Many people struggle with overcoming traumas from the past. We use symptoms to pinpoint the energy that is holding us back from healing physically or emotionally. What if the answer lies in a more complete dynamic of healing? I looked at how many spirits have overcome many horrendous trials and still radiated a perfect light of healing. Does the atonement just wipe away all that suffering so that I am no longer affected by my past? Is there a reason I believe that won’t happen for me until the afterlife? Maybe, I can access this level of healing right now, but maybe I need to learn how by removing all pre-conceived notions of healing and allow God to re-teach me. I have been turning to the scriptures and asking for the opportunity to witness the changes that took place throughout time in regard to our physical bodies. I also asked for the opportunity to witness the process many of the prophets went through in order to experience miracles. I also asked what Christ did to heal the sick and what we can do differently to advance the world for the second coming of Christ. The answers have completely changed every part of my being and shifted every thought. I would love the opportunity to share the experiences to the best of my ability. If you are seeking progression and healing and advancing your abilities, it takes more than reading a document, it takes a completely different way of understanding. The process is humbling and takes a willingness to relearn everything. It goes deeper than the simple words in the scriptures and paints a complete understanding, a change of heart. We are building the kingdom of God upon this earth. That is not done by continuing the way you always have. It’s more similar to a rebirth or awakening and a willingness to practice and change and be taught the deeper mysteries. It’s far more than having a testimony and following the commandments. The more you receive, the more you will receive. Some thirst for more, but many are not ready. It is not an easy process.
I am an apprentice. I am not a teacher, I am not an advertiser, I am not a master. I am gifted in spiritual sight and I am sharing the lessons I am receiving, with you. We all share the desire to improve, we all seek further light and knowledge. We all desire to overcome pain and afflictions in the Savior’s way. I am still learning and will forever be an apprentice seeking understanding. These lessons are offered with limitations: 1) due to my ability to interpret fully, 2) the limitations of words and 3) how you understand the message from my writings. So, please pray before each lesson and ask to be shown or be given the understanding in the manner best for your development. Please, also know this is sacred to me. Please do not use this information to harm or control others. We are building up the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth to prepare the world for the Savior’s return. There is much to understand and master within yourself, in order to begin practicing the miracles that the Savior has been teaching me.
Let’s begin.
Preparatory Lessons:
- We begin by seeking to improve and achieve healthy, happy and healing. But what if that desire is “selfish”? Meaning it’s for personal mortal purposes with an underlying desire to avoid trials or overcome them entirely. Currently, the results have the potential to create a misdirection or even a controlled intention with a specific expectation. We begin with good intentions, but we are still not accessing some of the body’s the greatest natural abilities to heal. We get glimmers of improvement or moments of relief, but not quite the miracles we hope for…. Yet!
- Let’s refocus to align with creating the well-intended results you seek. Step 1 is to accept that the way you have been approaching this, although well-intended, has created limited results. That doesn’t mean the clean-up effort from the past was a waste of time. It was just incomplete and lacking a perspective shift. The changes are new, they are an advancement and a gift from God as we prepare the earth for the second coming. First, we humble ourselves and seek direction from God as to how we can improve our lives; specifically, improve our focus and understanding in God’s way. Humility involves more than just saying: “Okay, I guess I will try if it’s really going to work, but I doubt it because I am already following God and seeking improvement and it hasn’t worked. Are you saying the revelation I have received is wrong or that I have been deceived because I know it came from God.” This is a tricky conversation. You have gone about your life based on evidence created through experience. Humility is being willing to receive a complete reboot and a willingness to commit to changing everything about your thought patterns and relationships. If we had it mastered, then we would all be translated. We cannot access miracles with sheer will and our limited understanding of faith. Much will have to change; this is a commitment far beyond desiring to “fix” your family and eliminate pain. The change occurs within you. Humility, flexibility, teachability and willingness to submit.
- If you are reading this, you seek to advance in God’s footsteps. You have a deep faith and testimony. You have progressed to this point through a great deal of personal revelation. Every experience you have had presents great value. Your pain is real and your suffering is valid. God has promised us so much in the scriptures, our intentions for righteousness are pure, but our faith seems limited as we have yet to fulfill our potential. So, I have taken this desire to God. He has taught me by using examples of the prophets and other individuals from the Bible. This program is dedicated to sharing this information.
- This intention is for all mankind and creates a unity of all creation. The more you are able to understand and embrace your purpose in life and overcome physical limitations, then you can connect with the higher direction for all of mankind. It’s extremely difficult to understand the beauty in the trial or seeing the experience as a chance to become more like Christ. When the intention is “selfish”, the flesh will override the dedication to building up the kingdom of God and instead focus on things of this world, seeking immediate relief. We will be diving in beyond your comfort level and shifting your understanding of the basic truths in order to truly create the change you seek. These lessons are part of the education process to overcome the desensitization of this world so the steps are more effective. I asked to witness the steps Christ took to heal the sick. The answers were given in multiple lessons so I could understand the multiple aspects of what I was being shown. The original Spirit Code program will still be usable as the approach includes multiple aspects and perspectives as we are still fine tuning this healing approach. As spirits we could have just read about life in a book and been done with the journey and reached the destination with the intention to put it into practice. God’s truth involves practice and faith and action. God is committed to teaching you, are you committed to learning?
- I witnessed the process of death for a few loved ones. One particular woman was watching the story of her life in this beautiful white room. She was dressed in white and sitting with her legs crossed at the knee. She was swinging her leg and beaming with light and joy while watching some of the most difficult parts of her life. I was surprised that she was able to view these memories with pure light, absolutely no part of her regretted or resented the people or experiences. So, what did she do differently than I have done? No matter how much healing I have embraced, I still weep with deep pain when I reflect on the times my first husband hurt me or when my loved ones committed suicide. My friend was watching similar memories, but was able to feel deep excitement, gratitude, love and peace. I asked God if it’s within His will for me to reach this level of enlightenment right now. Absolutely, yes! But the action steps are quite involved. There is a commitment to learning, improving, changing and practicing. We are not simply releasing energy, although that was a good start. We are looking at the whole person. We are seeing trials in a different light. Learning about the past, present and future perspective with energy work… Lesson #1 - Accountability