Building up the Kingdom of God on Earth
Lesson #4 Building up the Kingdom of God on Earth
As I am preparing this information, I am reminded of the importance to use my original Spirit Code regularly, even with this new approach. This is part of deeply honoring and loving people where they are rather than trying to place them in a mold of my own expectations or readiness. How beneficial would it be if I chose an approach of minimizing someone’s suffering and while trying to help, unintentionally making them feel worse? God doesn’t answer our prayers by telling us to just let it go and it will all be better. He doesn’t act like our struggles are silly, He walks the journey with us and deeply understands us. This deep love is part of the offering we are utilizing as we are practicing energy work with the example of Christ. We can easily misunderstand it or over simplify it. It takes a daily refocus to overpower any adversarial attempts to overthrow our efforts.
So, let’s summarize the changes we are implementing in order to successfully practice the steps we will be learning in this lesson:
Healing steps are offered to anyone, the miracles offered by God are not contingent on a change of heart by the receiver. The gift is a gift not an expectation to fulfill my expectations. However, I am choosing to have a change of heart in order to begin the process of becoming more like Christ in order to build up the Kingdom of God on Earth so that when the Savior returns, we are ready. I am no longer waiting until after this life for healing; I can see it has always been offered. I can only choose this for myself, I cannot force anyone into my own readiness stage. I choose to honor others and truly love and see them deeply. I am a vessel for God in this process, which means I am making some changes to align my thoughts. I am always a student learning from The Master. I will always need His help to succeed in these steps. I am humble enough to follow His lead and remove all presumed solutions because the goal is not to “fix” others, but to love others. I choose where my energy goes and this is an empowering awareness step as I am not being drained any longer. I am not trapped in the past; I am not trapped in “the worst-case scenario” in the future either. I can choose to see all the difficulties in my life as opportunities to experience all that this life offers, the good, the bad and everything in between. I am embracing the journey. I choose to see the bigger picture in order to move past the distractions preventing me from overcoming these struggles and begin living the life I desire. I can walk on water with Christ even with the storm raging in my life. I am ready to begin putting the steps I have learned, with my pursuit to overcome my own limitations, into practice. I have a great deal of potential that has yet been realized. I can embrace my own struggles and therefore I’m ready to embrace other people’s struggles and begin sharing energy with all of creation. I know healing is possible and this has been the direction I have been seeking all along. I can see how all the steps I have taken, have led me here and so I am deeply grateful for all I have learned in the process because I can truly connect with other people and honor their emotions.
Is this it? Will I finally be done suffering, just like that? When Christ healed the sick, were they immortal or no longer susceptible to getting sick ever again? We don’t get to hear the long-term effects in the bible, but I am guessing their bodies are still susceptible to illness and they will still struggle and they will still ultimately die! Even Lazarus, he wasn’t immortal after being raised from the dead. We still eat daily. We still breathe daily. If you take a huge gasp of breath and hold it, can you prevent having to breathe again? If you run a marathon, are you done exercising for life and still get the benefits of that one day’s efforts? Why did Christ say we are to repent daily and to not put it off for the end? Wouldn’t it be easier to wait until you are completely done sinning and repent all at once? It feels like a waste of time if we have to do it again, even worse if we have to do it daily. I jusLesson #4 Building up the Kingdom of God on Earth
As I am preparing this information, I am reminded of the importance to use my original Spirit Code regularly, even with this new approach. This is part of deeply honoring and loving people where they are rather than trying to place them in a mold of my own expectations or readiness. How beneficial would it be if I chose an approach of minimizing someone’s suffering and while trying to help, unintentionally making them feel worse? God doesn’t answer our prayers by telling us to just let it go and it will all be better. He doesn’t act like our struggles are silly, He walks the journey with us and deeply understands us. This deep love is part of the offering we are utilizing as we are practicing energy work with the example of Christ. We can easily misunderstand it or over simplify it. It takes a daily refocus to overpower any adversarial attempts to overthrow our efforts.
So, let’s summarize the changes we are implementing in order to successfully practice the steps we will be learning in this lesson:
Healing steps are offered to anyone, the miracles offered by God are not contingent on a change of heart by the receiver. The gift is a gift not an expectation to fulfill my expectations. However, I am choosing to have a change of heart in order to begin the process of becoming more like Christ in order to build up the Kingdom of God on Earth so that when the Savior returns, we are ready. I am no longer waiting until after this life for healing; I can see it has always been offered. I can only choose this for myself, I cannot force anyone into my own readiness stage. I choose to honor others and truly love and see them deeply. I am a vessel for God in this process, which means I am making some changes to align my thoughts. I am always a student learning from The Master. I will always need His help to succeed in these steps. I am humble enough to follow His lead and remove all presumed solutions because the goal is not to “fix” others, but to love others. I choose where my energy goes and this is an empowering awareness step as I am not being drained any longer. I am not trapped in the past; I am not trapped in “the worst-case scenario” in the future either. I can choose to see all the difficulties in my life as opportunities to experience all that this life offers, the good, the bad and everything in between. I am embracing the journey. I choose to see the bigger picture in order to move past the distractions preventing me from overcoming these struggles and begin living the life I desire. I can walk on water with Christ even with the storm raging in my life. I am ready to begin putting the steps I have learned, with my pursuit to overcome my own limitations, into practice. I have a great deal of potential that has yet been realized. I can embrace my own struggles and therefore I’m ready to embrace other people’s struggles and begin sharing energy with all of creation. I know healing is possible and this has been the direction I have been seeking all along. I can see how all the steps I have taken, have led me here and so I am deeply grateful for all I have learned in the process because I can truly connect with other people and honor their emotions.
Is this it? Will I finally be done suffering, just like that? When Christ healed the sick, were they immortal or no longer susceptible to getting sick ever again? We don’t get to hear the long-term effects in the bible, but I am guessing their bodies are still susceptible to illness and they will still struggle and they will still ultimately die! Even Lazarus, he wasn’t immortal after being raised from the dead. We still eat daily. We still breathe daily. If you take a huge gasp of breath and hold it, can you prevent having to breathe again? If you run a marathon, are you done exercising for life and still get the benefits of that one day’s efforts? Why did Christ say we are to repent daily and to not put it off for the end? Wouldn’t it be easier to wait until you are completely done sinning and repent all at once? It feels like a waste of time if we have to do it again, even worse if we have to do it daily. I just want to repent and then never be tempted by sin again. What can we learn from the practice of daily repentance? Maybe that temptation and struggles are a daily part of life. Maybe that we cannot avoid struggles, we have to learn how to overcome the power that those struggles have over us to bog us down into such despair that we lose hope. If having hope means that we believe trials will cease entirely, then we will forever be disappointed. We all have a million reasons to resist trials. We all want them to stop. We all want to overcome the trials, but we don’t know how except to eliminate them entirely or to resolve the past so the trials hurt less. I am not here to tell you that you are wrong, I am here to sit with you in this desire and experience it with you. Your desires and feelings are valid and raw. Your efforts to heal are so beautiful. We are so close, but something has been thwarting our efforts and keeping us distracted. The closer we get, the more the adversary is invested in preventing our success, but we are a team in this effort. None of us stand alone. We are not an army of one, we have a whole host of heaven and creation on our side encouraging us to keep going. When something doesn’t work, you keep seeking answers, you keep trying something new. You have been fighting for a righteous pursuit, let’s realign and see what God has to teach us when we are committed to the valiant effort of overcoming evil and creating a peaceful world. This has been the desire of your heart. It has been hyper focused on your own struggles and those of your family, but the desire to overcome trials has never been to disconnect from God’s plan of agency, but to embrace the Savior’s return when Satan will be bound and we will live in peace for 1,000 years. We are appalled by evil and drawn to Gods light and mercy. When we remember this, our hearts can remember the purpose and feel less bogged down by the worldly struggles. You can feel the partnership with creation and you can start to open up amidst the storm raging in your life.
Perfection is not expected or required. Each day can be a fresh start. Give yourself grace, patience and love through this process. I like to complete the expectations and limitations energy traps first protocol so that we can succeed with less sabotages. If you are hitting a roadblock, maybe check to see if you created an expectation trap that needs resolved, then try again.
Also, as you go through the steps, you’ll most likely need to address every limitation that flares up. Even the slightest feeling of resistance needs addressed before proceeding. The miracle is the change of heart. Remember that applies to you and your client! Any possible misalignment of control for specific results will halt the process. Any ego leading you to think you are the one offering healing, will halt the process. We are doing this God’s way and that takes an overhaul from years of desensitization and corruption polluting your righteous intentions to misdirect the results and prevent success.
Practicing Christ’s healing steps when helping others
- I always start with prayer, typically a silent prayer where I ask if I am worthy for the opportunity to partner with Christ to help my client. Then I ask for Christ to Join me and show me each step so I may learn again today.
- I intentionally allow my spirit to travel to the home of my client and then see myself spiritually sitting at my clients’ head with my hands on their head. I focus on opening myself up completely, every part of me being completely open and ready to receive.
- My thumbs start in the middle of the forehead and move outward opening up their mind. Then I place my forehead against their forehead touching. We are “mind melding” in this step.
- Our spirits intertwine in a spiral of unity.
- Then I find where they are and what their experience looks like. Not each struggle, not specific ailments, not controlling the direction of the process at all. This involves a deep feeling within you of a willingness to be vulnerable and without an agenda. If you attempt this step in an effort to “fix their problem”, you’ll find your efforts won’t work. Mainly because your ego is directing that you know how the solution to all their troubles. Christ has shown me that we need to honor them by understanding their experience and how they feel without polluting the approach with judgement by placing myself on a pillar with a path to correction. Simply, allowing myself to feel a deep, humbling, reverent love for their experiences. Allow your heart to truly embrace them and feel what they feel. Hurt if they hurt, feel everything that is being presented without feeling the need to get rid of the discomfort. Lean into those difficult emotions and get deeper and deeper until you feel a limit with all they can offer or share at this time.
- You might need to stop frequently to process through anything that prevents you from being able to see them in their struggles and fully connect. It really helps to use your spiritual sight, which looks a lot like a visualization, but not one you are controlling or directing.
- When you are fully connected, walk the journey with them. Experience it, don’t fix it, but experience it so fully that your heart is incredibly touched with the desire to offer them a deeper act of love. Take upon yourself the image of Christ as a partner with God. Begin walking their journey so completely that you are also experiencing every single struggle with them. Feel deeply grateful for the opportunity to walk this journey with them, being able to fully connect with their experiences. These experiences have a purpose. We do not need to release anything, that is again trying to fix the problem or even dishonoring their response to each trial they experienced. We need to embrace the trial with a reverence for the opportunities or the growth that resulted not in spite of the trial, but because of the trial. We are seeking to use a Godly understanding in this step. It cannot be forced; you will do better if you ask Christ to help you in this effort. Constantly being humbled to bettering your approach.
- We have to battle evil in this step. A willingness to stand in the line of fire for this person you are helping, is a significant act of self-sacrifice and a deep loving act on behalf of this person. If you fear opposition, you won’t want to deal with this step and it will prevent you from continuing. The evil in this step is not every single sabotage or spiritual influence, it’s the main adversarial spirit represented as the spirit of death, that has been draining your client. This spirit is Lucifer or Satan – they took power over the flesh when the fall occurred. Now, when this is being offered to someone else, it is the law of sacrifice, a willingness to take the place of your client. Similar to no longer fearing death and standing in the midst of death and being willing to be taken in place of your client. This is the greatest act of love. It cannot be skipped or delegated. It is quite difficult to offer when we all tend to struggle with our aging bodies and the attacks from rebelling spirits. See yourself kneeling down. Head bowed. Completely humbled and say “I am nothing without God. I offer myself as a sacrifice for _______________ (my client).” This sacrifice is the only way to battle and leave the opposition powerless. This is not done alone, Christ will be by your side and ultimately, He will be the one who offers Himself as a sacrifice for you. If we just delegate to Christ, we are not appropriately accessing the key of faith and sacrifice. It must be an offering of love without fear and a complete willingness to relieve the attack for the other person. Then offering overwhelming gratitude when Christ steps in for you as He completes the steps when you cannot.
- If you just cannot seem to overcome this step. The last resort would be to use this tool: The Source: overcoming advanced attacks - The Spirit Code
- Now open up and receive anything that your client is offering to share with you. (This is a willingness to receive, not asking for an energy dump or taking energy from them). You may ask for a remembrance of their spiritual identity to be offered if it is within God’s will. We remind them of the greater task of building up the kingdom of God on earth and a partnership as we work together to partake of these Godly steps. It is your honor to be gifted the blessing to carry these burdens because it actually helps you to practice such a Christlike act. Then when these burdens are shared, it is an offering that has been chosen, not forced. You may feel a deep gratitude they have trusted you with the deepest wounded parts of them. They have held onto this energy to the point they have been sick and burdened and suffering so we know this offering is difficult to hand over. What a beautiful opportunity to share in this deeper form of love and service. It is changing your heart and helping you to feel the overflowing love that God has for you.
- The law of sacrifice: Not everyone will easily offer their suffering. There is another approach I use. I offer myself as a sacrifice. I stand “In the line of fire” and plead with God and/or my client. “I would be deeply honored for the opportunity to take the place of _________________. They have been suffering so long and they desperately need to feel the healing hand of God’s love. Taking these emotions and these afflictions are an opportunity for me to experience more that life has to offer through the eyes of my fellow man. It also offers me the chance to practice the law of sacrifice and become one with God so I may advance in my own mission in life. I am no longer focusing on my own afflictions when I am serving others, which also helps me to refocus on gratitude for blessings. I am learning compassion and a deeper way to love. I am receiving more than I am offering with this opportunity, while being rewarded by witnessing the great change of heart and healing being offered. My heart overflows seeing more people turning away from suffering and building up the kingdom of God on earth. I am offering myself and I will take their afflictions upon me.”
- Allow yourself to completely open up and receive all the suffering and afflictions they have been enduring or all that is being shared. Opening up looks like taking your chakra points and opening them like a door to expose your perfect energy flowing within your spirit core without limits. Embrace the pain, embrace the experiences, weep with them, feel the beauty of God’s plan while experiencing all things with them. The burden will get heavy and intense, you will be taking on yourself all the pain and suffering willingly and with gratitude. The miracle takes place within the heart. Your heart.
- Additional potential steps for the heart: If the heart needs additional assistance, we can invite the client’s inner child to join us. The age should be determined at a time when the heart was still soft and alive. This shouldn’t need to be directed to a specific age, but some cases may need direction. See all the energy filter through the heart of the inner child until complete. Then embrace the inner child and become one. There will still be two hearts. One is the heart of the child, soft and alive. The other heart was polluted from a difficult life and looks black or hard. We need a very special item, in step #3, the dark dagger from the Source of all energy. We will stab the dark heart and it will melt away. Learn how to use this dagger properly for it to work. The Source: overcoming advanced attacks - The Spirit Code
- The law of tithing: Then share all your loving energy freely with your client. This energy may be the miracle you felt of God’s love that entered your heart, share this love rather than contain it for yourself. This is gifted because you love this person so deeply, you want them to feel God’s love for them exactly as they are. Such deep love, that you are anxious for the opportunity to bless them at this deeper level. You know this love is offered to you tenfold as you are willing to share. There is no limit to the healing energy God offers when we are willing to partake in the law of sacrifice and the law of tithing and truly take upon ourselves the heart of Christ.
- Once this is complete their countenance will shift. Their spirit and will become one and fill out their energy fields without barriers. They will no longer look like a person with energy fields, they will be pure white, glittery and filled out into a larger energy than I can put into words. “Without limits”. This is your spirit core no longer bound by the natural man/energetic body.
- Additional potential step: There is a physical component. It is not forced either. The flesh is so grateful for the gift, it may choose to respond by honoring God with elevated healing. We can also take upon us the spirit of God: “I open myself up to God the Father and allow myself to become a vessel.” Wait until God becomes one with you, if that is appropriate or even being offered.) Then we might be able to command the flesh “In the name of God the Father, I command the flesh to return to the state of glory and heal.” (you may need to begin with a smaller area, the whole body may be far too much at first). Maybe the change of heart will be the miracle itself, maybe the flesh will repair itself out of gratitude. Maybe it won’t be instant, that’s okay because our ego doesn’t need immediate results to know this experience offered the miracle that was most appropriate.
- Alternate step: ask Christ to show you what would be the most appropriate approach. Maybe it is not appropriate at this time. Maybe it will be offered after repeating these steps a few times as they have not released everything they were holding onto. The human mind tends to hold onto things to punish others or ourselves. That may take time and that is okay because we do not have an agenda, the journey is important as every person needs to feel honored in their choices in how to live the or life.
- When all details have been concluded, you will see yourself sitting at their head and no longer forehead to forehead. You will see yourself pulling back. Be sure to close their mind. Thumbs at the temple and brought back together.
- That is all. The work is concluded, but may be repeated frequently as you are practicing and your client may need it repeated often, as we all tend to need daily reminders before a true change takes hold. I believe as we perfect these steps, they will advance significantly and become more natural and quicker.
- Now, you need to care for yourself as you just took on every ailment, every emotion, and all struggles as a gift to this other person. Ideally, we choose to remain open. You didn’t force your energy or take energy or release energy. Being connected to the earth, the animals, the spirit world and mankind; is an act of “free fall”. The earth will offer itself as a sacrifice for you and while you are open, the earth will begin to take on your suffering with deep gratitude for your Godly selfless act for another person. As long as you follow these steps, you will feel better within a few hours. You cannot rush the process as a beginner, but it will speed up and become easier with practice especially the more your heart changes with the process. The question is, are you willing to experience temporary discomfort if it means that someone else is feeling much needed relief from long-term suffering? I personally feel it is a small price to pay and absolutely worth it to see the relief other people experience and to feel so connected to God myself.
- Ideally, we are not shielded from energy or attacks once we enter this level. However, we are not always in a space where this is possible. Please, use your intuition based on your experience. If you feel darkness attacking you, open up to release it, then do some clean up steps of shielding. (Your client receiving the work is still shielded and not left open). We are opening ourselves up as a vessel for God to bless others. Opening up the natural man/energetic body and allowing the spirit core to shine and connect with creation and God. We are also opening up to share all energy and this is blocked with shielding. In order to receive what creation is designed to do, we are opening the door to receive… This is mankind’s potential and has been misused in the past so it can be challenging to do this properly so we may be just practicing for Christ’s return. This is not to be confused with vulnerability or danger or possessions, we are not opening the door to evil! And we are not opening up to be used by others to do harm. We are opening up to bless others, to embrace the experiences of life, to receive blessings, and to allow the earth (or Christ) to share in carrying the burdens or struggles. So, there is a higher responsibility to be aware of your energy, but also a new sort of accountability. You are able to recommit every day to being a Child of God. Closing yourself back up will create feelings of sorrow as your spirit felt free and connected and a fulfillment of Gods plan. Closing up also prevents healing from this process and receiving healing from creation. You might accidently trap the energy as well. This can become complex. If your commitment is strong, then we are reminded Gods ways are higher than our ways. Take responsibility for your energy and your spirit which means you no longer believe the lies of the adversary. Making adversarial influence almost a joke as it is powerless in your space. You may need to start small by being open to God, animals and the earth, the rest may take time to safely create. You may ask for angels to surround you as you are still new to this journey and susceptible to opposition.
- What am I opening? Your energetic body (or the natural man) acts as a spirit body keeping the true light of your spirit core trapped within. You can see the light from the spirit core by looking through the chakras. When I say “open vessel”, it is opening up the energetic body and allowing the true light of your spirit to shine. It is not opening up to leave the body empty!!
Practicing Christ’s healing steps when working on yourself
This is far more complex, but simple once you have practiced the steps offered above.
- Open yourself up like you are opening a door from your chakra points. I Open up to become a vessel for God the Father or Jesus Christ. Feel this invitation in your heart, to become one with you if that is their will. Receive them and remain open while embracing their offering.
- Battle: The possession over the natural man/energetic body has followed you throughout your whole life from within. Polluting your thoughts and your body’s ability to heal itself. Rather than fighting, see yourself fall to your knees, bow your head, close your eyes and outstretch your arms. Submit and stop the fight. This prevents Satan from receiving power over you. You were offered a sacrifice for your freedom; Christ will take your place and take over the fight in your place. Receive this with deep gratitude.
- Embrace gratitude for your flesh, feeling a deep respect for God’s plan and for the blessing that the flesh has offered you to experience life! I am a partner with my body. I am a body and a spirit, we are one. My body communicates with me and I choose to listen and improve. We rejoice in serving God.
- Embrace your past. Embrace all your memories and allow a deep feeling of honor for your own past to flood your heart. You have been through so much, you have learned so much, and you have felt all the emotions. You know what it feels like to be alive! You are better for these experiences. Each experience created the person you are today. You are still growing and learning, that’s ok! I am grateful for every step of the journey. I choose to honor myself for everything I have lived through. I am blessed beyond measure. See yourself embracing all the difficulty from your life and feel a deep love and appreciation, flooding over all your memories. I am perfect, not in spite of all I have overcome, but I am perfect because I know who I am. I know that I am strong because I overcame this turmoil. I know I am loved; I know I am never alone because God has walked this journey with me. If I have been alone, then it is time to open up and allow God to walk this journey with me, it has always been offered, but difficult to receive.
- If you are in need of more to feel light from your past, remember Christ is by your side teaching you. He will offer Himself as a sacrifice to take on all your woes. Simply open up and receive with gratitude, allowing Christ to bring light and love and healing to all parts of you and your past.
- With a deep respect for the flesh, try commanding the flesh to heal: “In the name of God the Father I command my flesh to remember the original state of glory and to heal.” Practice with simple afflictions and one at a time. We are still learning and practicing, we cannot run faster than we have strength. Now, this must be done without the intent to avoid suffering. I am so grateful for this body, my willingness to serve God is not contingent on healing. I am honored to age, to experience discomfort, and to feel all the emotions; it all offers me experience which is leading me towards my goal of Godhood. The flesh offers healing. It is not something we force, the command to heal is more about learning how to become a partner with perfect duality and respect for God’s creation. The flesh will offer healing based on the true miracle which is the change of heart you experience. The flesh rejoices and offers healing in return.
- The law of sacrifice requires we practice the steps listed above on each other to receive the full opportunity for the physical body to heal. This shifts the intention from focusing on yourself, to focusing on serving others and receiving service from others. The more the healing is offered, the more healing is offered to you. Therefore, partner up with others and offer this sacrifice to one another to receive healing for yourself. The more you offer, the more you will receive. You might find you are healing faster simply by helping others.
- Open up and share all the energy that flows through you. There is no good or bad energy, it is all dedicated to God as beautiful and perfect. As God offers to carry your burden, receive His offering with gratitude. Being open not only shares the energy you have with creation to build others up, but in allowing yourself to receive. The earth desires to share with you! God desires to share with you! We share all we have by intentionally sharing love with others endlessly with the law of tithing. We allow creation to offer us the law of sacrifice by offering to shoulder what is too much to carry alone.
- Remain open. The natural man is part of life, opposition is part of life. The natural man is the energetic body or the spirit body which contains the spirit core. We cannot remove the opposition that the energetic body represents, but now that it is no longer controlled by Satan, we can open up and allow the spirit to be free the way God always intended. Being one with creation is a gift and an honor. We cannot control others, but we can share love endlessly.
- Repeat these steps often! Until you no longer need to repeat them.