reason to make your own life better because he is always looking to argue or because you know he is suffering and you deeply desire to bring love and light back into his heart? It’s ok to say it is because you are sick of him being mean to you or because you want him to make better choices so your life is better! His actions do affect your life and block the peaceful spirit you seek to invite in your home. This is incredibly difficult. I don’t have all the right answers. I am not a perfect person and I am also learning as I go. I would be concerned that the intention might be partially in an effort to control his actions. This could backfire and invite an attack. My initial thought is to refocus yourself. You can work on him, if he is desirous for your help, but maybe simply work on your intentions first. I would dive into my thoughts and start asking questions until I get to the right place. Also, the “Trials of Job” protocol might help! You might see if there are any other bible examples that might help and see if I have a document already completed. Q: What are my true intentions? Is my goal to be One with my husband and I am afraid that he is on a different journey than I am? Am I trying to force him to fulfill an expectation I have? Am I afraid that he is not capable of advancing enough to join me on this journey of becoming Godly? Am I aware that he is just under attack and fully ready to step into his potential, but needs help to get there? Is his heart and spirit committed and ready to receive his own miracle to remember his purpose and potential? Can I see him through God’s eyes? Am I ready to release him from my expectation of a perfect person and receive him exactly as he is capable of showing up right now? Am I perfect? How can I create the results I truly seek? I want happiness. I want connection. I want to feel deep love. Who is perfect? God. So, why am I expecting my husband to be perfect? I sometimes get upset, I sometimes do things I regret, I sometimes sin. If God reminded me of my imperfections, I would never improve so why am I reminding my husband of his imperfections? How does God love my husband? God doesn’t force anyone to do anything, God honors us and walks with us. Is my way the right way or the only way? No. Maybe the differences my husband offers the world actually offer beauty. Maybe his approach isn’t wrong, just different. Maybe he is working through something, maybe he is creating opposition for someone else. I always have a choice. I am choosing to be married to him, I can walk away if I need to. If I choose to remain married to him, then how can I honor him and love him the way God would like to teach me? Am I ready to serve him without my own agenda? Without trying to fix him or change him or show him “the right way”. Rather, to relieve him of the burden he has been carrying by offering to carry it for him, but not because I want to “fix him”, but because I am honored with the opportunity to become more like God by practicing these steps. In fact, he is helping me in my journey as I practice this. I am feeling honored to open my mind further by experiencing life through his eyes. I am becoming more like God and I am honored to practice these steps for my husband. Please allow me the honor to be more like God by offering you these steps. Thank you so much for honoring me in return and trusting me with such difficult burdens you have been carrying. You have blessed me tremendously and I am deeply grateful. This practice is simply amazing.
- Create a support group. You may find that things are changing and difficult to approach. Have someone in your corner who is on this journey with you. Share experiences. I find that I sometimes get in my own head thinking how amazing it was when someone healed or part of me healed when offering the work for others, then I cannot seem to duplicate the steps. I lost the humility and became egotistical that I was doing something cool. I even struggle to feel undervalued for my efforts. All of these thoughts limited my ability to access the deeper connection to God’s heart and the process halted. I have to stop and remind myself; every step has nothing to do with healing someone else. I cannot control someone else. I am not in charge of others. I am only in control of my own thoughts and actions. Therefore, I am offering myself as a sacrifice. I am sharing love. I am following God’s example and allowing myself to learn more each day. I do not have all the answers. My way is not the only way. I am simply following God’s direction and desiring to share with others. How the work blesses others, rests in the hands of the receiver. I am completely okay with any result that is received because my heart has changed and I am deeply honored to have this opportunity. I am anxious to bring God’s Kingdom to fruition on earth for the return of my Savior. I am recommitting myself and honoring myself and others in this journey.
- When doing a session, remember we aren’t controlling the results. We may need to repeat often and we may need to combine these steps with other energy work such as the expectations future energy traps. Don’t push your client into these steps if they are not ready. Many seek this healing, but few are truly ready. If they are ready, maybe all that is offered is a small bit, maybe everything is offered. Maybe healing will be offered, maybe the change of heart is offered first. Be open to the process and Let God lead you in this.
- Questions to ask yourself: Are we only willing to change our hearts and follow Christ if there is a miracle being offered to relieve suffering? Are we willing to serve and heal others even if we receive nothing in return? Are we willing to have a perspective of complete excitement for the chance to help others elevate and become closer to God without turning inward and needing more than we have been given with the chance to become one with God and rejoice in the opportunity to love?
- I came across some HUGE barriers preventing these steps with a few different people.