Enoch and the City of Light
The City of Enoch – The City of Light
(My thoughts written are in purple)
For reference: Enoch was after Adam and Eve and before Noah. There is additional scripture beyond the Bible that says the city of Enoch was raised up due to righteousness and Enoch entered heaven in the flesh with a mortal body. I was shown what was relevant and what I could comprehend.
Section One
I'm seeing an extremely Advanced utopian type Society. I'm seeing that everybody is in such a peaceful state practicing all of these Christ-like attributes within their heart and their thoughts and all their interactions. All the lessons within Spirit Code 2.0 regarding sharing energy and miracles; is their natural way of life. Advancing even further as that is just the starting point of possibilities. Lucifer can't even get into the city because the light resonating from the people is too powerful that Lucifer is unable to enter. I’m not seeing shielding over the city; the adversary literally has no power over anybody's thoughts or actions. Like he is just a fly, but powerless over them due to their dedication to God and how they are acting as “one” with each other and God and the earth. I'm even seeing Christ walking on the streets with the people beaming with joy. The people are forming a circle around the inner part of the city and holding hands to represent being unified. I'm seeing everybody laying down in the streets where they are and closing their eyes and drifting into a deep sleep as though they are being held in suspension. This part is getting harder for me to understand.
My thoughts: Is there a possibility that they are sleeping through all of the evil and contention and wickedness of the world and then being awoken when Christ returns and the Earth is pure again? And if so is that possibility presented to us that when the evil of the world gets too evil and we are found worthy that we may be able to sleep through it and be maybe taken to a special Godly place in the meanwhile? Of course, not with the intention of wanting to avoid difficulties. And remaining would also mean being able to help each other. Kind of like bearing one another's burdens. Like how Christ goes through the wars and plagues with us. Does the Sleep represent death or simply sleep? It sure looked more like sleep. Does the city rise up or just the people? I'm not sure yet.
Well, my kids aren’t ready for that offer as I see it is only offered for those fully ready to embrace this way of life and I cannot leave them behind so if it is an offering, I need to take the slow route. Bummer. Plus, it feels like Christ would go through the trials with us, rather than skipping over them. Plus, isn’t that what life is all about? Experiencing the difficulties in order to truly appreciate the beauty of life? That’s what Eve spoke of regarding her choice to partake of the tree of knowledge. It doesn’t seem like it is a Godly desire to avoid opposition and fast forward to the “easy part”. The trials offer strength and lessons and opportunities to serve and bring others to God. Maybe I just needed to feel less afraid of the trials upon us and embrace the experience rather than wanting to skip ahead.
That is correct: This was not an invitation, but an opportunity to choose to experience the trials and tribulations that are upon us. Each experience offered is beneficial and there is always a choice. Just not always the choice I want. Plus, if it is offered, it would only be for those individuals that are worthy of living this perfect energy share of Christlike existence so anyone it is offered to, would desire to help others along the way rather than skipping over the difficulties.
Let’s understand the city of Enoch better. This is our desire to begin living in a Godly manner and we still need to learn how to do this properly. Not my way or your way, but God’s way and the City of Enoch did it right so let’s learn from them.
I’m seeing two people standing facing each other. Right hand to opposing person’s heart. Eyes closed. Deep breath. Hold. Do you worry where your next breath is offered? What if you knew your partners heart and thoughts? Would that change how you see yourself or them?
It looks like everybody within the city functions as one with God and each other and the Earth and all creation. And the Earth offers in the center of the city a direct beam of light energy, straight from the Source of all energy within the universe. The light energy is powering the whole city and each of the people within. It is an offering from the earth due to righteousness and worthiness as they have a Godly mindset of creating heaven on Earth. It looks like because Darkness has no place in their hearts or their countenance, that the light energy is the only energy that is even recognized or received.
Typically, I have never seen the direct energy from the source of pure light being offered endlessly. Typically, it is too powerful and we become too greedy or we are unable to utilize its power properly. Also, it typically is offered with the light and the dark but the city of Enoch, only resonates the light energy.
Now while I was in the city I was there with a specific intention and I was offered access to this light energy to be successful in my mission. The light energy was offered to me and I assumed it would be given in a staff form, but instead it entered through my right hand and became one with me. I felt the intensity of the power and it sped everything up. It intensified my abilities and all of the work I was doing but I recognized I was not able to remain in a humble space to do my portion of my calling in life. I was bypassing the Christlike steps and harnessing energy and power to heal. I realized quickly that I was acting out of greed and power, not love, service, sacrifice and tithing. I wasn’t full of love and compassion, but power. That is not what Christ taught us. I don’t want to misuse these gifts or corrupt them with my mortal desires, I wish to keep them Godly and centered with a Godly purpose. Nothing offered has ever been meant to contain for ourselves. So, I immediately shared this energy to be used for a different purpose and for someone else. Worthiness for such power is an interesting conversation. I was seeking to heal others, which is a righteous intention, but still, I could feel the desire within me to use it to speed up the work and bypass the steps. Which took two components out of the process: the feeling in my heart of love and being an apprentice to Christ by my side. Instead, I was running forward on my own. That’s a dangerous path.
It was given to me almost like a test to see if I would keep it for myself, corrupt its power and misuse it or if I was willing to share it. When I gave it away and shared it, it remained a gift for the other person to complete their calling. I am sharing this because this was a valuable lesson; even with intentions of a Godly purpose of healing with energy offered to me in a sacred place, we must always keep our eyes set on heaven.
We all have a mission in life. We are all working together with one purpose and when you are in the space you are less desirous for power and more desirous to function as “one” with others. We all have something beautiful to share. And we can honor each other and support each other without the need to possess each other's gifts or missions or talents. That is a very important lesson to understand to be worthy of this gift from The Source.
What else can we learn from the city of Enoch? I'm asking more about the sleep I was shown.
I’m seeing this sleep is actually a gift that all the people within the city chose to offer. I’m not seeing where the city went or how, but I am seeing WHEN they were taken to. They still possessed the Godly mindset of our parents Adam and Eve, they were unpolluted from the world and their thoughts were completely Godly. Therefore, they knew their way of life could be offered at “the last hour” to help the people rebuild and prepare the earth for Christ to return during the most difficult times of destruction. The first shall be the last… It looks as though they have chosen as a unified mindset to return to help us create New Jerusalem with their City of Light for the return of our King. Offering a beautiful Unified translation of the higher way to live and exist.
It looks like they were given a choice and they chose and they feel honored to offer this gift to us. I'm seeing their city coming down from heaven. It’s like multiple parts are being divided throughout the world in the sacred spaces that have been foreordained or cleansed for this holy city of light. It looks like God will completely Wipe Out the area in order for that City to be returned to the earth.
Then they are opening up the city doors and many people are walking out and instantly being transported to collect the Worthy and the righteous. Some will be ready to enter the portal and be transported to the center of the city of light. Some are worthy to be transported, but still need some time to be ready to enter and thus camps outside the city have been prepared. The city must remain sacred; thus, the mindset must be focused on building up the kingdom of God and living in peace with one another. Some are not ready for the portal and thus the time is offered to trek together by foot. Some groups are split up where some remain to trek as families helping one another along the way.
There is a welcome group within the city and one just outside the city. As each group returns within the city, there are more volunteers to assist in collecting more people, the city grows speedily until all have been collected that are ready to instantly enter. Then the growth slows down while those trekking are being collected.
I'm seeing myself at home, I saw the light from the city off in the distance and then 2 people appear on my street. I open the door and run to them with complete excitement saying “I've been waiting for you!” Part of me is quite nervous to see you how much of my family is with me. And I'm not sure if I want to see that part. Between the wars and plagues, sometimes the truth isn’t the same as what I want… I prefer to see the whole vision being offered rather than just what I want to see as well. I decided I was ready to continue and accept anything I’m shown without attempting to change the future.
I have quite a few more people with me. It feels like people we have taken into our home, a couple families. I'm also surprised to say it looks like my husband and 3 or 4 of my kids are with me! One of my kids, it is still unclear, as he has yet to decide. That’s okay too. It looks like my youngest son is only 10. (Right now, he's about to turn five.) I desired a lot of clarity on this and it was very clear, my son is 10. He has down syndrome and is using sign language when he talks. I did get more clarity regarding extended family, but not everyone will be ready for those details so I will refrain from sharing more.
Prior to being transported, my husband is asking if somebody will take him to get his older children who live far away from us. Somebody else in our group is offering to go with him. We say our goodbyes and he departs to collect his kids and the rest of us are taken to the City of Light.
Within the city of light, one of the men approach me and he asks why Zachariah is still afflicted with Down syndrome and hearing loss. And I share with him that it is a gift to protect him from the evils of the world as he was originally meant to be born during the millennium. But now that we are here in the city of light, my son no longer needs that protection. There was an instant understanding of a conversation, would I prefer waiting for my husband? No need, I know my husband’s will and we would be honored for his assistance. The man puts his hands on Zachariah and every chromosome is altered, my son’s face and body changes; his ears begin to work, his speech is restored, and he no longer has down syndrome. My son looks at me and starts talking. There are no words.
I'm so full of excitement to have my husband return and see his joy with the miracle offered to our son. I ask to see that reunion. I am shown Zach is 14. That’s a long trek to collect his kids, but I am shown it is possible to take either 2 or 4 years. When my husband returns, it looks like a huge crowd is following behind him. Oh, happy day is that reunion!
What else can we learn from the city of Enoch and the difficult times ahead especially if they are approaching so soon? The times of destruction are an opportunity to advance with our families, away from the ways of the world, to practice living higher in preparation. I’m also seeing that I can touch a plant, even a weed, and berries will sprout forth. I’m seeing that when we need water, I can put a cup outside and it will rain directly into the cup, only the cup. As I’m seeing this, I already desire to share it with neighbors. As I do so, when I return there is more food and water. Not to reward me either, but more to continue sharing! The more I share, the more is offered. The more is offered, the more I can share. I keep reflecting on Manna and how God fed the Hebrews who followed Moses. God offers us every breath and a land of plenty, why would He stop caring for us if there is a collapse al around us? What would we need to do differently to live in such a way that we can prepare ourselves to fulfill this promise? My thoughts are being drawn to the lessons I have been taught regarding healing and changing our mindset. I was shown while my gift is being open to healing others, some have the gift to be open to the earth and the sun at the feet and the crown. Having the gift to be one with the earth, while I have the gift to be open to mankind. As we share our gifts, we can access opportunities through one another as a partnership. Not to be taken or used, but as we share healing energy with others, they can choose to share right back and begin creating a unified approach. This can magnify blessings as the earth also offers to care for us. The earth feels so much gratitude when we care for others, that she reaches out to bless with food and water to nourish and strengthen us, as we are seeking to love others with these blessings. When the intention of your heart is pure and Godly, it shows in every interaction with a desire to do good and give away all that you have. How do we handle attacks if we choose to remain open? We can be slippery like a straw or open like a flower or open like a door. This can take practice to remain open when an attack occurs. When we close up, the darkness is trapped within. When we remain open, we can connect with creation and become stronger. The adversary seeks to keep us alone and vulnerable. When we remain open, we are strengthened by one another and all of creation to stand together. The protection against temptation and suffering is only comparable to darkness being unable to enter heaven. It takes work, but the more you practice, the more you will understand this is the higher way of God.
I keep thinking how important it is to always start with prayer. Always remember to ask Heavenly Father in humility if I am worthy to learn more today. I am always learning and desiring to be teachable like a child. Doing the same with healing steps, to always ask God’s will and permission or my purpose. I can command the body or plant life, but only with God’s permission and with the commitment to God’s ways elevating my ways. Never desiring to keep blessings for myself, but to share everything, in return more is shared with me. I can see how much more I am progressing as I implement this as my way of life regarding literally everything, even my thoughts.
I walked outside the city’s doors because I wanted to see the camps preparing people to enter. I also wanted to see the state of the world as I had not focused on those details when I left my home. Everything was dark, it felt like being in the world was comparable to having the lights turned off after being in the Holy City of Light. The darkness of the world felt gloomy and desolate in comparison. There was a complete shift when walking back into the city, everything was clear, full of light, and inviting.
God extended an invitation to explore the city of light or anything I desire for the purpose of sharing this information to help others prepare themselves. It is time. However, this was already so much to process, I must pace myself. When I have the strength, I will ask if I am worthy to continue the vision to share with you.
Section Two
I prayed and asked if I was worthy to receive more light and knowledge. I reflected on the past and the future of light and beauty that was shared with me. Then I asked if I was ready to see the destruction prophesied with wars, famine, plagues and disaster. I reflected on how I would receive the information. Would I struggle with feelings of fear? Would I struggle desiring to prevent or alter the future? Can I accept that in order for God to rebuild and for the City of Light to return, then the world I am used to will need to change. God is not the source of this destruction, man is. God is the source of the rebuilding. There will be a point when God is the source of the cleansing of evil. The point is I have a choice; to resist the deconstruction and feel victimized by the process or I can embrace it while knowing it must occur if I desire to live in the City of Light. What we tend to do is desire to have peace while keeping everything the same. I’m reflecting on my first marriage. The abuse was extreme and my choices were to stay or leave. It’s not such a simple execution, the process requires uprooting and completely walking away from everything I had known without knowing what my future might offer. It was easier to pretend that he could change and I could keep the family together. It’s like resisting opposition and desiring for a life with no trials or death, then feeling frustrated when trials are upon you. However, when I followed the promptings of The Lord and left my abuser, allowing everything to crumble around me, the life that was built was fully designed by God. The peace I was seeking was not within a destructive environment, the life I was seeking required a process of giving up something, in order to receive what I was desiring. This is a harder process than one might presume. We often find ourselves saying, I will give it up if I know what is being offered. For instance, I will leave my abusive husband if that means God will send me a righteous man. Then needing to meet this man prior to leaving so that I can remain in a family dynamic and just jump straight to the happy marriage I seek. Or maybe similar to wanting to skip the hard parts and jump straight to the glorious future that awaits me. Not realizing that the whole process can be beneficial and even wanting to avoid responsibility for the effort put into rebuilding.
With this acceptance, am I ready to accept the part of the future that requires the loss of all the comforts of the world? Can I lose these comforts without cursing God or seeing myself as a victim of tragedy? Am I ready to accept that some will experience these events on the other side of the veil? Death is not a punishment, but that trial is outside of my control, can I see God’s higher ways without being distracted with my own grief resisting the perceived loss of the flesh of those around me? Am I ready to also accept responsibility for the process of learning a higher way of rebuilding rather than simply rebuilding what was destroyed? Can I leave behind the world and embrace the ways of God?
I am ready to receive, thank you for allowing me the time to process through my emotions.
I was taken to two instances. First, when we are offered the transportation directly to the City of Light, will we need to take anything? The answer was based on your intentions. If you have an item that offers comfort, then yes absolutely. If the intention is to take most of your clothing and money and possessions, then you are obviously not ready to leave behind the ways of the world. The question was presented: would you desire the rest of those left behind to have access to your home and possessions? Would you prefer to keep your home preserved so you have access to everything and even have a “fall back plan”? If you are not ready to share your home and all the contents that you are leaving behind, then you are not ready to live in the City of Light. If you want to keep it all preserved, then you are not putting your faith in God and leaving it behind either. Do you love others enough to desire to share everything even down to your home, bed, clothing, and food? Learning to give away all you hath will begin as a process of losing so much during the destruction. It is an opportunity to lose little by little in order to stop depending on worldly comforts. The more you embrace the process, the more you will learn how to depend on God thus making the transition into the City of Light, a simple transition. The more you share everything, even when you have very little, the more you will develop a testimony of God’s higher ways. God will give more as we share more. Not as a reward, but so we have enough to keep sharing. God desires to make this transition possible, thus He allows the process of the disasters to occur. It must affect all mankind, sparing none, in order to help us to succeed when the invitation to join this Holy City is offered to those who are worthy. Even those who need to take the long route with a trek, will reach the day when they too must share their supplies and shed the worldly darkness in order to step into the light of the city. It is an act of sacrifice and one that God knows will be difficult. We can ask for help. Asking to avoid the disaster or asking to prevent sorrow, will lead to a stupor of revelation. It will be like water that sits in one place and develops a slimy fungus and even becomes dangerous as it contains bacteria. When water moves, ever flowing and rocks are placed in its path, it allows cleansing and purity. Asking for help to embrace the opportunities being taught through the trials, will be an open door. Remaining flexible with the mindset of turning away from your old ways, will allow for much growth to be open for God to teach you His higher ways. The more resistance, the more difficulties. The more acceptance, the more growth.
My husband wants me to know what we need to prepare right now or if there is anything else we need. I assume it will take time to transition from certain necessities of living to depending on God with a unified approach. Especially when we are in the path of destruction and will be unable to live in unity quite yet. We are yet to advance to being one with the earth to sprout forth life and there is a very real transitionary time period during these next 5 years. I will ask and receive as it is offered.
Section Three
Next, I was taken to the beginning of the disasters, more central to our present day. The exact timing is unclear, but I do feel it is upon us. I saw a large set of hands picking up the United States. Embracing the U.S. and even kissing it. I saw these hands pick up the president and toss him out. The individual holding the U.S., then curled up in a fetal position around the U.S. and took reign as a King. A monarchy is created and many believe this to be Christ returning to reign as our King. Then I see each person is likened to a tree and their trunk is cut off from the roots. Each tree still existing, but cut off from the base and root system.
I questioned some of the symbolism. Could this set of hands be God preserving the U.S.? Could the large set of hands be cutting us off from the world during war for protection, like the great wall of China? Or maybe another country taking ownership when the government is weak like a terrorist attack? Could the large set of hands be the church stepping in when the government is hanging by a thread? I thought the anti-Christ represented many false leaders, this is one person that is representing himself as a loving leader, but I am getting the impression of the anti-Christ. I am also thinking that being cut off from the root system is like a tree being unable to receive nourishment, like food or water. It is also like losing the foundation of the structure system put in place to keep it growing like the economy. It might also be likened to being cut off from family or others that we depend on. I found it to be interesting that this leader was so huge and presented himself as nurturing. I wonder if his size represented his power or his influence? I wonder if he intends on being loving, but gets corrupted with greed? I wonder if he believes he is God? I wonder if many people also believe he is Christ? Obviously, it would be easy for those who want to believe with the desire to skip past prophesied destruction and skip straight to living in a peaceful Zion while keeping all the comforts of our lifestyles.
I asked if I was ready to receive more. Trigger warning – this won’t be pleasant or easy to read.
Then I reflected on wealth. Not what I expected to be shown. I saw our family and many families being offered far more money than we need. That is a tempting offer, represented as $500,000 a year or more. What would you do with that kind of wealth? And more importantly, why am I being shown such wealth being offered at this point in the vision unless it is the transfer of employment opportunities. Many will argue and immediately lose the battle right here as they desire the wealth. Rather, I know wealth is not evil, but it can be used for evil. What am I meant to learn from this part of the vision?
I’m seeing a division reflecting the same division of the Jews and the Germans during the holocaust. Unlimited wealth being offered to those willing to act similar to the German soldiers OR becoming like the Jews and enslaved. There is no in-between, each family must choose which side to join. Worshipping the new king as God and becoming a soldier to wipe out the resistance OR being the resistance and becoming a slave and cast out of society. Those accepting the wealth will be given everything they could ever want and then more! Those families thriving, but at a great cost for the one person who is traded for this wealth. Many families will see the value and willingly sacrifice a member of each household and willingly serve the new king as God. The households who immediately and willingly accept work in any capacity the new king assigns, will be blessed with a respectful position of power and authority. Those begrudgingly offering their devotion to the new king after a period of resistance, might be working round the clock like a slave or a soldier. Most do not return home daily; most do not return home at all as many are sent to locations away from home. Do not hate these men and women. They were desperate and either rejected by their families or offered themselves seeing no other way to keep their loved ones alive. They are threatened and terrorized daily into submission and compliance. Their families are suffering as well, every bite of food and luxury contains guilt and regret. These families are also falling apart resentment breeds hate or revenge.
But, for those families who choose not to sacrifice a loved one, who will not pledge their allegiance to the king as God, they will be cut off. What does this mean? I also assume this involves the whole world as anyone believing themselves to be Christ, would expect the whole world to worship them.
After resisting for a time, some will become desperate out of hunger and famine or the need of medicine that they will succumb to their needs and submit to the king. These families will become slaves and punished for resisting as though they have “debt” for the time spent in resistance, many tortured and even killed to teach others what happens to those who resist. The monarchy will become greedy and demand more household members offered to pay back these “debts”. The “debt” is the food offered to the family and the financial strain on the monarchy sending soldiers to enforce compliance or the income offered if the employee disagrees with following orders. If everyone would comply, they wouldn’t have to employ soldiers, which is a financial strain. The leaders tell the people it is the fault of the resistance that their loved ones are forced into work. Therefore, the families who have pledged their allegiance and devotion, will begin seeking revenge geared towards the families in resistance. The leadership also tells the soldiers, they would be in a position of power while enjoying the luxury of living at home with their families with unlimited wealth, if only the resistance was wiped out entirely. Thus, fueling the drive to wipe out the resistance with hostility and urgency.
Plagues will erupt to create dependency on this medicine for survival to reach the families still in resistance. The cure and vaccines are offered to those who pledge their allegiance and devotion to the god king. The leadership will always find a source of debt to collect on. Water, food, electricity, medical care; it is all restricted from those in resistance and made readily available to the compliant. When a family is found in debt, then 2 family members will be required. One to work off debt and one to provide food for the family. The longer a family takes to comply, the more debt is acquired.
I thought about being prepared and what that means. Saving cash will be unusable at some point as the dollar will change in form and our current cash will have no value. The new money is only given to the followers of the anti-Christ and even multiplied when you offer your allegiance to the king. Saving in the bank might be inaccessible, but I am not sure how that will take place. The wealthy won’t share food and money with the people in resistance because they are threatened with poverty or even punishment if they share with the resistance. A War mindset upon neighbors erupts. It feels like a One World Order. I am seeing the effects are spreading outward from the U.S.
Section Four
I was able to ask for more personal details and even comfort. Maybe to see the other side. There are always two sides and I am curious what it might feel like if we are not aware of the corruption that is to follow or hidden from our eyes. Firstly, this process takes a few years to escalate or transition. I’m sure there may be some anarchy in the process, there may be many variations of details regarding my understanding. After sitting on this knowledge a few days, I can be more open to other perspectives. We are able to group together with others and resist the changes for some time. It might be part of the “mark of the beast” and other prophesies, I didn’t see those details, but it would align with the new form of power. It also sounds totally possible with the current state of the government. I think the important part I was shown is that it doesn’t matter who is the president, the new leader rises up regardless. He will be very lovable and many will anxiously follow this new leadership. He will not present himself as anything less than a Savior coming to fix the state of the union. It might be very difficult to know what is really happening until it is too late. From the way I saw it, it was obvious, but there are many ways to perceive things. Many will actually support this new leadership and new policy, almost with relief: “finally, someone with common sense!” I’m not sure if it is even presented as a monarchy until the system is put into place and running smoothly. I am not telling you to rebel or buy a bunch of supplies. It is hard to avoid allowing fear to lead decisions when reading about such difficult topics. I was curious if he presents himself as Christ or if it is the perception that he is compared to? He sees himself and believes himself to be Christ reincarnated or returned. Many believe he is the Savior returned or compare him to the Savior as he is “saving” the U.S. Once things have escalated, he begins demanding we worship his authority as a king would, but he doesn’t use the word king. There is some anarchy when the president is plucked out. But this new leader is behind the overthrown president, although that is only presumed by the resistance and never proven. Instead, he comes in to bring order to the chaos as though he is saving the day. He can even do miracles or has the power to do very miraculous things. The followers are not evil or hateful, they feel very grateful to the new leader. Even other countries “want” to become part of our unified society.
I realized there are many ways to perceive the events to come, in addition, agency allows for variation of details. Maybe the new leader doesn’t openly call himself a Savior, maybe the people label him a Savior. Maybe he is intentionally deceitful, maybe he actually has good intentions. Maybe the anti-Christ is behind the scenes using a very peaceful leader as an opportunity for power. There are many ways we can misunderstand. Maybe I can easily get distracted from the ways of God by focusing on what will happen or what has happened that I am trying to resist. Maybe I can re-examine my agency and reset my focus on the beautiful opportunities for growth and preparedness. The more I focus on God, the more I can adjust myself with a willingness to change. I am not perfected but I am willing to change and begin with a higher purpose creating the Kingdom of God on earth.
So, let’s follow all our previous lessons from God and practice the steps. How do I get out of this pit of darkness or hopelessness? Let’s lean into the discomfort of these feelings. What can I learn from this? Why would God show us this? Obviously not to instill fear or hopelessness. So, what is God teaching me? Maybe it is time to accept the offer to tour the City of Light so we have something to hope for. I can see why we need this city, why this was an offering of Enoch and his people to help us to succeed. I can see how we cannot build Zion together without God’s help. I can see why talking about this right now can help us to prepare our homes and prepare ourselves mentally so when it happens, we will not be blindsided or feel isolated. We can shift our mindset to God and hope for the City of Light that will come in our darkest hour when the world is hanging by a thread. I cannot process receiving more revelation for the rest of the world, this is sure to spread beyond the reaches of the U.S. I can, however, work on finding ways to overcome this hopelessness. I can see why God taught us the lessons first, then showed us what is to come. Let’s see where God directs us.
I also saw it doesn’t matter who is the president. I saw which president it is that is plucked out of office, but that it doesn’t matter who wins presidency. The anti-Christ will rise and “save the day” no matter who wins. Nobody can work, receive money or access to food/medicine without pledging allegiance and compliance with the new monarchy or world order. It may take another year before it becomes as intense as I was shown. I do not know if it is an obvious monarchy or if that is the intention, but wrapped up in a pretty bow. I do believe the prophecies in the scriptures are meant to offer us direction to compare events so we can foresee deception or dangerous leaders to follow. Ideally, we remember to follow God directly, rather than placing our faith in the flesh and expecting a mortal leader to have righteous intentions.
Getting back into a space where I am able to receive more, I must be able to handle what I have already received, God will not overwhelm beyond my capacity to receive. Moreso I must be grateful and still willing to endure the experiences that were shown. I am nothing without you God. I know the disasters were not going to be pleasant. I knew that life is not a guarantee. I know that the worldly possessions are temporary. I know that if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth, all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good. D&C 122:7. I know this is not the end of my story. I know my story does not end with this god king. I have seen the City of Light, maybe this is when the city returns and prayers are answered. Even so, I weep for all those who are left behind. I weep for the world, not for my own family, but for all people. Being offered a peaceful Zion city, my heart still weeps for those not taken into safety. I can see why Christ cleanses the earth and it is mercy.
Section Five
When the invitation to the City of Light is offered, it now seems simple to leave behind all the worldly possessions. We are anxious to get away as quickly as possible and with very little. The transportation is less like a doorway where you are instantly transported and more like traveling through moving light. Encompassed in light and moving quickly while surrounded by light. The travel time is short, but being surrounded in this light actually helped me to shed away a lot of the darkness from the world. It was like being embraced by the light or embraced in God’s warm embrace. The transition offered in this method of travel and then entering the City of Light instantly took away the hopelessness I was feeling.
I was not aware of anything beyond this light transporter, until we arrived and flew over the City of Light, then I looked down and saw the Holy City below me. Our guide asked us “are you ready?” He could sense our excitement and hesitancy so we slowed down but the bubble around us remained until we were ready. I noticed we were taken to the center of the city rather than the outskirts, we slowly lowered and the light around us slowly faded away until we were standing on solid ground. I could see many others also arriving around us. Our guide departed to continue collecting others after he offered my son the blessing (as described earlier). But this time, I asked to witness the details.
Then a woman approached and greeted us beckoning for us to follow her. She seemed to know my questions before I asked them. I asked her how she communicates in such a way that she knows my thoughts? I also asked if there was a home we might be able to rest within? I also asked if we could get cleaned up and eat, everyone looked so clean and fresh.
I thought to myself; if someone came into my clean home all dirty and stinky, I would be worried they would make my furniture stinky and dirty. I might think of how that burdens me or bothers me. If someone came into my home and devoured my food, I might feel annoyed they are acting making more work for me. I might feel judgmental that they feel entitled to my food. I might scoff that they need to help replenish that food. If someone arrived and felt they needed to have a home right away without building one or paying for one; its entitlement and forcing someone out which isn’t fair. I figured people would feel either unworthy coming into this city and resist the offerings or people would feel entitled to this city and take too much. I sat with these thoughts and didn’t force my worldly assumptions on our lovely guide, but I did ask for her perspective so I could learn how to be more like her in my own thoughts and views of people. I also wanted to remember that my thoughts are based on the “natural man” and the patterns that led to worldwide hostility, darkness and adversarial influence. Therefore, rather than bringing the darkness from “the world” into this City of Light, I wanted to learn from the City of Light and better myself. I wanted to learn their ways and adjust myself to become part of their city, rather than desiring to transform their city into what is comfortable for me.
Their process of communication is quite beautiful and very angelic in nature. It is a combination of intuition, knowing my needs, listening to The Spirit, and a pure desire to love and serve. There are no selfish intentions. For instance, if someone was stinky and dirty, I would think of how I feel. I might think of how gross they smell or how dirty they are making my home even if they were asking to get cleaned up. This is a selfish thought, thinking only of how I feel, even if that was never my intention. This is not the case with these people. In a complete understanding and instantly, the thought shared with me resembled a deep love and concern for my well-being. She wanted me to feel comfortable and welcome and knew that a fresh set of clothes and a bath would offer me that opportunity. She felt honored to offer me love by helping me to feel better abut myself. She wasn’t reading my thoughts because that would interfere with agency. She listened to the spirit guiding her to know my needs while thinking only of me. She seemed to be able to share a complete understanding with me, this may be a more advanced method that I am not ready to understand. I felt that we often practice as empaths when we share energy, but maybe needing to be more conscious to share light and love more openly, rather than dumping our junk onto people. I didn’t need to vocalize my questions, she already knew, but not because she was reading my thoughts, because she was respecting my agency. She was listening to God guide her to know my heart’s desires while choosing to love and serve me.
They prepared for us. They chose to give up their homes in preparation for us. Every person in the City of Enoch, chose to prepare for us; by sacrificing their homes so we would have a home when we arrived. They knew we would be leaving behind our homes and stepping out of a wicked world, having survived much tragedy. They feel honored to share everything they have with us, it’s the law of consecration, the law of sacrifice and Christlike love. Because of this deep offering, God magnified the blessings they are offering to share, so there is enough for everyone. For instance, if they had 100 homes in their city, but thousands of families are needing homes, God multiplied their offering to meet the needs of everyone. Similar to the loaves and fishes. Same with the food and energy source.
At this time, I am not being directed to see more. Rather, I am being directed to invite you to ask God and receive that revelation for yourself. Use any information you see as an opportunity to learn. If you see something dark, then reset and clear yourself. Try again when you are in a better space mentally. If you see something that is out of alignment with agency or the scriptures, stop and reset yourself. There is no time constraint, do not force the process, simply receive. Always start with prayer and ask for God to reveal what is most appropriate; what I am worthy and ready to receive. I also find that when I document the things I have been shown spiritually or when I share the knowledge, then I am offered more. There’s always a purpose to what is shared with me. When my intention is for ego to gain admiration of others, the visions will not occur. When my intention is to help others, God desires to share His mysteries. It’s also aligned with my purpose in life. Therefore, if I am distracted from my true purpose or attempting to force God to show me something, the offering will be to offer comfort. Many will ask about the future events, but most of us are not prepared to know the truth. God doesn’t want to paralyze us with fear, most are given comfort instead. God knows what we truly need, while we only know what we want. Focus more on learning from the prophets in the scriptures, maybe asking to see the deeper meaning of a past event. Maybe relating to a scripture story and asking how to become more like them or how you can learn more from their experiences. The purpose should always be to learn more to better yourself to becoming more like God.
(My thoughts written are in purple)
For reference: Enoch was after Adam and Eve and before Noah. There is additional scripture beyond the Bible that says the city of Enoch was raised up due to righteousness and Enoch entered heaven in the flesh with a mortal body. I was shown what was relevant and what I could comprehend.
Section One
I'm seeing an extremely Advanced utopian type Society. I'm seeing that everybody is in such a peaceful state practicing all of these Christ-like attributes within their heart and their thoughts and all their interactions. All the lessons within Spirit Code 2.0 regarding sharing energy and miracles; is their natural way of life. Advancing even further as that is just the starting point of possibilities. Lucifer can't even get into the city because the light resonating from the people is too powerful that Lucifer is unable to enter. I’m not seeing shielding over the city; the adversary literally has no power over anybody's thoughts or actions. Like he is just a fly, but powerless over them due to their dedication to God and how they are acting as “one” with each other and God and the earth. I'm even seeing Christ walking on the streets with the people beaming with joy. The people are forming a circle around the inner part of the city and holding hands to represent being unified. I'm seeing everybody laying down in the streets where they are and closing their eyes and drifting into a deep sleep as though they are being held in suspension. This part is getting harder for me to understand.
My thoughts: Is there a possibility that they are sleeping through all of the evil and contention and wickedness of the world and then being awoken when Christ returns and the Earth is pure again? And if so is that possibility presented to us that when the evil of the world gets too evil and we are found worthy that we may be able to sleep through it and be maybe taken to a special Godly place in the meanwhile? Of course, not with the intention of wanting to avoid difficulties. And remaining would also mean being able to help each other. Kind of like bearing one another's burdens. Like how Christ goes through the wars and plagues with us. Does the Sleep represent death or simply sleep? It sure looked more like sleep. Does the city rise up or just the people? I'm not sure yet.
Well, my kids aren’t ready for that offer as I see it is only offered for those fully ready to embrace this way of life and I cannot leave them behind so if it is an offering, I need to take the slow route. Bummer. Plus, it feels like Christ would go through the trials with us, rather than skipping over them. Plus, isn’t that what life is all about? Experiencing the difficulties in order to truly appreciate the beauty of life? That’s what Eve spoke of regarding her choice to partake of the tree of knowledge. It doesn’t seem like it is a Godly desire to avoid opposition and fast forward to the “easy part”. The trials offer strength and lessons and opportunities to serve and bring others to God. Maybe I just needed to feel less afraid of the trials upon us and embrace the experience rather than wanting to skip ahead.
That is correct: This was not an invitation, but an opportunity to choose to experience the trials and tribulations that are upon us. Each experience offered is beneficial and there is always a choice. Just not always the choice I want. Plus, if it is offered, it would only be for those individuals that are worthy of living this perfect energy share of Christlike existence so anyone it is offered to, would desire to help others along the way rather than skipping over the difficulties.
Let’s understand the city of Enoch better. This is our desire to begin living in a Godly manner and we still need to learn how to do this properly. Not my way or your way, but God’s way and the City of Enoch did it right so let’s learn from them.
I’m seeing two people standing facing each other. Right hand to opposing person’s heart. Eyes closed. Deep breath. Hold. Do you worry where your next breath is offered? What if you knew your partners heart and thoughts? Would that change how you see yourself or them?
It looks like everybody within the city functions as one with God and each other and the Earth and all creation. And the Earth offers in the center of the city a direct beam of light energy, straight from the Source of all energy within the universe. The light energy is powering the whole city and each of the people within. It is an offering from the earth due to righteousness and worthiness as they have a Godly mindset of creating heaven on Earth. It looks like because Darkness has no place in their hearts or their countenance, that the light energy is the only energy that is even recognized or received.
Typically, I have never seen the direct energy from the source of pure light being offered endlessly. Typically, it is too powerful and we become too greedy or we are unable to utilize its power properly. Also, it typically is offered with the light and the dark but the city of Enoch, only resonates the light energy.
Now while I was in the city I was there with a specific intention and I was offered access to this light energy to be successful in my mission. The light energy was offered to me and I assumed it would be given in a staff form, but instead it entered through my right hand and became one with me. I felt the intensity of the power and it sped everything up. It intensified my abilities and all of the work I was doing but I recognized I was not able to remain in a humble space to do my portion of my calling in life. I was bypassing the Christlike steps and harnessing energy and power to heal. I realized quickly that I was acting out of greed and power, not love, service, sacrifice and tithing. I wasn’t full of love and compassion, but power. That is not what Christ taught us. I don’t want to misuse these gifts or corrupt them with my mortal desires, I wish to keep them Godly and centered with a Godly purpose. Nothing offered has ever been meant to contain for ourselves. So, I immediately shared this energy to be used for a different purpose and for someone else. Worthiness for such power is an interesting conversation. I was seeking to heal others, which is a righteous intention, but still, I could feel the desire within me to use it to speed up the work and bypass the steps. Which took two components out of the process: the feeling in my heart of love and being an apprentice to Christ by my side. Instead, I was running forward on my own. That’s a dangerous path.
It was given to me almost like a test to see if I would keep it for myself, corrupt its power and misuse it or if I was willing to share it. When I gave it away and shared it, it remained a gift for the other person to complete their calling. I am sharing this because this was a valuable lesson; even with intentions of a Godly purpose of healing with energy offered to me in a sacred place, we must always keep our eyes set on heaven.
We all have a mission in life. We are all working together with one purpose and when you are in the space you are less desirous for power and more desirous to function as “one” with others. We all have something beautiful to share. And we can honor each other and support each other without the need to possess each other's gifts or missions or talents. That is a very important lesson to understand to be worthy of this gift from The Source.
What else can we learn from the city of Enoch? I'm asking more about the sleep I was shown.
I’m seeing this sleep is actually a gift that all the people within the city chose to offer. I’m not seeing where the city went or how, but I am seeing WHEN they were taken to. They still possessed the Godly mindset of our parents Adam and Eve, they were unpolluted from the world and their thoughts were completely Godly. Therefore, they knew their way of life could be offered at “the last hour” to help the people rebuild and prepare the earth for Christ to return during the most difficult times of destruction. The first shall be the last… It looks as though they have chosen as a unified mindset to return to help us create New Jerusalem with their City of Light for the return of our King. Offering a beautiful Unified translation of the higher way to live and exist.
It looks like they were given a choice and they chose and they feel honored to offer this gift to us. I'm seeing their city coming down from heaven. It’s like multiple parts are being divided throughout the world in the sacred spaces that have been foreordained or cleansed for this holy city of light. It looks like God will completely Wipe Out the area in order for that City to be returned to the earth.
Then they are opening up the city doors and many people are walking out and instantly being transported to collect the Worthy and the righteous. Some will be ready to enter the portal and be transported to the center of the city of light. Some are worthy to be transported, but still need some time to be ready to enter and thus camps outside the city have been prepared. The city must remain sacred; thus, the mindset must be focused on building up the kingdom of God and living in peace with one another. Some are not ready for the portal and thus the time is offered to trek together by foot. Some groups are split up where some remain to trek as families helping one another along the way.
There is a welcome group within the city and one just outside the city. As each group returns within the city, there are more volunteers to assist in collecting more people, the city grows speedily until all have been collected that are ready to instantly enter. Then the growth slows down while those trekking are being collected.
I'm seeing myself at home, I saw the light from the city off in the distance and then 2 people appear on my street. I open the door and run to them with complete excitement saying “I've been waiting for you!” Part of me is quite nervous to see you how much of my family is with me. And I'm not sure if I want to see that part. Between the wars and plagues, sometimes the truth isn’t the same as what I want… I prefer to see the whole vision being offered rather than just what I want to see as well. I decided I was ready to continue and accept anything I’m shown without attempting to change the future.
I have quite a few more people with me. It feels like people we have taken into our home, a couple families. I'm also surprised to say it looks like my husband and 3 or 4 of my kids are with me! One of my kids, it is still unclear, as he has yet to decide. That’s okay too. It looks like my youngest son is only 10. (Right now, he's about to turn five.) I desired a lot of clarity on this and it was very clear, my son is 10. He has down syndrome and is using sign language when he talks. I did get more clarity regarding extended family, but not everyone will be ready for those details so I will refrain from sharing more.
Prior to being transported, my husband is asking if somebody will take him to get his older children who live far away from us. Somebody else in our group is offering to go with him. We say our goodbyes and he departs to collect his kids and the rest of us are taken to the City of Light.
Within the city of light, one of the men approach me and he asks why Zachariah is still afflicted with Down syndrome and hearing loss. And I share with him that it is a gift to protect him from the evils of the world as he was originally meant to be born during the millennium. But now that we are here in the city of light, my son no longer needs that protection. There was an instant understanding of a conversation, would I prefer waiting for my husband? No need, I know my husband’s will and we would be honored for his assistance. The man puts his hands on Zachariah and every chromosome is altered, my son’s face and body changes; his ears begin to work, his speech is restored, and he no longer has down syndrome. My son looks at me and starts talking. There are no words.
I'm so full of excitement to have my husband return and see his joy with the miracle offered to our son. I ask to see that reunion. I am shown Zach is 14. That’s a long trek to collect his kids, but I am shown it is possible to take either 2 or 4 years. When my husband returns, it looks like a huge crowd is following behind him. Oh, happy day is that reunion!
What else can we learn from the city of Enoch and the difficult times ahead especially if they are approaching so soon? The times of destruction are an opportunity to advance with our families, away from the ways of the world, to practice living higher in preparation. I’m also seeing that I can touch a plant, even a weed, and berries will sprout forth. I’m seeing that when we need water, I can put a cup outside and it will rain directly into the cup, only the cup. As I’m seeing this, I already desire to share it with neighbors. As I do so, when I return there is more food and water. Not to reward me either, but more to continue sharing! The more I share, the more is offered. The more is offered, the more I can share. I keep reflecting on Manna and how God fed the Hebrews who followed Moses. God offers us every breath and a land of plenty, why would He stop caring for us if there is a collapse al around us? What would we need to do differently to live in such a way that we can prepare ourselves to fulfill this promise? My thoughts are being drawn to the lessons I have been taught regarding healing and changing our mindset. I was shown while my gift is being open to healing others, some have the gift to be open to the earth and the sun at the feet and the crown. Having the gift to be one with the earth, while I have the gift to be open to mankind. As we share our gifts, we can access opportunities through one another as a partnership. Not to be taken or used, but as we share healing energy with others, they can choose to share right back and begin creating a unified approach. This can magnify blessings as the earth also offers to care for us. The earth feels so much gratitude when we care for others, that she reaches out to bless with food and water to nourish and strengthen us, as we are seeking to love others with these blessings. When the intention of your heart is pure and Godly, it shows in every interaction with a desire to do good and give away all that you have. How do we handle attacks if we choose to remain open? We can be slippery like a straw or open like a flower or open like a door. This can take practice to remain open when an attack occurs. When we close up, the darkness is trapped within. When we remain open, we can connect with creation and become stronger. The adversary seeks to keep us alone and vulnerable. When we remain open, we are strengthened by one another and all of creation to stand together. The protection against temptation and suffering is only comparable to darkness being unable to enter heaven. It takes work, but the more you practice, the more you will understand this is the higher way of God.
I keep thinking how important it is to always start with prayer. Always remember to ask Heavenly Father in humility if I am worthy to learn more today. I am always learning and desiring to be teachable like a child. Doing the same with healing steps, to always ask God’s will and permission or my purpose. I can command the body or plant life, but only with God’s permission and with the commitment to God’s ways elevating my ways. Never desiring to keep blessings for myself, but to share everything, in return more is shared with me. I can see how much more I am progressing as I implement this as my way of life regarding literally everything, even my thoughts.
I walked outside the city’s doors because I wanted to see the camps preparing people to enter. I also wanted to see the state of the world as I had not focused on those details when I left my home. Everything was dark, it felt like being in the world was comparable to having the lights turned off after being in the Holy City of Light. The darkness of the world felt gloomy and desolate in comparison. There was a complete shift when walking back into the city, everything was clear, full of light, and inviting.
God extended an invitation to explore the city of light or anything I desire for the purpose of sharing this information to help others prepare themselves. It is time. However, this was already so much to process, I must pace myself. When I have the strength, I will ask if I am worthy to continue the vision to share with you.
Section Two
I prayed and asked if I was worthy to receive more light and knowledge. I reflected on the past and the future of light and beauty that was shared with me. Then I asked if I was ready to see the destruction prophesied with wars, famine, plagues and disaster. I reflected on how I would receive the information. Would I struggle with feelings of fear? Would I struggle desiring to prevent or alter the future? Can I accept that in order for God to rebuild and for the City of Light to return, then the world I am used to will need to change. God is not the source of this destruction, man is. God is the source of the rebuilding. There will be a point when God is the source of the cleansing of evil. The point is I have a choice; to resist the deconstruction and feel victimized by the process or I can embrace it while knowing it must occur if I desire to live in the City of Light. What we tend to do is desire to have peace while keeping everything the same. I’m reflecting on my first marriage. The abuse was extreme and my choices were to stay or leave. It’s not such a simple execution, the process requires uprooting and completely walking away from everything I had known without knowing what my future might offer. It was easier to pretend that he could change and I could keep the family together. It’s like resisting opposition and desiring for a life with no trials or death, then feeling frustrated when trials are upon you. However, when I followed the promptings of The Lord and left my abuser, allowing everything to crumble around me, the life that was built was fully designed by God. The peace I was seeking was not within a destructive environment, the life I was seeking required a process of giving up something, in order to receive what I was desiring. This is a harder process than one might presume. We often find ourselves saying, I will give it up if I know what is being offered. For instance, I will leave my abusive husband if that means God will send me a righteous man. Then needing to meet this man prior to leaving so that I can remain in a family dynamic and just jump straight to the happy marriage I seek. Or maybe similar to wanting to skip the hard parts and jump straight to the glorious future that awaits me. Not realizing that the whole process can be beneficial and even wanting to avoid responsibility for the effort put into rebuilding.
With this acceptance, am I ready to accept the part of the future that requires the loss of all the comforts of the world? Can I lose these comforts without cursing God or seeing myself as a victim of tragedy? Am I ready to accept that some will experience these events on the other side of the veil? Death is not a punishment, but that trial is outside of my control, can I see God’s higher ways without being distracted with my own grief resisting the perceived loss of the flesh of those around me? Am I ready to also accept responsibility for the process of learning a higher way of rebuilding rather than simply rebuilding what was destroyed? Can I leave behind the world and embrace the ways of God?
I am ready to receive, thank you for allowing me the time to process through my emotions.
I was taken to two instances. First, when we are offered the transportation directly to the City of Light, will we need to take anything? The answer was based on your intentions. If you have an item that offers comfort, then yes absolutely. If the intention is to take most of your clothing and money and possessions, then you are obviously not ready to leave behind the ways of the world. The question was presented: would you desire the rest of those left behind to have access to your home and possessions? Would you prefer to keep your home preserved so you have access to everything and even have a “fall back plan”? If you are not ready to share your home and all the contents that you are leaving behind, then you are not ready to live in the City of Light. If you want to keep it all preserved, then you are not putting your faith in God and leaving it behind either. Do you love others enough to desire to share everything even down to your home, bed, clothing, and food? Learning to give away all you hath will begin as a process of losing so much during the destruction. It is an opportunity to lose little by little in order to stop depending on worldly comforts. The more you embrace the process, the more you will learn how to depend on God thus making the transition into the City of Light, a simple transition. The more you share everything, even when you have very little, the more you will develop a testimony of God’s higher ways. God will give more as we share more. Not as a reward, but so we have enough to keep sharing. God desires to make this transition possible, thus He allows the process of the disasters to occur. It must affect all mankind, sparing none, in order to help us to succeed when the invitation to join this Holy City is offered to those who are worthy. Even those who need to take the long route with a trek, will reach the day when they too must share their supplies and shed the worldly darkness in order to step into the light of the city. It is an act of sacrifice and one that God knows will be difficult. We can ask for help. Asking to avoid the disaster or asking to prevent sorrow, will lead to a stupor of revelation. It will be like water that sits in one place and develops a slimy fungus and even becomes dangerous as it contains bacteria. When water moves, ever flowing and rocks are placed in its path, it allows cleansing and purity. Asking for help to embrace the opportunities being taught through the trials, will be an open door. Remaining flexible with the mindset of turning away from your old ways, will allow for much growth to be open for God to teach you His higher ways. The more resistance, the more difficulties. The more acceptance, the more growth.
My husband wants me to know what we need to prepare right now or if there is anything else we need. I assume it will take time to transition from certain necessities of living to depending on God with a unified approach. Especially when we are in the path of destruction and will be unable to live in unity quite yet. We are yet to advance to being one with the earth to sprout forth life and there is a very real transitionary time period during these next 5 years. I will ask and receive as it is offered.
Section Three
Next, I was taken to the beginning of the disasters, more central to our present day. The exact timing is unclear, but I do feel it is upon us. I saw a large set of hands picking up the United States. Embracing the U.S. and even kissing it. I saw these hands pick up the president and toss him out. The individual holding the U.S., then curled up in a fetal position around the U.S. and took reign as a King. A monarchy is created and many believe this to be Christ returning to reign as our King. Then I see each person is likened to a tree and their trunk is cut off from the roots. Each tree still existing, but cut off from the base and root system.
I questioned some of the symbolism. Could this set of hands be God preserving the U.S.? Could the large set of hands be cutting us off from the world during war for protection, like the great wall of China? Or maybe another country taking ownership when the government is weak like a terrorist attack? Could the large set of hands be the church stepping in when the government is hanging by a thread? I thought the anti-Christ represented many false leaders, this is one person that is representing himself as a loving leader, but I am getting the impression of the anti-Christ. I am also thinking that being cut off from the root system is like a tree being unable to receive nourishment, like food or water. It is also like losing the foundation of the structure system put in place to keep it growing like the economy. It might also be likened to being cut off from family or others that we depend on. I found it to be interesting that this leader was so huge and presented himself as nurturing. I wonder if his size represented his power or his influence? I wonder if he intends on being loving, but gets corrupted with greed? I wonder if he believes he is God? I wonder if many people also believe he is Christ? Obviously, it would be easy for those who want to believe with the desire to skip past prophesied destruction and skip straight to living in a peaceful Zion while keeping all the comforts of our lifestyles.
I asked if I was ready to receive more. Trigger warning – this won’t be pleasant or easy to read.
Then I reflected on wealth. Not what I expected to be shown. I saw our family and many families being offered far more money than we need. That is a tempting offer, represented as $500,000 a year or more. What would you do with that kind of wealth? And more importantly, why am I being shown such wealth being offered at this point in the vision unless it is the transfer of employment opportunities. Many will argue and immediately lose the battle right here as they desire the wealth. Rather, I know wealth is not evil, but it can be used for evil. What am I meant to learn from this part of the vision?
I’m seeing a division reflecting the same division of the Jews and the Germans during the holocaust. Unlimited wealth being offered to those willing to act similar to the German soldiers OR becoming like the Jews and enslaved. There is no in-between, each family must choose which side to join. Worshipping the new king as God and becoming a soldier to wipe out the resistance OR being the resistance and becoming a slave and cast out of society. Those accepting the wealth will be given everything they could ever want and then more! Those families thriving, but at a great cost for the one person who is traded for this wealth. Many families will see the value and willingly sacrifice a member of each household and willingly serve the new king as God. The households who immediately and willingly accept work in any capacity the new king assigns, will be blessed with a respectful position of power and authority. Those begrudgingly offering their devotion to the new king after a period of resistance, might be working round the clock like a slave or a soldier. Most do not return home daily; most do not return home at all as many are sent to locations away from home. Do not hate these men and women. They were desperate and either rejected by their families or offered themselves seeing no other way to keep their loved ones alive. They are threatened and terrorized daily into submission and compliance. Their families are suffering as well, every bite of food and luxury contains guilt and regret. These families are also falling apart resentment breeds hate or revenge.
But, for those families who choose not to sacrifice a loved one, who will not pledge their allegiance to the king as God, they will be cut off. What does this mean? I also assume this involves the whole world as anyone believing themselves to be Christ, would expect the whole world to worship them.
After resisting for a time, some will become desperate out of hunger and famine or the need of medicine that they will succumb to their needs and submit to the king. These families will become slaves and punished for resisting as though they have “debt” for the time spent in resistance, many tortured and even killed to teach others what happens to those who resist. The monarchy will become greedy and demand more household members offered to pay back these “debts”. The “debt” is the food offered to the family and the financial strain on the monarchy sending soldiers to enforce compliance or the income offered if the employee disagrees with following orders. If everyone would comply, they wouldn’t have to employ soldiers, which is a financial strain. The leaders tell the people it is the fault of the resistance that their loved ones are forced into work. Therefore, the families who have pledged their allegiance and devotion, will begin seeking revenge geared towards the families in resistance. The leadership also tells the soldiers, they would be in a position of power while enjoying the luxury of living at home with their families with unlimited wealth, if only the resistance was wiped out entirely. Thus, fueling the drive to wipe out the resistance with hostility and urgency.
Plagues will erupt to create dependency on this medicine for survival to reach the families still in resistance. The cure and vaccines are offered to those who pledge their allegiance and devotion to the god king. The leadership will always find a source of debt to collect on. Water, food, electricity, medical care; it is all restricted from those in resistance and made readily available to the compliant. When a family is found in debt, then 2 family members will be required. One to work off debt and one to provide food for the family. The longer a family takes to comply, the more debt is acquired.
I thought about being prepared and what that means. Saving cash will be unusable at some point as the dollar will change in form and our current cash will have no value. The new money is only given to the followers of the anti-Christ and even multiplied when you offer your allegiance to the king. Saving in the bank might be inaccessible, but I am not sure how that will take place. The wealthy won’t share food and money with the people in resistance because they are threatened with poverty or even punishment if they share with the resistance. A War mindset upon neighbors erupts. It feels like a One World Order. I am seeing the effects are spreading outward from the U.S.
Section Four
I was able to ask for more personal details and even comfort. Maybe to see the other side. There are always two sides and I am curious what it might feel like if we are not aware of the corruption that is to follow or hidden from our eyes. Firstly, this process takes a few years to escalate or transition. I’m sure there may be some anarchy in the process, there may be many variations of details regarding my understanding. After sitting on this knowledge a few days, I can be more open to other perspectives. We are able to group together with others and resist the changes for some time. It might be part of the “mark of the beast” and other prophesies, I didn’t see those details, but it would align with the new form of power. It also sounds totally possible with the current state of the government. I think the important part I was shown is that it doesn’t matter who is the president, the new leader rises up regardless. He will be very lovable and many will anxiously follow this new leadership. He will not present himself as anything less than a Savior coming to fix the state of the union. It might be very difficult to know what is really happening until it is too late. From the way I saw it, it was obvious, but there are many ways to perceive things. Many will actually support this new leadership and new policy, almost with relief: “finally, someone with common sense!” I’m not sure if it is even presented as a monarchy until the system is put into place and running smoothly. I am not telling you to rebel or buy a bunch of supplies. It is hard to avoid allowing fear to lead decisions when reading about such difficult topics. I was curious if he presents himself as Christ or if it is the perception that he is compared to? He sees himself and believes himself to be Christ reincarnated or returned. Many believe he is the Savior returned or compare him to the Savior as he is “saving” the U.S. Once things have escalated, he begins demanding we worship his authority as a king would, but he doesn’t use the word king. There is some anarchy when the president is plucked out. But this new leader is behind the overthrown president, although that is only presumed by the resistance and never proven. Instead, he comes in to bring order to the chaos as though he is saving the day. He can even do miracles or has the power to do very miraculous things. The followers are not evil or hateful, they feel very grateful to the new leader. Even other countries “want” to become part of our unified society.
I realized there are many ways to perceive the events to come, in addition, agency allows for variation of details. Maybe the new leader doesn’t openly call himself a Savior, maybe the people label him a Savior. Maybe he is intentionally deceitful, maybe he actually has good intentions. Maybe the anti-Christ is behind the scenes using a very peaceful leader as an opportunity for power. There are many ways we can misunderstand. Maybe I can easily get distracted from the ways of God by focusing on what will happen or what has happened that I am trying to resist. Maybe I can re-examine my agency and reset my focus on the beautiful opportunities for growth and preparedness. The more I focus on God, the more I can adjust myself with a willingness to change. I am not perfected but I am willing to change and begin with a higher purpose creating the Kingdom of God on earth.
So, let’s follow all our previous lessons from God and practice the steps. How do I get out of this pit of darkness or hopelessness? Let’s lean into the discomfort of these feelings. What can I learn from this? Why would God show us this? Obviously not to instill fear or hopelessness. So, what is God teaching me? Maybe it is time to accept the offer to tour the City of Light so we have something to hope for. I can see why we need this city, why this was an offering of Enoch and his people to help us to succeed. I can see how we cannot build Zion together without God’s help. I can see why talking about this right now can help us to prepare our homes and prepare ourselves mentally so when it happens, we will not be blindsided or feel isolated. We can shift our mindset to God and hope for the City of Light that will come in our darkest hour when the world is hanging by a thread. I cannot process receiving more revelation for the rest of the world, this is sure to spread beyond the reaches of the U.S. I can, however, work on finding ways to overcome this hopelessness. I can see why God taught us the lessons first, then showed us what is to come. Let’s see where God directs us.
I also saw it doesn’t matter who is the president. I saw which president it is that is plucked out of office, but that it doesn’t matter who wins presidency. The anti-Christ will rise and “save the day” no matter who wins. Nobody can work, receive money or access to food/medicine without pledging allegiance and compliance with the new monarchy or world order. It may take another year before it becomes as intense as I was shown. I do not know if it is an obvious monarchy or if that is the intention, but wrapped up in a pretty bow. I do believe the prophecies in the scriptures are meant to offer us direction to compare events so we can foresee deception or dangerous leaders to follow. Ideally, we remember to follow God directly, rather than placing our faith in the flesh and expecting a mortal leader to have righteous intentions.
Getting back into a space where I am able to receive more, I must be able to handle what I have already received, God will not overwhelm beyond my capacity to receive. Moreso I must be grateful and still willing to endure the experiences that were shown. I am nothing without you God. I know the disasters were not going to be pleasant. I knew that life is not a guarantee. I know that the worldly possessions are temporary. I know that if the very jaws of hell shall gape open the mouth, all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good. D&C 122:7. I know this is not the end of my story. I know my story does not end with this god king. I have seen the City of Light, maybe this is when the city returns and prayers are answered. Even so, I weep for all those who are left behind. I weep for the world, not for my own family, but for all people. Being offered a peaceful Zion city, my heart still weeps for those not taken into safety. I can see why Christ cleanses the earth and it is mercy.
Section Five
When the invitation to the City of Light is offered, it now seems simple to leave behind all the worldly possessions. We are anxious to get away as quickly as possible and with very little. The transportation is less like a doorway where you are instantly transported and more like traveling through moving light. Encompassed in light and moving quickly while surrounded by light. The travel time is short, but being surrounded in this light actually helped me to shed away a lot of the darkness from the world. It was like being embraced by the light or embraced in God’s warm embrace. The transition offered in this method of travel and then entering the City of Light instantly took away the hopelessness I was feeling.
I was not aware of anything beyond this light transporter, until we arrived and flew over the City of Light, then I looked down and saw the Holy City below me. Our guide asked us “are you ready?” He could sense our excitement and hesitancy so we slowed down but the bubble around us remained until we were ready. I noticed we were taken to the center of the city rather than the outskirts, we slowly lowered and the light around us slowly faded away until we were standing on solid ground. I could see many others also arriving around us. Our guide departed to continue collecting others after he offered my son the blessing (as described earlier). But this time, I asked to witness the details.
Then a woman approached and greeted us beckoning for us to follow her. She seemed to know my questions before I asked them. I asked her how she communicates in such a way that she knows my thoughts? I also asked if there was a home we might be able to rest within? I also asked if we could get cleaned up and eat, everyone looked so clean and fresh.
I thought to myself; if someone came into my clean home all dirty and stinky, I would be worried they would make my furniture stinky and dirty. I might think of how that burdens me or bothers me. If someone came into my home and devoured my food, I might feel annoyed they are acting making more work for me. I might feel judgmental that they feel entitled to my food. I might scoff that they need to help replenish that food. If someone arrived and felt they needed to have a home right away without building one or paying for one; its entitlement and forcing someone out which isn’t fair. I figured people would feel either unworthy coming into this city and resist the offerings or people would feel entitled to this city and take too much. I sat with these thoughts and didn’t force my worldly assumptions on our lovely guide, but I did ask for her perspective so I could learn how to be more like her in my own thoughts and views of people. I also wanted to remember that my thoughts are based on the “natural man” and the patterns that led to worldwide hostility, darkness and adversarial influence. Therefore, rather than bringing the darkness from “the world” into this City of Light, I wanted to learn from the City of Light and better myself. I wanted to learn their ways and adjust myself to become part of their city, rather than desiring to transform their city into what is comfortable for me.
Their process of communication is quite beautiful and very angelic in nature. It is a combination of intuition, knowing my needs, listening to The Spirit, and a pure desire to love and serve. There are no selfish intentions. For instance, if someone was stinky and dirty, I would think of how I feel. I might think of how gross they smell or how dirty they are making my home even if they were asking to get cleaned up. This is a selfish thought, thinking only of how I feel, even if that was never my intention. This is not the case with these people. In a complete understanding and instantly, the thought shared with me resembled a deep love and concern for my well-being. She wanted me to feel comfortable and welcome and knew that a fresh set of clothes and a bath would offer me that opportunity. She felt honored to offer me love by helping me to feel better abut myself. She wasn’t reading my thoughts because that would interfere with agency. She listened to the spirit guiding her to know my needs while thinking only of me. She seemed to be able to share a complete understanding with me, this may be a more advanced method that I am not ready to understand. I felt that we often practice as empaths when we share energy, but maybe needing to be more conscious to share light and love more openly, rather than dumping our junk onto people. I didn’t need to vocalize my questions, she already knew, but not because she was reading my thoughts, because she was respecting my agency. She was listening to God guide her to know my heart’s desires while choosing to love and serve me.
They prepared for us. They chose to give up their homes in preparation for us. Every person in the City of Enoch, chose to prepare for us; by sacrificing their homes so we would have a home when we arrived. They knew we would be leaving behind our homes and stepping out of a wicked world, having survived much tragedy. They feel honored to share everything they have with us, it’s the law of consecration, the law of sacrifice and Christlike love. Because of this deep offering, God magnified the blessings they are offering to share, so there is enough for everyone. For instance, if they had 100 homes in their city, but thousands of families are needing homes, God multiplied their offering to meet the needs of everyone. Similar to the loaves and fishes. Same with the food and energy source.
At this time, I am not being directed to see more. Rather, I am being directed to invite you to ask God and receive that revelation for yourself. Use any information you see as an opportunity to learn. If you see something dark, then reset and clear yourself. Try again when you are in a better space mentally. If you see something that is out of alignment with agency or the scriptures, stop and reset yourself. There is no time constraint, do not force the process, simply receive. Always start with prayer and ask for God to reveal what is most appropriate; what I am worthy and ready to receive. I also find that when I document the things I have been shown spiritually or when I share the knowledge, then I am offered more. There’s always a purpose to what is shared with me. When my intention is for ego to gain admiration of others, the visions will not occur. When my intention is to help others, God desires to share His mysteries. It’s also aligned with my purpose in life. Therefore, if I am distracted from my true purpose or attempting to force God to show me something, the offering will be to offer comfort. Many will ask about the future events, but most of us are not prepared to know the truth. God doesn’t want to paralyze us with fear, most are given comfort instead. God knows what we truly need, while we only know what we want. Focus more on learning from the prophets in the scriptures, maybe asking to see the deeper meaning of a past event. Maybe relating to a scripture story and asking how to become more like them or how you can learn more from their experiences. The purpose should always be to learn more to better yourself to becoming more like God.