Why do I use images of Christ all throughout the program? Is it for advertising purposes? Nope. Is it to paint a specific image in your mind regarding the program or make you think something specific? Nope. It’s a constant reminder to me (and for you), that we are still learning. We are apprentices. Every single day, I re-examine my thoughts and methods. But I do not do this by repeating steps that worked the previous day because I am not teachable when I think I already know what to do. I do this by humbling myself multiple times a day and reminding myself, I am not the Master. I am the apprentice; I am still blind. Each time I begin this work, I have to spiritually get down on my knees and bow my head and submit to learning from The Master, opening myself up to being a student every single day. I have to remind myself often that I am still imperfect and that is okay! How can I learn today? How can I improve myself today? How can I understand God’s heart more deeply today? How can I learn how to help others the way Christ helped others? What would I be worthy of and ready to learn today? I have to completely remove all desire to control or direct the work, humble myself and continue my apprenticeship under the direction of God the Father and The Savior. Why do I do this spiritually and not physically? Because it is a deeper submission where there is internal resistance. Giving me the opportunity to be aware of the limitations I am feeding into and choosing to believe. Then I can recommit and remind myself of the intention to building up the Kingdom of God on earth.
What if the approach to release energy from the past is limiting? It served a purpose in the past, offering you a tool to learn and practice and pursue growth. But what if there was another way? What if we could reflect on the past with complete joy, attempting to change nothing and honoring the experience?
You might immediately be responding to this lesson with resistance and defensiveness. A million emotions may be triggered, but what if we ask a few more questions before you stop reading. You might also think you want to skim over this because it’s all stuff you already know or you just want to skip to the steps. But the steps are the lesson and the info leads to a new way of doing energy work which leads to learning God’s method of healing. I cannot tell you why this step is so critical to master, not until we are practicing offering healing to others.
Your experiences are valid. Your trials have been hard and your life is presenting many limitations that you are seeking to overcome. The purpose of this shift is to change your overall intentions so they are leading you to the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal I will be using throughout these lessons is – building up the kingdom of God here upon the earth for the return of the Savior. This matters, because if we are merely pursuing healing to feel better and that’s where our commitment stops, then these lessons are not what you are looking for. You are seeking a miracle and that’s valid too! The miracle is not contingent on changing your heart. When Christ healed the sick, He did not hold the miracle as ransom for a willingness to change and follow Him. Following Him was an invitation, not a requirement. However, many were so full of gratitude, they desired to follow Christ and continue improving. The change of heart was still a choice and never enforced. Most of you want to go further than just healing yourself, but also healing others, so let’s continue the lessons.
Understanding the past, present, and future energy helps you to see your ability to create change. The past has no power over you anymore, you also cannot change the past and the energy you put into the future is a trap, but it’s also a choice. You can start to feel empowered to create change with a fresh start. However, your symptoms or the suffering or the conflict is LOUD! The energy from the past is affecting you, but the approach will be different and out of your comfort zone. We are all on different journeys and the original Spirit Code program might be plenty for you right now, that is okay too!
God remembers our sins no more. He doesn’t have to release emotions or energy that he is holding onto. Christ was teaching us far more than healing the sick, He was teaching us how to love. My short-term goal is to overcome the suffering I am experiencing right now. There is so much we could be doing with our time; suffering is stunting the ability to live up to your potential. Prior to the flood, mankind was capable of living 900 years and stood 19 feet tall. What the heck changed and why? This will be explored in the deeper mysteries lessons, but these questions are valid to start asking because they are helping redirect your intentions to be open to learning more and focusing on more than just your immediate suffering.
You are waiting for Christ to take away all your suffering, right? What does Christ do to take away your suffering? Does He wipe away your memories? That doesn’t feel right. So when God remembers our sins no more, He still holds my enemy accountable for hurting me right? He knows my heart is good and forgives me for any mistakes I have made, but my enemy needs to be taught a lesson, right? What if this is twisting the gospel truths in order to make you feel better? Let’s keep asking questions and remember we are imperfect, we are learning, the way we have done things have yet to produce the results we desire so we are needing further light and knowledge. So how does Christ take away my suffering because I have plenty of faith but I am still suffering! Does He give you the chance to get revenge on the people who made your life miserable? Does He give you or the opportunity to change the past into what you feel would have brought you happiness? Does He let you teach everyone a lesson so they feel deep regret for their actions? Does He pat you on the back and say “you were right, that must have been hard seeing the ones you loved refusing to change even though you tried so hard to help them. I heard your prayers for them, you are exalted for your righteousness and for enduring to the end.” That last one… whew so close to the promises in the bible, but still twists the truth into what we want or think should happen.
We all seek healing. We have the righteous intention. We are so close. We are actually capable of accessing this healing ability. We are all so desensitized by the worldly view, there are many adjustments to your understanding that I am attempting to organize in these lessons as they are being taught to me too.
This lesson led me to learning how to EMBRACE the trial. Rather than trying to change how the past felt, I can HONOR myself for experience. My past is perfect. Everything I have endured, every trial, every sin, every emotion; creates the person I am today. There is nothing wrong with my past that needs fixed or changed. I accept the events, I accept my limitations, I accept every part of the experience.
Deuteronomy 5:16 KJV: “Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
What if we are being given council to honor our ancestors and their experiences. What if we are being given council to honor our experiences in the past as building blocks; I have survived and overcome major trials. These trials were a blessing, not because they were easy, not because they were painless, but because I got to experience all the emotions and all the components of life. Those limitations of the flesh humbled me, they taught me how to love something that is imperfect. Parents teach us how to love, they offer wisdom and we are little children learning. If we are learning how to love ourselves, we can honor ourselves for the experiences of the past. We can also honor others for their experiences. Not contingent on changing either, but honoring them in the way God honors us. When I am learning and succeeding, God never says “told ya so”. He also never takes the credit or the glory for the results or the process. He honors me and my efforts, even if I am still miles from the finish line. He doesn’t attempt to change me, but He sees where I am, He sees me, He walks the path with me, He deeply understands me, and He is invested in meeting me where I am right now without pushing me to do things “His way”. Maybe the ultimate goal was never to have things easy or pain free. Maybe the resistance to the trials is preventing growth and keeping me stuck in a cycle. This scripture leads us to believe that honoring these experiences may prolong life or maybe just being teachable which keeps us in a space of less conflict as we are humble with a willingness to change every day. I do not know everything therefore who am I to try and change others?!
I have spent my life trying to fix the energy I am holding onto from the past to create change in order to improve my life. Doesn’t God care about my needs and desires? I am a good person and I have faith that God will heal the hearts of my loved ones so they stop hurting themself or others. This is still controlling someone else or putting the ability to change your life in someone else’s hands. What if this life you are living is THE EXACT EXPERIENCE GOD IS OFFERING YOU? What if all these unpleasant symptoms might be an opportunity? And what if you found peace and fulfillment in that understanding rather than defeat or defensiveness? What if you spend your whole life anxious for your ideal life, that you are missing the point. You are tolerating the illness, the conflict, the financial distress, the aging, and the unhappiness with the perfect brightness of hope that your future contains relief or perfection. You are rushing through all the unpleasant components as you are anxious to finally have the expected future you have been promised! What if THIS is the experience you are meant to have? What if you are completely capable of all those promised blessings and hope for healing is absolutely God’s way, but humility and acceptance is the first step! Maybe the problem isn’t a matter of changing the past. The past is over. Maybe we need to learn to stop running away from the discomfort and instead embrace it. Embrace all your experiences of the past with a deep honor for the opportunity! Then embrace all your current thoughts and discomfort with a perspective of amazement for the physical body and the limitations that are helping you to learn and progress. Then accept accountability for your thoughts. Where am I putting my energy? Am I choosing to believe a false future? Am I choosing to control others? Am I seeking happiness by expecting perfection from others? If so, why? Why do I feel uncomfortable when someone makes a “bad decision”? Answer: well, it triggers memories from my past and I feel vulnerable to being hurt. Okay, do we need to release the energy from the past creating feelings of vulnerability? Nope. Do I just pretend; grin and bear it? Nope. Do I preach God’s way to change their hearts? Nope. Do I just let other people hurt me and lay down like a doormat? Nope. Do I embrace the terrible things people are doing? Nope. These are all misdirect interpretations, that are valid thoughts. They are a reminder that I am the apprentice. I have not mastered this life. My way is not the right way and I want to learn God’s way. All these questions need to be explored and asked because it reminds us that we are still learning by examining the thought patterns. The questions open us up to recognizing the thoughts that create conflict or frustration or limitations. Then rather than answering these questions with assumptions, we let God teach us. I have tried everything, Father please teach me, I am committed to following Christ and dedicating myself to everlasting change.
Most of the decisions you make are based on evidence from the past AND a projection for the desired outcome. What if the experiences of the past, even extremely traumatic ones, could create positive feelings? What if we could see and feel all memories as beautiful life experiences? What would need to change to feel completely at peace with even the worst memories? Maybe we do not need to wait for God to remove the pain after this life ends. Maybe we can get comfortable with feeling things that are uncomfortable. Then, accept the event is in the past, we cannot change the past, but we can choose to see all energy from the past as beautiful. I got to experience grief, pain, loss, regret, sin, depression, embarrassment. All these offered opportunities to love my body and others more deeply. Opportunities to learn patience, either for my body or for other people or events outside my control. All these experiences, whether good or bad, have become part of my journey. I accept and embrace every single one. If the past is still creating distress, then I can choose to embrace it and love myself more deeply. Then consciously choose to see yourself differently. Embrace the emotions, the energy, the people, and all the components of your life experience as beautiful opportunities! If you are like me, this is a good step in the right direction, but more needs to happen because it is just words. You may have already tried this and it didn’t work. Let’s embrace the emotions that are popping up, the fears, frustrations and questions. Honor yourself as your life is not a mistake needing to be changed. Your commitment to improve is righteous, but misleading you into dead ends. As an apprentice, we are committed to learning. Your life right now is not the enemy. Take control of the energy you choosing and the direction you are feeding this energy. Are your thoughts creating distress? Do you have the agency to choose to take back that power? I am recommitting myself as a Child of God. I am Honoring my Father and Mother in Heaven. I am committed to following them, learning from them, and improving myself. No longer will I give the adversary my energy. I am strong and capable, my experiences are valid, I have value and I dedicate myself to building up the Kingdom of God. God the Father, I offer myself up as a vessel for Thy will. I am committed to learning and I am committed to being humble to thy understanding.
Now, once we have chosen to embrace our lives; our past, our potential and our current experiences. Then we can access the ability to change. We can also see others with a deep sense of honor for their experience, seeing them for who they are without the misdirection of trying to change them. Mostly because they are on a journey of self-improvement and at a different step. That step serves a purpose. Those lessons serve a purpose. Does their struggle or poor choices create uncomfortable feelings within you? Can you see a simple solution for their suffering, if only they would heed your council? Is that what God does? No, Christ honors us and the struggle we face, without telling us how easy it would be to change, even if He does have the power to overcome it easily. The experience is so precious, He experiences it WITH us and deepens His love for us and the struggle we face! If that is how Christ handles our trials, then that is how we should as well.
If we can re-understand these truths, then maybe this can change how we see others as well. We can also learn how to offer healing to others, without directing the results or with the intention of fixing others. Learning how to deeply honor your own trials in the past and the current trials, taking back your agency and recommitting yourself daily as a vessel of God who is an apprentice.
Your body is designed to function on Love and Light. But we tend to focus our energy on “worst case scenarios” and suffering or conflict and being right. We struggle with control more than we realize and we have much more power to experience miracles than we have accessed. There is much personal development to learn. Fine tuning yourself is part of the process of experiencing the desired result. If our intention is to overcome trials, then we are doing it for the wrong selfish intentions and will be misled to seeking the simple or fast solution for short term relief. When we shift our intentions, we can truly experience Heaven on Earth. There is so much more to learn. We have put enough energy into this topic. There is no answer being given telling you what to do. Who am I to know God’s plan for your life? Who am I to pretend I know all the answers? Who am I to offer a simple document and expect your life to change magically? These steps take daily commitment and a willingness to be completely open to God, withholding nothing. The answers have been there all along.
What if the approach to release energy from the past is limiting? It served a purpose in the past, offering you a tool to learn and practice and pursue growth. But what if there was another way? What if we could reflect on the past with complete joy, attempting to change nothing and honoring the experience?
You might immediately be responding to this lesson with resistance and defensiveness. A million emotions may be triggered, but what if we ask a few more questions before you stop reading. You might also think you want to skim over this because it’s all stuff you already know or you just want to skip to the steps. But the steps are the lesson and the info leads to a new way of doing energy work which leads to learning God’s method of healing. I cannot tell you why this step is so critical to master, not until we are practicing offering healing to others.
Your experiences are valid. Your trials have been hard and your life is presenting many limitations that you are seeking to overcome. The purpose of this shift is to change your overall intentions so they are leading you to the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal I will be using throughout these lessons is – building up the kingdom of God here upon the earth for the return of the Savior. This matters, because if we are merely pursuing healing to feel better and that’s where our commitment stops, then these lessons are not what you are looking for. You are seeking a miracle and that’s valid too! The miracle is not contingent on changing your heart. When Christ healed the sick, He did not hold the miracle as ransom for a willingness to change and follow Him. Following Him was an invitation, not a requirement. However, many were so full of gratitude, they desired to follow Christ and continue improving. The change of heart was still a choice and never enforced. Most of you want to go further than just healing yourself, but also healing others, so let’s continue the lessons.
Understanding the past, present, and future energy helps you to see your ability to create change. The past has no power over you anymore, you also cannot change the past and the energy you put into the future is a trap, but it’s also a choice. You can start to feel empowered to create change with a fresh start. However, your symptoms or the suffering or the conflict is LOUD! The energy from the past is affecting you, but the approach will be different and out of your comfort zone. We are all on different journeys and the original Spirit Code program might be plenty for you right now, that is okay too!
God remembers our sins no more. He doesn’t have to release emotions or energy that he is holding onto. Christ was teaching us far more than healing the sick, He was teaching us how to love. My short-term goal is to overcome the suffering I am experiencing right now. There is so much we could be doing with our time; suffering is stunting the ability to live up to your potential. Prior to the flood, mankind was capable of living 900 years and stood 19 feet tall. What the heck changed and why? This will be explored in the deeper mysteries lessons, but these questions are valid to start asking because they are helping redirect your intentions to be open to learning more and focusing on more than just your immediate suffering.
You are waiting for Christ to take away all your suffering, right? What does Christ do to take away your suffering? Does He wipe away your memories? That doesn’t feel right. So when God remembers our sins no more, He still holds my enemy accountable for hurting me right? He knows my heart is good and forgives me for any mistakes I have made, but my enemy needs to be taught a lesson, right? What if this is twisting the gospel truths in order to make you feel better? Let’s keep asking questions and remember we are imperfect, we are learning, the way we have done things have yet to produce the results we desire so we are needing further light and knowledge. So how does Christ take away my suffering because I have plenty of faith but I am still suffering! Does He give you the chance to get revenge on the people who made your life miserable? Does He give you or the opportunity to change the past into what you feel would have brought you happiness? Does He let you teach everyone a lesson so they feel deep regret for their actions? Does He pat you on the back and say “you were right, that must have been hard seeing the ones you loved refusing to change even though you tried so hard to help them. I heard your prayers for them, you are exalted for your righteousness and for enduring to the end.” That last one… whew so close to the promises in the bible, but still twists the truth into what we want or think should happen.
We all seek healing. We have the righteous intention. We are so close. We are actually capable of accessing this healing ability. We are all so desensitized by the worldly view, there are many adjustments to your understanding that I am attempting to organize in these lessons as they are being taught to me too.
This lesson led me to learning how to EMBRACE the trial. Rather than trying to change how the past felt, I can HONOR myself for experience. My past is perfect. Everything I have endured, every trial, every sin, every emotion; creates the person I am today. There is nothing wrong with my past that needs fixed or changed. I accept the events, I accept my limitations, I accept every part of the experience.
Deuteronomy 5:16 KJV: “Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
What if we are being given council to honor our ancestors and their experiences. What if we are being given council to honor our experiences in the past as building blocks; I have survived and overcome major trials. These trials were a blessing, not because they were easy, not because they were painless, but because I got to experience all the emotions and all the components of life. Those limitations of the flesh humbled me, they taught me how to love something that is imperfect. Parents teach us how to love, they offer wisdom and we are little children learning. If we are learning how to love ourselves, we can honor ourselves for the experiences of the past. We can also honor others for their experiences. Not contingent on changing either, but honoring them in the way God honors us. When I am learning and succeeding, God never says “told ya so”. He also never takes the credit or the glory for the results or the process. He honors me and my efforts, even if I am still miles from the finish line. He doesn’t attempt to change me, but He sees where I am, He sees me, He walks the path with me, He deeply understands me, and He is invested in meeting me where I am right now without pushing me to do things “His way”. Maybe the ultimate goal was never to have things easy or pain free. Maybe the resistance to the trials is preventing growth and keeping me stuck in a cycle. This scripture leads us to believe that honoring these experiences may prolong life or maybe just being teachable which keeps us in a space of less conflict as we are humble with a willingness to change every day. I do not know everything therefore who am I to try and change others?!
I have spent my life trying to fix the energy I am holding onto from the past to create change in order to improve my life. Doesn’t God care about my needs and desires? I am a good person and I have faith that God will heal the hearts of my loved ones so they stop hurting themself or others. This is still controlling someone else or putting the ability to change your life in someone else’s hands. What if this life you are living is THE EXACT EXPERIENCE GOD IS OFFERING YOU? What if all these unpleasant symptoms might be an opportunity? And what if you found peace and fulfillment in that understanding rather than defeat or defensiveness? What if you spend your whole life anxious for your ideal life, that you are missing the point. You are tolerating the illness, the conflict, the financial distress, the aging, and the unhappiness with the perfect brightness of hope that your future contains relief or perfection. You are rushing through all the unpleasant components as you are anxious to finally have the expected future you have been promised! What if THIS is the experience you are meant to have? What if you are completely capable of all those promised blessings and hope for healing is absolutely God’s way, but humility and acceptance is the first step! Maybe the problem isn’t a matter of changing the past. The past is over. Maybe we need to learn to stop running away from the discomfort and instead embrace it. Embrace all your experiences of the past with a deep honor for the opportunity! Then embrace all your current thoughts and discomfort with a perspective of amazement for the physical body and the limitations that are helping you to learn and progress. Then accept accountability for your thoughts. Where am I putting my energy? Am I choosing to believe a false future? Am I choosing to control others? Am I seeking happiness by expecting perfection from others? If so, why? Why do I feel uncomfortable when someone makes a “bad decision”? Answer: well, it triggers memories from my past and I feel vulnerable to being hurt. Okay, do we need to release the energy from the past creating feelings of vulnerability? Nope. Do I just pretend; grin and bear it? Nope. Do I preach God’s way to change their hearts? Nope. Do I just let other people hurt me and lay down like a doormat? Nope. Do I embrace the terrible things people are doing? Nope. These are all misdirect interpretations, that are valid thoughts. They are a reminder that I am the apprentice. I have not mastered this life. My way is not the right way and I want to learn God’s way. All these questions need to be explored and asked because it reminds us that we are still learning by examining the thought patterns. The questions open us up to recognizing the thoughts that create conflict or frustration or limitations. Then rather than answering these questions with assumptions, we let God teach us. I have tried everything, Father please teach me, I am committed to following Christ and dedicating myself to everlasting change.
Most of the decisions you make are based on evidence from the past AND a projection for the desired outcome. What if the experiences of the past, even extremely traumatic ones, could create positive feelings? What if we could see and feel all memories as beautiful life experiences? What would need to change to feel completely at peace with even the worst memories? Maybe we do not need to wait for God to remove the pain after this life ends. Maybe we can get comfortable with feeling things that are uncomfortable. Then, accept the event is in the past, we cannot change the past, but we can choose to see all energy from the past as beautiful. I got to experience grief, pain, loss, regret, sin, depression, embarrassment. All these offered opportunities to love my body and others more deeply. Opportunities to learn patience, either for my body or for other people or events outside my control. All these experiences, whether good or bad, have become part of my journey. I accept and embrace every single one. If the past is still creating distress, then I can choose to embrace it and love myself more deeply. Then consciously choose to see yourself differently. Embrace the emotions, the energy, the people, and all the components of your life experience as beautiful opportunities! If you are like me, this is a good step in the right direction, but more needs to happen because it is just words. You may have already tried this and it didn’t work. Let’s embrace the emotions that are popping up, the fears, frustrations and questions. Honor yourself as your life is not a mistake needing to be changed. Your commitment to improve is righteous, but misleading you into dead ends. As an apprentice, we are committed to learning. Your life right now is not the enemy. Take control of the energy you choosing and the direction you are feeding this energy. Are your thoughts creating distress? Do you have the agency to choose to take back that power? I am recommitting myself as a Child of God. I am Honoring my Father and Mother in Heaven. I am committed to following them, learning from them, and improving myself. No longer will I give the adversary my energy. I am strong and capable, my experiences are valid, I have value and I dedicate myself to building up the Kingdom of God. God the Father, I offer myself up as a vessel for Thy will. I am committed to learning and I am committed to being humble to thy understanding.
Now, once we have chosen to embrace our lives; our past, our potential and our current experiences. Then we can access the ability to change. We can also see others with a deep sense of honor for their experience, seeing them for who they are without the misdirection of trying to change them. Mostly because they are on a journey of self-improvement and at a different step. That step serves a purpose. Those lessons serve a purpose. Does their struggle or poor choices create uncomfortable feelings within you? Can you see a simple solution for their suffering, if only they would heed your council? Is that what God does? No, Christ honors us and the struggle we face, without telling us how easy it would be to change, even if He does have the power to overcome it easily. The experience is so precious, He experiences it WITH us and deepens His love for us and the struggle we face! If that is how Christ handles our trials, then that is how we should as well.
If we can re-understand these truths, then maybe this can change how we see others as well. We can also learn how to offer healing to others, without directing the results or with the intention of fixing others. Learning how to deeply honor your own trials in the past and the current trials, taking back your agency and recommitting yourself daily as a vessel of God who is an apprentice.
Your body is designed to function on Love and Light. But we tend to focus our energy on “worst case scenarios” and suffering or conflict and being right. We struggle with control more than we realize and we have much more power to experience miracles than we have accessed. There is much personal development to learn. Fine tuning yourself is part of the process of experiencing the desired result. If our intention is to overcome trials, then we are doing it for the wrong selfish intentions and will be misled to seeking the simple or fast solution for short term relief. When we shift our intentions, we can truly experience Heaven on Earth. There is so much more to learn. We have put enough energy into this topic. There is no answer being given telling you what to do. Who am I to know God’s plan for your life? Who am I to pretend I know all the answers? Who am I to offer a simple document and expect your life to change magically? These steps take daily commitment and a willingness to be completely open to God, withholding nothing. The answers have been there all along.