Explanation: This is an energy trap keeps you stuck in the past with no access to your future – associated with grief. Maybe illness took away your independence. Maybe your spouse used to be loving, but now they are miserable. Maybe you lost a loved one who you were close to. Maybe your spouse cheated on you. The grief may have affected your relationship with God.
- The energy to the past is draining you and drowning you, pulling you in as you are trying to change the past due to the intense grief. You might be sending that energy into the future to present the ideal future if things were different in the past. “If only” ... “then”
- When comparing identity crystals, you might find some of your identity crystals are detached and testing as a lost soul without a mortal body; therefore, part of you is a lost soul.
- If doing this for someone else, go through these steps by allowing your spirit and mind to become ONE with them, sacrifice your comfort in order to bear their burdens WITH them. It is a great honor to participate in a deeper potential with the steps Christ has offered us. It might be uncomfortable, but it is offering you experience and can become a blessing or part of your testimony.
- See yourself standing in between 3 doors. On the right is the future. On the left is the past. In front of you is the present.
- Facing the door to the past:
- Honor yourself for the experiences in the past by feeling deep compassion for yourself.
- Allow yourself to feel the grief you may be resisting. It’s ok to hurt.
- Allow yourself to accept and embrace your past as it is. The trial has a purpose and God can use it for good.
- Closure:
- Change the energy flow to the past by feeling a new energy towards the past - appreciation and acceptance.
- Put all the energy back into the past. Take accountability that you were trying to change the past and it wasn’t helping you to feel better, in fact you were feeling worse.
- Feel humility and a willingness to try something different and close the door.
- Then invite that beam of light energy to offer a new doorway to perceive the past with a new perspective with the perfect brightness of hope flowing both ways.
- Facing the door to the future and the present:
- Fall to your knees; broken, hurting and humbled, “help me Father”. "I have lost my way. Will you please help me to return to life as I choose to continue. Thank you for the opportunity to experience love and loss. I know all things in life are a gift, and death is part of the process. I accept this and continue to move on. Is there a better way to proceed?"
- Repel the trickster imprisoning you in your grief:
- Now, use that desire and focus on choosing God’s plan. “I am a child of God; I am choosing His will and I am embracing my life even the parts of life that crushed me. I’m embracing all that God is teaching me, I am humbled, I am teachable, and I am ready to continue on with my journey.” Focus on sending this decision and LOVE outward – this repels the trickster spirit that was keeping you trapped.
- Opening doors:
- Choose to embrace your life and your future exactly as it is. See the door to your present life open and light begin to glow from the doors to your future. Step into your life, your reality and ground yourself with reality. Use a willingness to accept your life as your grounding tool. Remain on your knees, broken and weeping.
- Let’s heal your broken heart.
- This needs to be done with a great deal of gentleness. Offer your heart to Christ. As an example, you can say, "I’m lost without you dear Lord. Please show me a better way." Christ will go to your third eye and touch it while closing His eyes. He will pull out something deceitful and take it on Himself and then dispose of it. He will turn back and touch your heart. He won’t start by fixing it; rather, He will feel it and His will break too. This will cause a change in your heart. Before He touched it, it was appeared to be bleeding. Your heart will stop bleeding and Jesus sews it back together. (It’s kind of like the break is not fully ready to be resolved, but it is ready to be put back together. Almost like you need to be able to see the scar, because you're not ready to fully move on.) Once He stitches up the heart and puts it back within you, your spirit will look more alive!
- A gift:
- God wants you to know that He sees you and you are not forgotten. This part of the journey is now a part of you. You have learned the deep pain of love and loss. Allow gratitude to fill your chakras for the opportunity to experience grief. That experience will be extremely beneficial to your spiritual progression. It is over now. Take a deep breath and a sigh. It's okay it's a fall apart on the Savior's shoulder. He is offering you something in his hands and it looks like a crystal snowflake the size of your palm. Placing it within your crown chakra. It appears to be like a kaleidoscope to the light transferring through your crown chakra. This is a gift. One that is offered when you humble yourself to this experience and ask God for help.
- The change of heart:
- Take the time to commune with The Savior and receive any lesson or instruction He is offering. He may walk you through steps to aide your healing. He may teach you the purpose of your struggles. He may show you how to use this grief to become stronger and magnify your potential. Whatever He shows you or teaches you, allow it to transform your heart with a deeper testimony for the purpose of life.
- God’s plan was always clear: to experience opposition and trials in order to become more like God. There is a higher purpose for everything, our perspective is limited and very mortal. When we are willing to see things God’s way, we can finally begin feeling better, we can access our agency, we can take action steps in our lives, we can be willing to experience what God is offering, and we can finally feel fulfillment as we are living our higher purpose. This opens the door to healing as we are able to hear God’s thoughts.
- At this point the possibilities are endless, but miraculous. Nothing about your grief was wrong, it is perfect. Your life is perfectly designed and even the worst of experiences can be seen as blessings. Healing is not forced; it is found though the act of humility as we embrace the trials with faith in God’s plan.
- Now, continue your healing journey with this beautiful work, but with less resistance and a new found commitment to a different goal.