EXPECTATIONS (future energy) and LIMITATIONS (current energy)
EXPLANATION: This energy resides in the future so the future is draining you. The block prevents energy flow with the present and leading you to believe the solution is in the past. If you find you are constantly living in the future and cannot seem to make any changes in your life, this energy is critical to overcome in order to create change.
Steps to overcome this tricky energy:
This brings out the trickster false “god of this world” and the power and traps they possess in the past, present and future.
It also helps you to take control of the energy you are creating or projecting so you can become aware of what you need to work on or what symptoms are associated.
Marital or family conflict
Chronic illness – autoimmune disease, blood pressure, etc.
Depression – feeling trapped or lacking motivation or hopelessness
Fears and their limitations over your ability to function
Blocks within relationships or preventing relationships
Blocks with communicating with God or finding your purpose or living your calling
Financial limitations
Addictions to food or possessions or actions, etc
Fear of abandonment – perceived future based on the past but a fear of the future which could create an absent future or rejection of God or love or connection for self-preservation
Specific organs or symptoms
Trickster – the god of traps
Maestro – the god of music (maybe not?)
Reprobate – the god of spite
Mara – the god of beasts
Manifestation - the god of malice and mischief and misery
Incensor – the god of disaster, her children called Doubt and Dread
god of skin
god of shame
god of secrets
god of technology
(there may be more…)
The leader - Sutekh - the god of death
How you think life will disappoint you or fall apart
How someone’s life should look, but doesn’t… yet
How someone’s life should look, had they lived
How people will inevitably disappoint you
Is it an agreed expectation – created by family that you agree is ideal for your life but still struggle to meet?
Making your parents proud of you and it requires perfection in certain areas of your life
Or everyone expects you to be the perfect mom (feels like it at least)
Or everyone expects you to succeed in business or parenting and is “watching” you
Or it feels like a deadline and you are running out of time
Do you think spiritual gifts or revelation or connection to God should look a certain way
Do you believe that it’s your responsibility to tell others how to lead a more Godly lifestyle than they are currently?
Do you believe the spirit world or God’s plan will look a specific way?
Or maybe you’re mad at God because_______________ (you expected something of Him)
You think He failed you or pushed you too hard or abandoned you in your time of need.
Maybe you expected Him to take away the pain.
Or you think He didn’t answer your prayers or you didn’t ask with enough faith or you are being punished for a mistake.
Maybe you expected God to fix your marriage or your kids…
Maybe you feel God betrayed you
Maybe you feel God took away your agency
You feel God expects you to be perfect and you don’t want to disappoint Him
Maybe you think God has a hierarchy and you are favored for obedience and that’s why life is harder for you
You do not want to burden God with your problems and you think He expects you to manage alone
You think you have to endure right now through suffering before God will bless you in the future.
Hold onto them with this energy of HOPE, faith and love flooding through you until their grasp over you dissolves and detaches or dissipates.
Your future expectation is now free and flexible to the changes God has in store for you!
This one definitely creates unhappiness in thinking “I will be happier when I lose weight”, then you feel disgusted when you eat or look in the mirror. Always unhappy with yourself and your body’s cravings.
-Stop the attack: I ask for all the light energies to come down from heaven and stop all control and conflict and war energy from being sent and received. I command all control, conflict and war energy to depart. I choose to replace the cording with the atonement energy of light and love and peaceful flow.
-Acceptance and accountability. I’m ready to filter out the toxicity of the energy I have put into my suffering and I choose to stop living in the future and finally WAKE UP and live in this present moment.
-Ask for an enmity filter to be placed at the location where there is a drain that has been sucking energy out of you.
-Reclaim and embrace this energy: Invite all the energy you have put into this, to be returned and to pass through the filter to block all toxicity and deception, returning only the Godly light and intention and intelligent energy. I’m ready to accept this energy as my own and invite it to become part of me once again.
Wait until this is complete (you may not have realized how empty you were until now)
-Pause. Stop the cycle and take a breath.
-Stop the attack: I ask for all the light energies to come down from heaven and stop all control and conflict and war energy from being sent and received. I command all control, conflict and war energy to depart. I choose to replace the cording with the atonement energy of light and love and peaceful flow.
-Acceptance and accountability. I’m ready to filter out the toxicity of the energy I have put into controlling others and how they treat me or how they are limiting my life.
-Ask for an enmity filter to be placed at the location where there is a drain that has been sucking energy out of you AND/OR out of them!
-Invite all the energy both of you have put into this, to be returned and to pass through the filter to block all toxicity and deception, returning only the Godly light and intention and intelligent energy. The energy is intelligent, trust it can find it’s way back into the proper sources.
-Wait until this is complete (you may not have realized how empty you were until now)
-He is not receiving his instruction through the flesh, but from God directly. Mankind is mortal and imperfect, which can be triggering of our own limitations or misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Connecting with God directly is more complete. He is flexible meaning he is teachable, but rooted in this relationship with God.
-He is moving forward with a direct line to God as his energy source. It looks like God is moving Moses’s feet. Like Moses is offering his body to God as a vessel, but there is a submission and willingness on Moses’s part. Humbling his own understanding to that of God. Looks like Moses is learning how to advance with training to become a God himself.
-When Moses puts his staff in the water (the first time) – God is one with Moses and acting through Moses.
-When Moses puts his staff in water to part the sea – God physically parts the waters while Moses is “in training” while holding the staff. They are acting through the very act of duality and partnership while trusting the other completely. The line of light energy flow still exists and there is little difference between Moses and God.
-The thought that comes to my mind is self-doubt is a common struggle that divides us from Moses. If I can submit and humble myself, what would I need to shift in order to align my life and reality with Moses? Am I ready for the “follow through” when God has a calling he offers me? Is there anything blocking my willingness to become one with God? Am I creating those limitations? Am I choosing to believe or live in such a way that I am incapable of experiencing this advancement in my own life or am I doing it for the wrong reasons?
-Once Moses reaches the opposite shore, he has completed his mission and purpose in life. He no longer needs a physical body and is capable of advancing into a higher elevated existence. He chooses to remain mortal, not for himself but to honor God and lead others to God. The rest of his experience is not being shown to me as part of this lesson.
-Does God have this expectation for us and maybe we are getting lost in transit? How can we reconnect with God in order to fulfill our callings? This is a very personal goal and I do not feel the path is a simple process, but rather a willingness to ask God for direction. I feel like we need to ask the questions that lead to more understanding. Becoming humble that “my way” is not the only way. We are being used to start a war with one another, but arguing the details is dividing us further. What if we respect and honor the journey and embrace the experiences excluding all types of control… Hope, faith and love might have a very different meaning than what I have understood previously. A duality with God is a partnership. I can practice with my own body by learning how to love something that is limited and aging and susceptible to death. Accepting my past as part of the beautiful journey. Then accepting and honoring and loving others how they choose to show up and how they live their truth. I get to practice on accepting the changes that my body presents. Also shifting my reasons for desiring righteousness to be less selfish. Most of my motives are selfish intent wrapped in a pretty bow of righteousness. Meaning there’s an internal conflict within me. Part of me seeks to be Godly and feels right in all my interactions and intentions, but part of me feels so frustrated and limited! Part of me knows what’s right, but the other part is distracted with worldly desires. What if that’s all part of the experience?! What if rather than changing the results, we can embrace the discomfort?! If you are only willing to embrace the discomfort if I am promising you the result is miraculous, then the motive is selfish. If the motive is pure, then your mindset shifts and changes your experience. Much will change as we prepare for the second coming. I am ready to be molded by God to continue this beautiful journey. I am his vessel. I choose duality with God. I accept my body and life exactly as it is. I am ready to live my purpose, I know God will do His part and I am ready to do my part.
Steps to overcome this tricky energy:
- What do you see when you think of your ultimate life experience? OR when you think of the future, based on your beliefs, what do you expect will happen? What is this image? This is typically a positive image and it is typically a BIG projection! Let your mind show you! Examples:
- Spiritual based:
- The second coming of Jesus Christ
- Being embraced by God after physical death
- Being healed by the Savior
- Living your purpose or your mission in life
- Your church and spiritual system
- Experiencing miracles like in the scriptures
- Your ancestors and family traditions
- No more trials or an easy life with less struggles during the millennium
- A spouse who treats you lovingly and a peaceful, happy home filled with light
- Worldly based:
- Weight loss and never struggling with your weight ever again
- A clean and organized house
- Financial stability and nice “things” or less work or more comfort
- A successful business
- Your family respecting your advice as the head of the family and their lives turning out optimally
- Your spouse being supportive and loving and wanting to do things together
- Falling in love with your soul mate
- Having energy and feeling healthy
- Kids who clean their rooms and focus on their education with minimal devices in order for them to become responsible successful adults one day
- We start with bringing out the hidden components:
This brings out the trickster false “god of this world” and the power and traps they possess in the past, present and future.
It also helps you to take control of the energy you are creating or projecting so you can become aware of what you need to work on or what symptoms are associated.
- What are we working on? Let’s look at the symptom or situations that are the most intense that you are seeking healing on? You can use this protocol for many scenarios? This may be showing up in many ways so invite your spirit to organize a “to do” list. Take it a step at a time. You might struggle at first, don’t expect perfection, just try and trust God to direct the process. Some examples:
Marital or family conflict
Chronic illness – autoimmune disease, blood pressure, etc.
Depression – feeling trapped or lacking motivation or hopelessness
Fears and their limitations over your ability to function
Blocks within relationships or preventing relationships
Blocks with communicating with God or finding your purpose or living your calling
Financial limitations
Addictions to food or possessions or actions, etc
Fear of abandonment – perceived future based on the past but a fear of the future which could create an absent future or rejection of God or love or connection for self-preservation
Specific organs or symptoms
- What false trickster god is associated with this? Do you need to know “who”?
Trickster – the god of traps
Maestro – the god of music (maybe not?)
Reprobate – the god of spite
Mara – the god of beasts
Manifestation - the god of malice and mischief and misery
Incensor – the god of disaster, her children called Doubt and Dread
god of skin
god of shame
god of secrets
god of technology
(there may be more…)
The leader - Sutekh - the god of death
- Whose expectation is affecting you? And is it positive or negative? (remember we start with pure intentions, but its being used against you or maybe just an opportunity for fine tuning!)
- Is this your expectation for yourself or your life?
How you think life will disappoint you or fall apart
- Is this your expectation for someone else – maybe a loved one?
How someone’s life should look, but doesn’t… yet
How someone’s life should look, had they lived
How people will inevitably disappoint you
- Is this someone else’s expectation for you?
Is it an agreed expectation – created by family that you agree is ideal for your life but still struggle to meet?
- Is this an expectation one that you presume someone has for you?
Making your parents proud of you and it requires perfection in certain areas of your life
Or everyone expects you to be the perfect mom (feels like it at least)
Or everyone expects you to succeed in business or parenting and is “watching” you
Or it feels like a deadline and you are running out of time
- Is this an expectation you have for God
Do you think spiritual gifts or revelation or connection to God should look a certain way
Do you believe that it’s your responsibility to tell others how to lead a more Godly lifestyle than they are currently?
Do you believe the spirit world or God’s plan will look a specific way?
Or maybe you’re mad at God because_______________ (you expected something of Him)
You think He failed you or pushed you too hard or abandoned you in your time of need.
Maybe you expected Him to take away the pain.
Or you think He didn’t answer your prayers or you didn’t ask with enough faith or you are being punished for a mistake.
Maybe you expected God to fix your marriage or your kids…
Maybe you feel God betrayed you
Maybe you feel God took away your agency
- Is this an expectation God has for you?
You feel God expects you to be perfect and you don’t want to disappoint Him
Maybe you think God has a hierarchy and you are favored for obedience and that’s why life is harder for you
You do not want to burden God with your problems and you think He expects you to manage alone
You think you have to endure right now through suffering before God will bless you in the future.
- Acknowledging and accepting the energy you put into your belief about this future and returning the energy while filtering out the toxicity.
- This has been draining ALL your energy! We are going to pause all beliefs and energy flows and take a breath. Your intentions are righteous so we must become teachable, we are still learning and our perspectives are limited. We don’t know everything God has to teach us yet. I’m humble enough to let God show me a better path and walk forward with blind faith that He will show me the way.
- Stop the attack: I ask for all the light energies to come down from heaven and stop all control and conflict and war energy from being sent and received. I command all control, conflict and war energy to depart. I choose to replace the cording with the atonement energy of light and love and peaceful flow.
- Acceptance and accountability for the choice made to put energy into this belief. Yes, I have chosen to put my energy into an expectation (whether good or bad) that might be limiting me. I’m ready to filter out the toxicity and accept this energy as my own.
- Ask for an enmity filter to be placed at the location where there is a drain that has been sucking energy out of you.
- Reclaim and embrace this energy: Invite all the energy you have put into this, to be returned and to pass through the filter to block all toxicity and deception, returning only the Godly light and intention and intelligent energy. I’m ready to accept this energy as my own and invite it to become part of me once again.
- Wait until this is complete (you may not have realized how empty you were until now)
- Removing the power over this expectation and detaching from the grasp of the trickster over your future
- Focus on HOPE and FAITH and LOVE. Use this powerful energy and allow it to flood your being. Then grab ahold of the trickster that was holding onto you
Hold onto them with this energy of HOPE, faith and love flooding through you until their grasp over you dissolves and detaches or dissipates.
Your future expectation is now free and flexible to the changes God has in store for you!
- When you expect great things, your current reality might be disappointing, you might feel even worse with your life. It’s a righteous desire to improve and progress so this gets buried behind good intentions and misunderstood or overlooked. That hope for a better tomorrow, is making today feel HORRIBLE and dark! All symptoms feel 10 times worse and hopelessness is intensified. (The adversary is having so much fun trying to win this one, with the goal of trying our faith) The limitations you feel might be so overwhelming – what are these symptoms?
- Depressed
- Unmotivated
- Conflict
- Stuck in a bad pattern or cycle
- Lacking progression
- Panic attacks
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Conflict
- Shut down
- Distractions
- There’s a trap pulling you towards something. It looks like a strong pull, tether, or anchor. It attaches to your organs or chakras. Connecting to a possession or people or places or images. Keeping you stuck in the present because right now things don’t actually look how they should – your life doesn’t match how you imagined it would. It is based on expectations you have placed over yourself or others or expectations other people have of you. Some examples:
- A perfect marriage and how that “looks” vs your current marriage
- A clean or organized house keeping you trapped to possessions or the activity of cleaning vs your actual home’s cleanliness
- Having respectful and obedient children and how others perceive you through your children or how your children should behave vs your actual family
- The television or computer or cell phone and the power it has over you
- FOOD!!! And your physical image regarding the body you want vs the one in the mirror
This one definitely creates unhappiness in thinking “I will be happier when I lose weight”, then you feel disgusted when you eat or look in the mirror. Always unhappy with yourself and your body’s cravings.
- Removing the anchor or drain for your current reality. Using the image and the location it is anchoring you in step #9, we are going to remove the power this has to drain you.
- For the expectations YOU created for yourself or for others:
-Stop the attack: I ask for all the light energies to come down from heaven and stop all control and conflict and war energy from being sent and received. I command all control, conflict and war energy to depart. I choose to replace the cording with the atonement energy of light and love and peaceful flow.
-Acceptance and accountability. I’m ready to filter out the toxicity of the energy I have put into my suffering and I choose to stop living in the future and finally WAKE UP and live in this present moment.
-Ask for an enmity filter to be placed at the location where there is a drain that has been sucking energy out of you.
-Reclaim and embrace this energy: Invite all the energy you have put into this, to be returned and to pass through the filter to block all toxicity and deception, returning only the Godly light and intention and intelligent energy. I’m ready to accept this energy as my own and invite it to become part of me once again.
Wait until this is complete (you may not have realized how empty you were until now)
- For the expectations others have for you:
-Pause. Stop the cycle and take a breath.
-Stop the attack: I ask for all the light energies to come down from heaven and stop all control and conflict and war energy from being sent and received. I command all control, conflict and war energy to depart. I choose to replace the cording with the atonement energy of light and love and peaceful flow.
-Acceptance and accountability. I’m ready to filter out the toxicity of the energy I have put into controlling others and how they treat me or how they are limiting my life.
-Ask for an enmity filter to be placed at the location where there is a drain that has been sucking energy out of you AND/OR out of them!
-Invite all the energy both of you have put into this, to be returned and to pass through the filter to block all toxicity and deception, returning only the Godly light and intention and intelligent energy. The energy is intelligent, trust it can find it’s way back into the proper sources.
-Wait until this is complete (you may not have realized how empty you were until now)
- Expectations for or from God
-He is not receiving his instruction through the flesh, but from God directly. Mankind is mortal and imperfect, which can be triggering of our own limitations or misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Connecting with God directly is more complete. He is flexible meaning he is teachable, but rooted in this relationship with God.
-He is moving forward with a direct line to God as his energy source. It looks like God is moving Moses’s feet. Like Moses is offering his body to God as a vessel, but there is a submission and willingness on Moses’s part. Humbling his own understanding to that of God. Looks like Moses is learning how to advance with training to become a God himself.
-When Moses puts his staff in the water (the first time) – God is one with Moses and acting through Moses.
-When Moses puts his staff in water to part the sea – God physically parts the waters while Moses is “in training” while holding the staff. They are acting through the very act of duality and partnership while trusting the other completely. The line of light energy flow still exists and there is little difference between Moses and God.
-The thought that comes to my mind is self-doubt is a common struggle that divides us from Moses. If I can submit and humble myself, what would I need to shift in order to align my life and reality with Moses? Am I ready for the “follow through” when God has a calling he offers me? Is there anything blocking my willingness to become one with God? Am I creating those limitations? Am I choosing to believe or live in such a way that I am incapable of experiencing this advancement in my own life or am I doing it for the wrong reasons?
-Once Moses reaches the opposite shore, he has completed his mission and purpose in life. He no longer needs a physical body and is capable of advancing into a higher elevated existence. He chooses to remain mortal, not for himself but to honor God and lead others to God. The rest of his experience is not being shown to me as part of this lesson.
-Does God have this expectation for us and maybe we are getting lost in transit? How can we reconnect with God in order to fulfill our callings? This is a very personal goal and I do not feel the path is a simple process, but rather a willingness to ask God for direction. I feel like we need to ask the questions that lead to more understanding. Becoming humble that “my way” is not the only way. We are being used to start a war with one another, but arguing the details is dividing us further. What if we respect and honor the journey and embrace the experiences excluding all types of control… Hope, faith and love might have a very different meaning than what I have understood previously. A duality with God is a partnership. I can practice with my own body by learning how to love something that is limited and aging and susceptible to death. Accepting my past as part of the beautiful journey. Then accepting and honoring and loving others how they choose to show up and how they live their truth. I get to practice on accepting the changes that my body presents. Also shifting my reasons for desiring righteousness to be less selfish. Most of my motives are selfish intent wrapped in a pretty bow of righteousness. Meaning there’s an internal conflict within me. Part of me seeks to be Godly and feels right in all my interactions and intentions, but part of me feels so frustrated and limited! Part of me knows what’s right, but the other part is distracted with worldly desires. What if that’s all part of the experience?! What if rather than changing the results, we can embrace the discomfort?! If you are only willing to embrace the discomfort if I am promising you the result is miraculous, then the motive is selfish. If the motive is pure, then your mindset shifts and changes your experience. Much will change as we prepare for the second coming. I am ready to be molded by God to continue this beautiful journey. I am his vessel. I choose duality with God. I accept my body and life exactly as it is. I am ready to live my purpose, I know God will do His part and I am ready to do my part.
- Removing the grasp/trap of the trickster
- Focus on HOPE and FAITH and LOVE (or any other energy that you feel inspired to magnify). Use this powerful energy and allow it to flood your being. Then grab ahold of the trickster that was holding onto you. Typically, at the same entrance point as your symptoms or the location of the drain/feed of energy. You may not need to know the exact spot, trust your spirit does know. Hold onto them with this energy of HOPE, faith and love flooding through you until their grasp over you dissolves and detaches or dissipates.
- You are now free to experience your life without those limitations the trickster placed on you.
- Removing the trap over your mind
- The primary understanding is that your mind is also set. This trap is also over the mind with a direct line preventing any movement. This is either created by the originator for you or created by you for someone else or created by you for yourself. The power of the trap is a fear of deception. We cannot respect agency while there is a trap preventing progression. The original intention is righteous, but got lost in the process. Using a level of respect will help overcome this trap, but don’t get lost in the debate, rather focus on teamwork and the driving force was originally coming from a space of love. That’s what matters. You might be forcing someone into an image or comparing them to someone else. You might be held hostage and feel defensive or forced into a lifestyle that feels wrong to you. There are many possibilities for how this trap is influencing your mind, pick the one that is affecting you:
- Is this electrical? Use a grounding line to remove the power line connected to your mind. Now, awaken your mind – Wake up!
- Is this created by someone else to do harm or control? Ask for all the light energies to remove all control or conflict energy being sent or received.
- Is this causing your mind to sleep - “sleeping beauty”? I choose to live this life and I am ready to LIVE each moment.
- Are you creating this expectation for someone else and possibly trapping their mind yourself? Take accountability and retract all attacks, invite the light energies to assist in the cleanup effort.
- Are you accepting this trap as though it is deserved or expected of you to be a mindless puppet? Choose to embrace freedom, while creating a peaceful understanding of God’s love without the need to force change in others. Then embrace self-love!!
- Allow the spirit to teach you if there is more that is needed to remove the entrapment. Maybe further effort is needed within the advanced lessons. Be patient with your efforts as time may be necessary to understand everything.
- The false “god of death” is the head manager overseeing the trickster false god so we must go back through the steps to remove his power as well.
- There is a possession over your body: You have been used as a vessel, it affects your body with a more rapid aging process or inability for your body to heal itself. These steps can be done for a you or a loved one. This was far more difficult than I expected. Choose the God of light and life and focus on that decision and the love in that connection so deeply that you disconnect from the false god and reconnect with our loving God the Father. Do this until you completely repel the false god of death. This also includes embracing the mortality of the flesh, with NO fear remaining in your body, NO resistance of the aging process. In fact you need to embrace the aging and the mortality of the body, but in God’s creation power… Not giving power to the false god that believes he has gained dominion over mankind and the flesh. This involves a change of heart and rededication. The more you attempt to force healing, the more power this bad guy gets because its coming from a space of resisting discomfort and trials. Instead we must see the trials as a beautiful learning experience as we are humble and ready to advance in the knowledge of God’s deeper mysteries. The humbling act of “I don’t know everything”, includes removing all need to control the results or being willing to relearn how to approach literally everything… The god of death actually took over dominion over the flesh for all mankind, but only gained enough control to actually possess the body and increase the aging process for some people. Rather than removing him, we choose to embrace the body and the changes that are part of the mortal aging process. This deeper love and willingness to experience life exactly as it is, removes the power of this possession. It is not just intention; it is deeper and involves a willingness to change and embrace the very thing we all tend to run away from. Once, this is complete, you’ll see a great change.
- The future expectation we all share is our physical mortality. Physical death is a guarantee. This trickster god wants us to fear death thus giving him power over you. He wants us to believe that God is cruel by giving us an imperfect body that is susceptible to suffering and death. He wants us to feel angry or betrayed by God when someone we love dies or when we fall into illness. This is the driving force behind discomfort over physical limitations. We are in resistance to our own mortality and seeking something unrealistic which makes us feel powerless. Let’s overcome the power he has by challenging his power! What if we could feel gratitude for the body and learn how to adjust to the changes as the body ages and accept the new limitations are offered as a training tool. What if God is actually teaching us how to love others better by teaching us unconditional love for our aging bodies. The spirit is perfect and capable of more than we can fathom, but the body is limited and will die! We can learn a higher level of duality between two very different “abilities”. We can learn patience as we are forced to slow down to care for our bodies. We can learn how to love something imperfect and thus magnify our ability to love others through their imperfections. Maybe busying ourselves with all the demands of life is blinding us to learning the purpose we were sent here to learn. Maybe illness is slowing me down enough to listen and become teachable, forcing me into accepting changes outside of my control. I’m not afraid of death or aging or trials or illness. I’m not afraid of God’s will. I’m not afraid of my body. You have no power over me or my future. I trust God with my future as it has not even been written yet. I will not fear the future. I do not need to control the future. I am ok letting go and letting God be in charge. I know God cares and loves me and my family. I know I am not walking this journey alone. I know anything that happens, will be used to help me grow in my progression. I will not give you any power over my future anymore.
- The current power is FALSE – he has no real power over you. He cannot affect you by taking your life away. Stand up to this “god of death”: I don’t believe in you. I believe in my power as a child of God to remove you and your influence. II do not choose to believe in you. I do choose to believe in my true loving God, my Father in Heaven. I will put my faith and trust in Him, but I do not believe in you. You are powerless over me. I am free of your chains forevermore.
- Let’s rededicate your original expectation from step #2. This was your ideal life or your mission in life. This original expectation is based in the center core of your being. Your purpose, who you are and who you strive to be! This righteous understanding is your access to HOPE and God’s hand in your life to offer you direction!
- This rededication can be done through prayer and invite God to open up this image to become even more beautiful with His understanding or anything else He may desire to teach you! Open yourself up to any possibility!
- Ask God to rededicate your marriage or family or your body or your possessions that also became polluted during the process of self-discovery and self-improvement.
- Clean up any cording or conflict energy. Ask for all the light energies to remove any control or conflict energy from being sent or received.
- Ask for a sun sword to cauterize any wounds from the drains. Ask for the living waters to cleanse you – bathe and drink of the living waters.
- Choose any atonement steps that you may need to pursue to create daily change.
- Finding joy in your life without needing anything to change! Just being present and happy with the experience of life that God has offered you even if life is far less than perfect or easy. TAPPING would be a great addition to this step!
- Repeat these steps often or as needed. Earn more and see if there are other ways that future energy has power over you or how you are (unintentionally or blindly) creating toxic “current” energy.
- Any possible additions: Work on freeing you from the past or any point in time you are still stuck past present or future. Or maybe its just affecting multiple thought patterns and needs repeated until it no longer is a pattern.
- Maybe a 3D removal trapping you into projected possible futures. Is there a dimension created trapping you in that perceived future? I call this a 3D. There are multiple possibilities so there may be endless dimensions entrapping your mind preventing progression.
- Additional shielding to protect against any backlash from a trickster. However, I have yet to find one that works because the very intention of a shield for protection to avoid repeated suffering, which actually gives the trickster more power. But a perfect brightness of hope for improved understanding and dedication to learning God’s higher level of living, takes away the power of the tricksters and elevates you to higher and out of their reach. This is only found in embracing the detailed lessons I am including in the Spirit Code 2.0 lessons.