Explanation – You have seen your trials, suffering and tribulations as the problem that is separating you from happiness. You have sought to fix the problem to reach your goal. You are not wrong for your righteous intentions, but the results might be leading you to feel frustrated, depressed, angry, or hopeless. You may have prayed countless times and put your faith in God to offer you the miracle you seek, but your suffering remains. Does God simply desire you endure through the trial? Or can we combine all we know of God and create miracles?
Quite simply, there is a higher purpose to life, you have a much bigger identity with a complex spiritual history and potential for your progression. What if your suffering is God’s way of helping you to reach your goal? When we accept the miracle is the change of heart, we can take these humbling steps to partner with God and work towards a much bigger goal.
Overcoming your suffering is a worthy goal, but it is short-sighted for mortal desires. God wants to help you reach your spiritual goals throughout the eternities and these symptoms or trials are simply a tool to help you reach your goals. When we take these steps to embrace the trial, we can pivot our efforts and start partnering with God towards a more fulfilling goal in alignment with God’s will. What if the trial is the solution, not the problem?!
When these steps are followed, it will become part of your testimony and change your entire outlook towards your trials. Deep gratitude will come naturally. The miracle really is the change of heart.
Explanation – You have seen your trials, suffering and tribulations as the problem that is separating you from happiness. You have sought to fix the problem to reach your goal. You are not wrong for your righteous intentions, but the results might be leading you to feel frustrated, depressed, angry, or hopeless. You may have prayed countless times and put your faith in God to offer you the miracle you seek, but your suffering remains. Does God simply desire you endure through the trial? Or can we combine all we know of God and create miracles?
Quite simply, there is a higher purpose to life, you have a much bigger identity with a complex spiritual history and potential for your progression. What if your suffering is God’s way of helping you to reach your goal? When we accept the miracle is the change of heart, we can take these humbling steps to partner with God and work towards a much bigger goal.
Overcoming your suffering is a worthy goal, but it is short-sighted for mortal desires. God wants to help you reach your spiritual goals throughout the eternities and these symptoms or trials are simply a tool to help you reach your goals. When we take these steps to embrace the trial, we can pivot our efforts and start partnering with God towards a more fulfilling goal in alignment with God’s will. What if the trial is the solution, not the problem?!
When these steps are followed, it will become part of your testimony and change your entire outlook towards your trials. Deep gratitude will come naturally. The miracle really is the change of heart.
- TRIALS: In your head, you created the idea of a perfect life. You have sought to fix everything preventing this perfect life. What if the purpose of life includes trials and opposition? What if attaining this perfect life would limit you from reaching your potential? What if your way is not the “right way” even if it is based on evidence. What if you are willing to accept that your efforts were righteous, but not creating results. What if the expectation you had is actually limiting your potential from blossoming?
- ILLNESS: Your body is created by a PERFECT God. What if God took into account for all the traumas and how they would affect you? Symptoms can be the result of attacks or evil intentions of others or unresolved trauma…but there is so much more! You have spent your life seeking healing which taught you so much and improved your quality of life, but you are still sick. Don’t give up, THERE’S MORE! You aren’t wrong in your efforts, but what if we start seeing the symptom as God communicating with us through a body that was designed perfectly?
- LITERALLY every other effort to resolve a problem. Maybe doing a session to help someone feel better. Maybe helping your child overcome something big in their life. Maybe helping a lost soul who committed suicide to find God. I use these steps every time something isn’t working “my way” and I need to align with God’s will!
- You can do these steps for someone else or for yourself.
- For someone else – use the steps we learned in lesson 4. It is a deep honor to experience suffering with someone else. The trial isn’t the enemy, it is the learning tool. These are opportunities to be like Christ and can help you magnify your potential. You can choose to share in the suffering and deeply honor the incredible opportunity to love on a deeper level and understand the trial from their perspective. There is a purpose to trials and we don’t need to fix the trial, but bear that burden with them. Be sure to include coaching steps for the other person if you want the results to last. This work is not about fixing others or taking away their trials or removing opposition. The other person needs to be included in this perspective shift.
- See yourself standing between 3 doors. The one on the right is your FUTURE. The one on your left is the PAST. The one in front of you is your PRESENT reality.
- FUTURE – turn to the right and acknowledge that even with extremely righteous intentions, you still don’t know the potential or how to create the results you seek. This is a humbling process. It is also the most important part of accepting responsibility for the thought energy you create!
- Rejected future – this is usually associated with grief or suicidal idealization. Being willing to experience life can be a difficult decision, this might be the hardest door to open. So, let’s honor this self-preservation effort and allow it to remain closed for now.
- Self-created futures – Your expected futures are based on evidence from the past. We simply acknowledge these expectations are goals you created. It was taking all your energy and still limiting progress. Be willing to bring all that energy back out of these desired false futures, taking full accountability for all the energy you put into what you wanted to happen. Now close the door on all these self-created expectations for the future.
- Forced expectations from others – These began from a space of love or seeking to avoid discomfort by placing the responsibility on you. Simply and humbly accept this expectation. I appreciate the effort, but I do not choose to keep this as part of my story. Then disconnect that line by placing a boundary block from God with pure intelligence of light energy to prevent any further forced expectations to be received. You can then release these by letting go and no longer carrying this burden.
- You might be able to use the elimination tool from dark intelligent matter in the universe (dark doesn’t equal evil, it is simply part of creation with a purpose that can be Godly when used appropriately). This cannot be used unrighteously in an effort to avoid the trial; it can be used when humbly accepting responsibility for the thought energy you created. This would be similar to saying, this is not the thought energy I choose to create anymore, I humbly accept responsibility and ask for a clean slate with the elimination matter. I am now ready to create thoughts aligned with God’s purpose and put more intention into my thoughts in order to have a perfect brightness of hope.
- PAST – Turn to the left and look at your past. All these trials and suffering have a purpose. Deeply honor yourself for all you have been through.
- Rejected past – This is self-preservation, it is okay to leave this door closed, but let’s touch the door with love and compassion.
- Stuck in the past – You might be stuck in a trauma. Two steps: remove the trickster by recommitting to being a Child of God and God’s plan. Step two: Choose to accept the past and continue moving forward. Then walk out of the past and close that door.
- Pulling energy out of the past – You might be projecting the past events into the future as evidence. Maybe you are seeking to change the energy from the past to feel better. Which is not wrong, but still lacking. Instead return all the energy to the past. Nothing about your life’s experience is wrong. Close the door to the past and the future.
- Trying to change the past – You may be putting all your energy into changing the past especially in times of regret or guilt. Leave all that energy in the past without altering anything else. It all serves a purpose. Close that door.
- Any remaining open doors to the past – simply return the energy and close the door.
- PRESENT – This is a closed door in front of you. Accepting your reality is extremely hard. This is the hardest step. Not to be confused with having no hope, its just one step in this acceptance process.
- Remove the tricksters – Let’s simplify your opposition here. The one thing that repels these guys is love and knowing your divine worth as a Child of God. Focus your attention on BOTH steps: love and then “I am a child of God”. They will be repelled and depart. There is always a possibility you will need to use the light energy from The Source and possibly separate out identity crystals, although this is rare.
- Now, focus on accepting your reality and open that door to your reality exactly as it is. With this step, open yourself up to feeling and experiencing life and all the trials that are in front of you. No more resisting trials and suffering. Accept there is a purpose to your suffering.
- OPEN THE DOOR – THIS DOOR MIGHT NOT BE READY TO OPEN!! You may need to do multiple associated expectation traps or even another process before opening this door. It is worth your time to be thorough in order to get to that change of heart associated with this step of embracing the trial/suffering. When it is ready to open, you will feel completely humbled and broken, like a child returning to God saying, I don’t understand and this is soooo hard!
- If the door opens - Fall to your knees humbled and “broken” asking God to “please help”.
- Now light will return and Christ will join you and open doors to the future being offered. He is accepting your humble heart and helping you to have that change of heart. This is where the opportunities are vastly different.
- The miracle is THE CHANGE OF HEART – God will enter into your presence and you will feel His love and light as He opens up doors for you. This is where your personal revelation will become clear and detailed. Take notes, do the follow through, and commune with God to develop that deeper relationship. This is a testimony building experience. When you are shown the purpose behind the trial, your commitment will shift. Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling.
- You might be led to do the Christ sacrifice steps.
- You might be given specific revelation regarding a decision or to help you find a solution.
- You might be led to work through a trauma from the pre-existence that God is helping you to overcome through.
- You might be given perspective shift to know what to work on instead in order to create the healing you seek.
- You might be given something to change in your life. A new way to live in order to create the results you seek.
- You might choose to not make any changes and that’s ok, instead you might then be able to see your agency in another light.
- If you are looking for an explanation for why difficult things happen, that will not be offered and instead do an expectation trap removal for the expectation for an explanation or someone to blame.
- This is where you are partnering with God in a space of teachability and humility. I oftentimes need clarity and education; this is the space I receive exposure to such truths.
- Maybe the problem is actually the solution and suffering is not in the way of happiness, but the way to happiness: When you embrace the suffering, it’s similar to accepting the physical therapy exercise, not knowing the muscle tone you lack. Embrace rather than just begrudgingly accepting the struggles, is a willingness to partner with God with gratitude. This is a faith step to believing there is a purpose and willing to continue moving forward. You are working towards your personal calling or mission in life. You are communicating to your body “I’m listening” and I am your partner. Your body is created perfectly to help you succeed so maybe the suffering is helping teach you something. Maybe you don’t know everything (ouch). I am committed to the purpose and I choose to partner with God. Even advancing to feeling deeply grateful for the symptoms and honored to progress. Example: maybe your depression is your brain showing you where you are weak and when you choose to take responsibility for your thoughts, you can strengthen that area by being more careful with the thoughts you create. If you can see your thoughts are turning dark, stop and take inventory. I no longer choose to create dark thoughts; I take responsibility for those thoughts. I choose to honor the difficult experiences from my past because they are part of me, but I no longer desire to give power to that darkness, instead I choose to progress and continue my education process as a Child of God. I choose to eliminate the dark thoughts I just created and instead create thoughts of peace, light and love. Another example: if you are deaf, maybe your hearing loss is not the problem, but the solution to help develop spiritual communication as a telestial being communicates. If you feel homesick for heaven, maybe it is actually God encouraging you. Maybe you have been lost a long time and you are just SOOOO close to coming home. That motivation can be your drive to work harder on your thoughts in order to finish the purpose of life. It’s like a 10 step program and we are all on step 9, but ready to move onto step 10!! The purpose of life is to finish that intelligence process and come back together, but as one with your spirit, mind and body. The mind needs to be humbled to become one with your spirit. Your spirit is already one with God with direct communication as the Holy Ghost. Your body needs awakened, but until you are ready for the responsibilities of each thought you create, you won’t be ready for that awakened body functioning as one with God. It is worth the effort to master the thoughts you are creating!! If you feel judgmental, maybe that is where you are weak and needs to focus on being more intentional so instead let’s embrace the mind is offering direction, how amazing that your body is even helping you to progress into an evolved being. Simply eliminate that judgmental thought and ask God for help strengthening that part of you so you can see others from God’s perspective. Then practice creating loving thoughts!
- You might be given opportunities to use your Identity stone or Creation tablet. Sometimes I have seen them used to communicate or give direction. I have seen them to offer light in darkness to direct your path. I believe there are many uses and their potential is beyond my current personal comprehension. Use personal revelation to advance their uses.
- Maybe you had some unresolved issues in the pre-existence that, once resolved, can become a strength. Your potential is unknown and only God can direct that path once resolved and ready to progress. We are not returning to the way we lived previously; we are evolving into a way we have never experienced therefore you don’t already know the answer and need to learn something new from God.
- Take responsibility for your own thought energy you create every moment. Each thought you have is incredibly powerful and important. We re working on fine-tuning ourselves.
- Maybe there is a spirit in your home that is a telestial being, desiring to help you to learn translation. Learn how to communicate by being intentional with your thoughts.