Energy Traps - This energy resides in the past, present or future and it's either blocked or draining you and creating a trap
We tend to focus on releasing energy from the past in order to create better results for the future. What if we missed half the equation? The experience in your life is not wrong! The trial happened and that’s OK! Your body is protecting you so releasing the energy won’t work the way we intend because you have a million bits of evidence to support your beliefs or needs based on your memories. When we attempt to release it, self-protection programming in your brain recreates the energy you seek to overcome. This is a new approach to co-exist and appreciate the energy associated with your life experiences, in order to overcoming the challenges you face.
You might be putting all your energy into the future you desire or even expect, but what if it's creating a limitation so you never feel satisfied? What if that expectation of a specific result is actually draining you of your energy and preventing you from experiencing the miracles that God wishes to offer you? This cycle blocks or drains you from the past, present or future.
You might be putting all your energy into the future you desire or even expect, but what if it's creating a limitation so you never feel satisfied? What if that expectation of a specific result is actually draining you of your energy and preventing you from experiencing the miracles that God wishes to offer you? This cycle blocks or drains you from the past, present or future.
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When Moses was given the commandment by God to free His people, Moses may have felt like many of us do. God had a huge expectation of Moses and when Moses tried to fulfill this calling, it backfired and, in his defeat, he felt overwhelmed by his limitations and he fled. I think we can all relate! However, after 40 years of learning in the wilderness, Moses returned a changed man and miracles resulted! What can we learn from Moses and what did this experience look like? I was then taught about future energy – expectations and current limitations. Moses had to submit to creating a duality with God. Moses did not place his staff in the water and command the sea to part. He placed his staff in the water and trusted God! What if Moses had placed his staff in the water and told God what to do? What if Moses approached his situation the way we face our own trials and illness and energy work or even our prayers?
“Ok God, you told me to free your people, but we are trapped. Why did you set us up for failure?” - then feel defeated and mad at God. Or “God, please use this staff to then cause all the bad guys to go away so we can build a boat and cross the sea” Or “God, when I place this staff in the water will you turn it into a boat, please, I really need you to help us cross this sea, we are trying to obey you. We need you to answer our prayers and make this staff into a boat!” Then, attempt to swim across the sea or hide in a nearby cave or try to fight the soldiers and change their hearts! It would be a righteous intention to try and preach to the soldiers and change their hearts, obviously God didn’t intend on them crossing the sea so maybe this barrier is God redirecting Moses to convince the soldiers they are wrong and needing a change of heart because it is God’s will. This is a righteous intention and should work right? He is just trying to follow God’s commandment and God should grant this miracle to occur in the hearts of the enemy. Right? I think this is the most common method that we rationalize our efforts as righteous and right with no willingness to submit to God in God’s way because the presumed expectation is the only possibility for success
Do you get the point?
We all do this.
And we are all frustrated that it is still not working. We have righteous intentions. We are following God and receiving revelation and working on personal development. Why are we still so limited and stuck in a cycle of suffering? I am surprised to say the lessons I have learned from Moses’s experience is too vast to be contained in one lesson. They are going to be divided up into multiple lessons including learning how Christ healed the sick, which includes understanding some of the deeper mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.
Moses mastered his relationship with Creation and the Creator. These lessons are not limited to just Moses. Christ promised us that we could do everything He does and more. We are building up the kingdom of heaven on earth for Christ to return and live with us. Much needs to change. I asked if I was worthy of receiving these lessons. I want to share with you that I am not perfect by any means, I am practicing these steps and sharing as I learn. I am not a prophet and I am not gifted in writing or teaching. However, sharing the revelation is critical to creating the shift throughout the world. Again, pray and ask God to explain anything that you need to understand differently or how to implement the understanding within your own life or what additional advancements you might seek. I am an apprentice and imperfect, please offer me grace if I misrepresent anything due to my own limited worldly comprehension.
This is a whole new concept to your energy work and will most likely lead to many more faucets of change to your work as it may be associated with just about every energy. Do not skip reading the lesson! You might get triggered A LOT or feel the need to debate how you are right. That’s the trap, we aren’t here to disrespect each other’s beliefs. I have no intention of preaching, how to do it “my way” or “the right way”. We are all on a beautiful journey of self-awareness and personal development as we progress in our lives. Your truth is perfect exactly as it is, if you are in this program, you are seeking to better yourself! The adversary is using your beautiful understanding of the world and God, to destroy you and your families. It might become easy to think the problem is a deceived image of the future, but that’s not it. The problem is that image is keeping you locked into a future reality and unhappy with your current reality, when we need to be using that image to create HOPE while having access to God’s blessings to help us move towards those promises. Blind faith, teachable, and humble with a perfect brightness of hope! We need to realign and refocus those same truths in God’s ways which will hopefully open us up to being teachable and humble and more capable of experiencing the life God desires to bless us with – however that looks! Remove the natural man’s need to control and replace it with a better way to accomplish those same righteous desires!
This energy exists in the future due to expectations of a presumed future. We have spent our time focusing on the PAST in order to feel better right now. Which absolutely has an important part of your healing journey! BUT what if I told you the power is actually coming from the future and keeping you stuck in the present! All this started when I began seeking further direction from Moses’s experience when he parted the sea. God gave him a commandment and he had to overcome his own doubts and fears when he fled to the wilderness, then once he returned to Egypt, Moses was able to experience many miracles. So how did he overcome the past and forgive himself for his mistakes in order to completely shift his experience in the moment. Did he completely forget the past, the way God forgets our sins after repentance? Or did he need to know exactly God wanted him to do or what would happen or was it completely blind faith? How was he not overwhelmed with this commandment and how he would be received by others? If you are reading this, I know you are on a journey of personal development and you have good intentions so why are we all still unable to see these mighty miracles in our present day? Why are we still busy overcoming the basics of illness, age, conflict; are we missing the real lesson God has because we are too busy with the demanding “clean-up” of the past? And God typically gives us commandments we can actually attain so why are they out of reach? What needs to happen before the second coming to elevate our way of living so that we learn the lesson and overcome our limitations? And why do we struggle so much with our limitations? Why is discomfort avoided? Are we supposed to become humbled to that which is out of our control such as aging? Are we meant to become one with our bodies – the spirit is unlimited but the body is very different. Maybe I am meant to first learn how to adjust to the constant changes and rather than trying to change that, I need to accept it and be willing to accept my body’s limitations? Or is that the mortal mind that is limiting God? So, what did Moses learn and do differently from what I am doing and how can I align my life with his? How would I need to change my thinking and my healing process in order to develop my mind in that same manner that he accomplished.
The answer led me down a very long rabbit hole and opened up a new understanding of energy work. The past, present and future. Taking accountability for the energy I put into my assumptions. The power that the future has over me – but more importantly my need to know the future in order to move forward. This trickles down into every detail of my life, both small and large. It’s also so integrated into my life that it’s difficult to even know where to begin.
When we have specific expectations for what we hope to experience or what we believe, it might create frustration in the present moment because things are so far misaligned. So how do we manage with a different perspective without the control aspect so that we can have Godly expectations. How can we shift the expectations to be purely within our ability to create the results or achieve the results. It is too easy to go too far to the right or the left and mess the way to succeed in a Godly fashion.
God's way is not conflict however when do we need to expect more from ourselves and when do we accept our limitations. And when do we expect more from others and when do we accept their limitations. How do we walk the fine line down the middle of having a righteous expectation that does not create conflict or expand on limitations. It is simple when we have a big Act of disobedience such as Sin. It is not simple on our normal day-to-day interactions. And how does God remember our sins no more? Is it just a daily choice to forget the unpleasant memories from the past? And if he remembers them no more does that mean there are no emotional components associated with any potential relapse? God never expected us to be perfect after we acknowledge those mistakes and attempted change. He gives us freedom to progress at our pace. So, if the problem is an expectation that we place on others or ourselves leading to feeling limited or frustrated or conflict, then how does God manage expectations? If we remember our own sins no more, maybe we would be less annoyed when other people are less than perfect or let us down or do not meet appropriate expectations. And how those expectations reflect in the eternities.
The first step is seeing the bigger picture and being committed to changing. Seeing that energy is not merely in the past, might offer you some empowerment for change! It might also be difficult to accept accountability for energy you are committed to creating and therefore the change requires more effort. Now that does not mean always being perfect in the future but it does mean a commitment to be patient with the process. And also means that we don't yet know God's perspective but we are committing to learning it. It also means that we are acknowledging that we are also imperfect and not only making mistakes but that our perspective isn't always the only perspective and not necessarily the only way to do things. So, I am not always right! I'm also seeing that this is also an offering of our own limitations and accepting those limitations.
Now how did some of these beliefs get created in the first place and what if we had a misunderstanding of those events in the past as well. Maybe the past is simply just experience. Maybe every step that we have ever taken has led to strength to walk on our own two feet while understanding all types of people because we have had the opportunity to see if from all perspectives. And if that's not true what is preventing you from being able to allow yourself to shift perspectives so you can see things from a different angle? What if the past just exists but has no power anymore? What if all the energy holds no weight and no power and just simply exists as a part of your experience. And what if the way to fix the power of the past is to release the energy from the future! We already have an awareness of how our behavior affects other people. And sometimes we still participate in those behaviors either to continue hurting the other person and maybe unable to see that there is anything wrong with our behavior or anything that needs to change with our behavior because we are so committed to being right.
So how do we find this pattern or energy? Do we need to separate the expectations others have of us, our expectations of others and the expectations we have for ourselves? Not to mention our interpretation of perceived expectations vs actual. How do we recognize a future energy drain? Or the traps? Symptoms?
Are we holding others back or trapping them in a false future or false past? Are we at war with each other? Is the deeper root - desiring to control others or the results or God based on the image of the expected results? Are those images immediate or long term like the purpose of life? And does that differentiate the type of trap or trickster or complicated intricate system for the removal or returning the energy we put into these projections?
We tend to live in the future. Anxious for the next phase! This trap prevents you from being happy with your current reality by promising a specific future that is soooo much better than living in the “now”. We crave change and progression. The past seems to still hold a lot of suffering. How do we see the past as simply experience and not give the past so much power over our current lives? Maybe the answer starts in the future, then the present, then the past, not to mention making the conscious awareness that I am capable to change and I am not powerless! Is this just part of life or would God like me to change these patterns in order to become teachable? Is my body communicating with me and I have been trying to listen but still blind?
An expectation is a presumed future action or experience based on evidence from the past. The future holds power over you and is even keeping you hostage, but the symptoms are in the present and the evidence is in the past! Evidence from the past helps you to make decisions, it also helps you to expect obvious results which means there are appropriate and even Godly expectations. But anyone can become misled into a destructive pattern of expectations as well. No amount of releasing energy from the past will help as the future is draining you and leaving you empty! The mind is trapped in the future but your actions are trapped in the present and the original intention of your expectation is draining you of all energy. It’s the opposite of releasing energy from the past, we must bring back the energy from the future! CRAZY, I know! The expectations trap you in the future, but because it’s your ideal future, you are blind to how it is creating misery in your life because your reality is not as awesome as your expected future! Whew!! We struggle with discomfort and pain and we seek relief. So, we live in the future where there is no pain or discomfort! Makes total sense! But the energy we put into the future is actually draining you and trapping you. The energy from the past is only 1/3 of the cleanup effort. The tricksters have been laughing as we are blind to its effects.
This is super tricky and might flare up a lot of unresolved past issues or symptoms, but do not get lost by focusing on the evidence from the past as the power is actually held in the future. Most of the details are invisible and hard to detect. It’s also associated with a false trickster “god of this world” misdirecting you rather than succeeding. I am going to PUSH YOU out of your comfort zone! Most of us are firmly rooted in our beliefs over the future because there is so much evidence and we seek comfort in knowing what is going to happen! BUT in order to overcome this, we cannot get lost in a debate, there is no right or wrong projected outcome! “My way” is not the right way and neither is yours! We have to become humbled, removing even a destructive pattern can create feelings of chaos. The truth is that the future has not yet happened! Our understanding is limited. A perfect brightness of Hope is Godly, but it seems we go too far… And we just don’t see it in ourselves.
Example #1: You had a long day and you are looking forward to your husband getting home from work. You are looking forward to him playing with the kids when he gets home so you can get a break and rest or catch up on a project or work. You expect you can get this relief if you work extra hard right now to get other things completed in preparation. Then he gets home… But he has a headache and wants to take a nap. Then he has projects he busies himself with and finally plops in front of the TV to zone out for the rest of the night. You feel frustrated, annoyed, and fed up which leads to a huge fight! NOW, pause. Let’s access the situation. What if you had a completely different mindset all day? What if you had a great day and all your needs have been met. Then when your husband gets home with a headache, you encourage him to rest and you find joy in connecting as a family in a different manner. So, is it wrong to have needs? NO! Is it wrong to want your husband to participate and help out? NO! Does this mean that you should never have appropriate or Godly expectations? NO! The problem is rooted in the expectation of a specific future outcome! The presumption for what the future will look like! Then when it didn’t happen, it led to conflict and division or unhappiness. It may be associated with limitations, a loss of control and even resulting in defeat.
Example #2: Your husband works hard to support the family. You stay home and run a side business and care for the kids. He comes home and expects the house to be clean, dinner on the table, and the kids to be respectful. Instead, when he comes home there’s a mess of toys, you are frazzled trying to juggle everything, and dinner is nowhere near being cooked – you still haven’t even gone to the store! He’s hungry, grouchy, overwhelmed by the chaos and thus conflict ensues. You go to bed feeling alone, defeated, and crying to God to help you fix your marriage. Was he wrong for wanting to come home to a happy, organized home after his long day at work or for wanting to eat? NO! Were you wrong for feeling attacked when you did your best all day, but couldn’t meet his expectations? NO! Our intentions and desires are projected into an expectation placed on someone else. When that expected image looks different than the reality of the actual event, the limitations are so huge he couldn’t see beyond them! Which means all he could see is what he lacked. We all tend to fall into this pattern and we try to change it, but we feel stuck in a never-ending vicious cycle. Once the adversary has accomplished his task at dividing the family, the expectation shifts: the wife dreads her husband coming home and feels panic while yelling at the kids because they left a mess and dad is going to be so mad! The husband might expect she will disappoint him so he comes home mad at her before even walking in the front door. One day my neighbor’s husband came home like this. I was on my porch doing energy work and got front row seats. He threw open the front door screaming at the kids and his wife before the door even opened!! Then I could hear furniture hitting the walls and him screaming. My first husband was like this too. You guys, this is not what God wants for you or your family.
Example #3: Your child graduated from high school and they have overcome so much and they have SO much potential! You have always believed they would go on a mission for your church, then go to college, then meet a special person and get married and have kids. Then one day you will be surrounded by grandkids and have lovely big family holidays! However, your child announces they are leaving the church and moving in with their partner in a homosexual relationship. They have no intention of going to college or having kids! This may result in creating so much conflict and triggering so many issues! Are you wrong for wanting righteousness for your kid? NO! Are you wrong for praying for them? NO! BUT – the problem is rooted in control over another person due to the expectations of the results of their actions! Now, if we begin a debate over this topic, that is the exact misdirection the trickster false gods want you to get stuck on. We can work through this in millions of ways, but what if the power of the conflict or physical symptoms surrounding this active energy / current event is actually based in the future?! What God expects of your kid or what you expect of your kid, is being used to create conflict, that is not your intention, but that is the perception.
Example #4: You believe that God or the spirit world or life after death or the second coming; looks a very specific way. These strong beliefs are based on your religious teachings, readings of other people’s experiences, your own personal experiences, and your studies within the scriptures. So, your beliefs of the future are firmly rooted! You are afraid of deception if someone believes differently or if someone teaches differently. So, you believe it is God’s will for you to speak up for the truth and righteousness and avoid any misdirection leading to deception. All because there is a fear of being deceived and an expectation God has for you! This perceived possibility of deception (in the future) is almost paralyzing regarding personal revelation (right now) or God’s will (right now) or even knowing God’s plan for your life (future) and what God expects of you! You might find you are stagnant and struggling with hearing God or feeling God. You might be in conflict with others who believe differently, even feeling it is your responsibility to teach them the “right way”. Is it wrong to be on the lookout to avoid deception? NO! Is it wrong to speak your truth and spread God’s truth? NO! This might be even more triggering as these are heavy and powerful beliefs; all beliefs are honored with this topic because the misdirection is in the debate. Instead, we practice blind faith and Godly hope without getting trapped in a specific expectation outside of your control or ability to completely understand. The block is in the future and creating very real limitations for God’s miracles that He has in store for you right now!
Example #5: your health is declining (or relationships) and yet you have done everything you can to get better, but nothing works! You start this protocol and think it’s the answer to all your problems! You feel HOPE; “I will be so much better soon”! But then your symptoms flare up after finishing this protocol and you feel more defeated and hopeless. It was easier to feel hope for relief and a better future. It was easier to put your faith in ME for bringing all the answers with a simple document that you read once with only minimal effort on your part. Then you hop onto the next person to promise you results. Then the next. Always seeking an answer to remove the discomfort of sickness or conflict to create a better future with less suffering. You even want a shield to prevent these bad attacks from happening again! BUT what if I tell you that your body is mortal AND you are not always right or perfect and neither are your loved ones! And that is okay! Am I telling you that progressing and personal development and self-reliance is wrong? NO! Am I telling you that you should give up and settle with a miserable life? NO! Am I telling you that energy work is bad or that you have been deceived or that God wants you to give up expectations for healing? NO! This is probably the trickiest energy and most intelligent attack on the world. This is an advanced energy and probably affects you in multitudes of ways. You may need to do these steps a hundred different times. Does that mean you should do this as a bulk release and use your intention to tackle all the effects in one reading so you can feel better and move on with all the cool stuff you want to do in your life without wasting any more time suffering? Let me ask you this question – if I eat a massive thanksgiving feast, am I done eating for the next month? If I run a marathon today, can I lay in bed for the next year and avoid exercise while reaping the benefits of that one day’s work? What if all this is misdirection. There is a much bigger picture and so many mysteries of heaven God wants to share with you, but if your focus is “selfish”: to feel better so you can busy yourself in the things of this world, then you will be missing the opportunities. We have such good intentions, but they are rooted in worldly desires. What if we stop looking at the symptoms, stop looking to put faith in the flesh, stop telling God how to bless us and placing a timeline on God’s miracles? What if we accept the duality with God and let go of controlling the outcome? The expected outcome is your driving force! Its still a power the future is holding over you! This is changing energy work! Energy being held in the future? WOW! Energy that is actively and presently being created by me but imprisoning me a perceived future? WOW! I want you to expand on this energy and learn more! I am just opening the can of worms with this protocol. I am bringing it to your attention. Proposing an entirely new concept. Follow the steps, but keep learning how this is actively affecting you. YOU HAVE SO MUCH MORE POWER than you realize! You are literally creating your suffering… Did I just trigger you? What if this statement actually empowers you more to take hold of the reins of your life and stand up to Satan and say “NO MORE SATAN, you are NOT in control, I AM. I am a child of God and He is the only one I trust forevermore!”
Forewarning: Are these steps going to make your kids realize they are throwing their lives away and see that you are right and ultimately things will return to “normal”? Are these steps going to make your husband stop yelling at you and start living up to his potential? Are these steps going to make you feel better so you can return to normal life and stop suffering? Does God really want you to suffer all alone? Can we shield against these bad trickster false gods and no longer have to struggle or overcome them for the whole of humanity?
Here's the deal – Stop. Trying. To Control. The Outcome. By Projecting. An EXPECTATION of future results as your motivation for personal development work! It’s a trap and we have to stop the cycle of power that is draining you of happiness and success. You are approaching personal development that is limiting and feeding false expectations. Throw all that out the window! Stop putting your energy into something OUT OF YOUR CONTROL! Let’s do this for the right reasons. If we are going to create a duality with God as your partner, you must let Him do his part! Maybe the problem is feeling out of control and being unable to shift into a space of fluidity. We think we need to have a guarantee of an outcome so we create an expectation based on the past, but it’s limiting the experience or the blessings. Let’s raise awareness and retrain our brains! Let’s clean up first, but then every day be aware of this pattern. YOU HAVE A CHOICE! I know it doesn’t feel like it, that is how the adversary wants us to feel by exasperating those limitations and displacing your power into the past where you feel even more powerless as you cannot change the past! But you have a choice. Your body IS MORTAL. That is ok! Your body has limitations! That is ok too! Guess what? Your loved ones are imperfect and you aren’t always right! Embrace the experience of life with love for yourself and others exactly as they are, with a Godly hope in your heart while letting go of the rest. Your body is amazing! Let it guide you and teach you!
The past: you might have hundreds of experiences in your past creating unpleasant symptoms and even leading to this projection of the future – good or bad. We can clean-up from the past, but we cannot change it, I wonder if that focusing on the past might only be 1/3 of the cause. I reflected on spirits that I have interacted with and how some of them had terrible life experiences. How do they overcome those experiences so thoroughly that they can be in a space of pure Godly light, without feeling sinful or dirty or overwhelmed? Don’t answer this with your religious teachings. I know what the scripture verses say and interpretations might be many, but I want God to elaborate and teach me in a way that helps me to make those changes right now! The past is done, maybe I simply need to shift my focus to see my past with a great deal of patience the way we perceive a child learning to walk. Its all experience, the trials, mistakes, difficulties, etc. That experience is the exact point I came to earth to gain a body and experience. I cannot change the past, but I don’t need to either. No matter how difficult the trial was, I am capable of seeing MYSELF (and others) in a space of LOVE and patience for the journey. The future is flexible! That’s where change is possible! That’s why its overlooked as a source of energy.
When Moses was given the commandment by God to free His people, Moses may have felt like many of us do. God had a huge expectation of Moses and when Moses tried to fulfill this calling, it backfired and, in his defeat, he felt overwhelmed by his limitations and he fled. I think we can all relate! However, after 40 years of learning in the wilderness, Moses returned a changed man and miracles resulted! What can we learn from Moses and what did this experience look like? I was then taught about future energy – expectations and current limitations. Moses had to submit to creating a duality with God. Moses did not place his staff in the water and command the sea to part. He placed his staff in the water and trusted God! What if Moses had placed his staff in the water and told God what to do? What if Moses approached his situation the way we face our own trials and illness and energy work or even our prayers?
“Ok God, you told me to free your people, but we are trapped. Why did you set us up for failure?” - then feel defeated and mad at God. Or “God, please use this staff to then cause all the bad guys to go away so we can build a boat and cross the sea” Or “God, when I place this staff in the water will you turn it into a boat, please, I really need you to help us cross this sea, we are trying to obey you. We need you to answer our prayers and make this staff into a boat!” Then, attempt to swim across the sea or hide in a nearby cave or try to fight the soldiers and change their hearts! It would be a righteous intention to try and preach to the soldiers and change their hearts, obviously God didn’t intend on them crossing the sea so maybe this barrier is God redirecting Moses to convince the soldiers they are wrong and needing a change of heart because it is God’s will. This is a righteous intention and should work right? He is just trying to follow God’s commandment and God should grant this miracle to occur in the hearts of the enemy. Right? I think this is the most common method that we rationalize our efforts as righteous and right with no willingness to submit to God in God’s way because the presumed expectation is the only possibility for success
Do you get the point?
We all do this.
And we are all frustrated that it is still not working. We have righteous intentions. We are following God and receiving revelation and working on personal development. Why are we still so limited and stuck in a cycle of suffering? I am surprised to say the lessons I have learned from Moses’s experience is too vast to be contained in one lesson. They are going to be divided up into multiple lessons including learning how Christ healed the sick, which includes understanding some of the deeper mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.
Moses mastered his relationship with Creation and the Creator. These lessons are not limited to just Moses. Christ promised us that we could do everything He does and more. We are building up the kingdom of heaven on earth for Christ to return and live with us. Much needs to change. I asked if I was worthy of receiving these lessons. I want to share with you that I am not perfect by any means, I am practicing these steps and sharing as I learn. I am not a prophet and I am not gifted in writing or teaching. However, sharing the revelation is critical to creating the shift throughout the world. Again, pray and ask God to explain anything that you need to understand differently or how to implement the understanding within your own life or what additional advancements you might seek. I am an apprentice and imperfect, please offer me grace if I misrepresent anything due to my own limited worldly comprehension.
This is a whole new concept to your energy work and will most likely lead to many more faucets of change to your work as it may be associated with just about every energy. Do not skip reading the lesson! You might get triggered A LOT or feel the need to debate how you are right. That’s the trap, we aren’t here to disrespect each other’s beliefs. I have no intention of preaching, how to do it “my way” or “the right way”. We are all on a beautiful journey of self-awareness and personal development as we progress in our lives. Your truth is perfect exactly as it is, if you are in this program, you are seeking to better yourself! The adversary is using your beautiful understanding of the world and God, to destroy you and your families. It might become easy to think the problem is a deceived image of the future, but that’s not it. The problem is that image is keeping you locked into a future reality and unhappy with your current reality, when we need to be using that image to create HOPE while having access to God’s blessings to help us move towards those promises. Blind faith, teachable, and humble with a perfect brightness of hope! We need to realign and refocus those same truths in God’s ways which will hopefully open us up to being teachable and humble and more capable of experiencing the life God desires to bless us with – however that looks! Remove the natural man’s need to control and replace it with a better way to accomplish those same righteous desires!
This energy exists in the future due to expectations of a presumed future. We have spent our time focusing on the PAST in order to feel better right now. Which absolutely has an important part of your healing journey! BUT what if I told you the power is actually coming from the future and keeping you stuck in the present! All this started when I began seeking further direction from Moses’s experience when he parted the sea. God gave him a commandment and he had to overcome his own doubts and fears when he fled to the wilderness, then once he returned to Egypt, Moses was able to experience many miracles. So how did he overcome the past and forgive himself for his mistakes in order to completely shift his experience in the moment. Did he completely forget the past, the way God forgets our sins after repentance? Or did he need to know exactly God wanted him to do or what would happen or was it completely blind faith? How was he not overwhelmed with this commandment and how he would be received by others? If you are reading this, I know you are on a journey of personal development and you have good intentions so why are we all still unable to see these mighty miracles in our present day? Why are we still busy overcoming the basics of illness, age, conflict; are we missing the real lesson God has because we are too busy with the demanding “clean-up” of the past? And God typically gives us commandments we can actually attain so why are they out of reach? What needs to happen before the second coming to elevate our way of living so that we learn the lesson and overcome our limitations? And why do we struggle so much with our limitations? Why is discomfort avoided? Are we supposed to become humbled to that which is out of our control such as aging? Are we meant to become one with our bodies – the spirit is unlimited but the body is very different. Maybe I am meant to first learn how to adjust to the constant changes and rather than trying to change that, I need to accept it and be willing to accept my body’s limitations? Or is that the mortal mind that is limiting God? So, what did Moses learn and do differently from what I am doing and how can I align my life with his? How would I need to change my thinking and my healing process in order to develop my mind in that same manner that he accomplished.
The answer led me down a very long rabbit hole and opened up a new understanding of energy work. The past, present and future. Taking accountability for the energy I put into my assumptions. The power that the future has over me – but more importantly my need to know the future in order to move forward. This trickles down into every detail of my life, both small and large. It’s also so integrated into my life that it’s difficult to even know where to begin.
When we have specific expectations for what we hope to experience or what we believe, it might create frustration in the present moment because things are so far misaligned. So how do we manage with a different perspective without the control aspect so that we can have Godly expectations. How can we shift the expectations to be purely within our ability to create the results or achieve the results. It is too easy to go too far to the right or the left and mess the way to succeed in a Godly fashion.
God's way is not conflict however when do we need to expect more from ourselves and when do we accept our limitations. And when do we expect more from others and when do we accept their limitations. How do we walk the fine line down the middle of having a righteous expectation that does not create conflict or expand on limitations. It is simple when we have a big Act of disobedience such as Sin. It is not simple on our normal day-to-day interactions. And how does God remember our sins no more? Is it just a daily choice to forget the unpleasant memories from the past? And if he remembers them no more does that mean there are no emotional components associated with any potential relapse? God never expected us to be perfect after we acknowledge those mistakes and attempted change. He gives us freedom to progress at our pace. So, if the problem is an expectation that we place on others or ourselves leading to feeling limited or frustrated or conflict, then how does God manage expectations? If we remember our own sins no more, maybe we would be less annoyed when other people are less than perfect or let us down or do not meet appropriate expectations. And how those expectations reflect in the eternities.
The first step is seeing the bigger picture and being committed to changing. Seeing that energy is not merely in the past, might offer you some empowerment for change! It might also be difficult to accept accountability for energy you are committed to creating and therefore the change requires more effort. Now that does not mean always being perfect in the future but it does mean a commitment to be patient with the process. And also means that we don't yet know God's perspective but we are committing to learning it. It also means that we are acknowledging that we are also imperfect and not only making mistakes but that our perspective isn't always the only perspective and not necessarily the only way to do things. So, I am not always right! I'm also seeing that this is also an offering of our own limitations and accepting those limitations.
Now how did some of these beliefs get created in the first place and what if we had a misunderstanding of those events in the past as well. Maybe the past is simply just experience. Maybe every step that we have ever taken has led to strength to walk on our own two feet while understanding all types of people because we have had the opportunity to see if from all perspectives. And if that's not true what is preventing you from being able to allow yourself to shift perspectives so you can see things from a different angle? What if the past just exists but has no power anymore? What if all the energy holds no weight and no power and just simply exists as a part of your experience. And what if the way to fix the power of the past is to release the energy from the future! We already have an awareness of how our behavior affects other people. And sometimes we still participate in those behaviors either to continue hurting the other person and maybe unable to see that there is anything wrong with our behavior or anything that needs to change with our behavior because we are so committed to being right.
So how do we find this pattern or energy? Do we need to separate the expectations others have of us, our expectations of others and the expectations we have for ourselves? Not to mention our interpretation of perceived expectations vs actual. How do we recognize a future energy drain? Or the traps? Symptoms?
Are we holding others back or trapping them in a false future or false past? Are we at war with each other? Is the deeper root - desiring to control others or the results or God based on the image of the expected results? Are those images immediate or long term like the purpose of life? And does that differentiate the type of trap or trickster or complicated intricate system for the removal or returning the energy we put into these projections?
We tend to live in the future. Anxious for the next phase! This trap prevents you from being happy with your current reality by promising a specific future that is soooo much better than living in the “now”. We crave change and progression. The past seems to still hold a lot of suffering. How do we see the past as simply experience and not give the past so much power over our current lives? Maybe the answer starts in the future, then the present, then the past, not to mention making the conscious awareness that I am capable to change and I am not powerless! Is this just part of life or would God like me to change these patterns in order to become teachable? Is my body communicating with me and I have been trying to listen but still blind?
An expectation is a presumed future action or experience based on evidence from the past. The future holds power over you and is even keeping you hostage, but the symptoms are in the present and the evidence is in the past! Evidence from the past helps you to make decisions, it also helps you to expect obvious results which means there are appropriate and even Godly expectations. But anyone can become misled into a destructive pattern of expectations as well. No amount of releasing energy from the past will help as the future is draining you and leaving you empty! The mind is trapped in the future but your actions are trapped in the present and the original intention of your expectation is draining you of all energy. It’s the opposite of releasing energy from the past, we must bring back the energy from the future! CRAZY, I know! The expectations trap you in the future, but because it’s your ideal future, you are blind to how it is creating misery in your life because your reality is not as awesome as your expected future! Whew!! We struggle with discomfort and pain and we seek relief. So, we live in the future where there is no pain or discomfort! Makes total sense! But the energy we put into the future is actually draining you and trapping you. The energy from the past is only 1/3 of the cleanup effort. The tricksters have been laughing as we are blind to its effects.
This is super tricky and might flare up a lot of unresolved past issues or symptoms, but do not get lost by focusing on the evidence from the past as the power is actually held in the future. Most of the details are invisible and hard to detect. It’s also associated with a false trickster “god of this world” misdirecting you rather than succeeding. I am going to PUSH YOU out of your comfort zone! Most of us are firmly rooted in our beliefs over the future because there is so much evidence and we seek comfort in knowing what is going to happen! BUT in order to overcome this, we cannot get lost in a debate, there is no right or wrong projected outcome! “My way” is not the right way and neither is yours! We have to become humbled, removing even a destructive pattern can create feelings of chaos. The truth is that the future has not yet happened! Our understanding is limited. A perfect brightness of Hope is Godly, but it seems we go too far… And we just don’t see it in ourselves.
Example #1: You had a long day and you are looking forward to your husband getting home from work. You are looking forward to him playing with the kids when he gets home so you can get a break and rest or catch up on a project or work. You expect you can get this relief if you work extra hard right now to get other things completed in preparation. Then he gets home… But he has a headache and wants to take a nap. Then he has projects he busies himself with and finally plops in front of the TV to zone out for the rest of the night. You feel frustrated, annoyed, and fed up which leads to a huge fight! NOW, pause. Let’s access the situation. What if you had a completely different mindset all day? What if you had a great day and all your needs have been met. Then when your husband gets home with a headache, you encourage him to rest and you find joy in connecting as a family in a different manner. So, is it wrong to have needs? NO! Is it wrong to want your husband to participate and help out? NO! Does this mean that you should never have appropriate or Godly expectations? NO! The problem is rooted in the expectation of a specific future outcome! The presumption for what the future will look like! Then when it didn’t happen, it led to conflict and division or unhappiness. It may be associated with limitations, a loss of control and even resulting in defeat.
Example #2: Your husband works hard to support the family. You stay home and run a side business and care for the kids. He comes home and expects the house to be clean, dinner on the table, and the kids to be respectful. Instead, when he comes home there’s a mess of toys, you are frazzled trying to juggle everything, and dinner is nowhere near being cooked – you still haven’t even gone to the store! He’s hungry, grouchy, overwhelmed by the chaos and thus conflict ensues. You go to bed feeling alone, defeated, and crying to God to help you fix your marriage. Was he wrong for wanting to come home to a happy, organized home after his long day at work or for wanting to eat? NO! Were you wrong for feeling attacked when you did your best all day, but couldn’t meet his expectations? NO! Our intentions and desires are projected into an expectation placed on someone else. When that expected image looks different than the reality of the actual event, the limitations are so huge he couldn’t see beyond them! Which means all he could see is what he lacked. We all tend to fall into this pattern and we try to change it, but we feel stuck in a never-ending vicious cycle. Once the adversary has accomplished his task at dividing the family, the expectation shifts: the wife dreads her husband coming home and feels panic while yelling at the kids because they left a mess and dad is going to be so mad! The husband might expect she will disappoint him so he comes home mad at her before even walking in the front door. One day my neighbor’s husband came home like this. I was on my porch doing energy work and got front row seats. He threw open the front door screaming at the kids and his wife before the door even opened!! Then I could hear furniture hitting the walls and him screaming. My first husband was like this too. You guys, this is not what God wants for you or your family.
Example #3: Your child graduated from high school and they have overcome so much and they have SO much potential! You have always believed they would go on a mission for your church, then go to college, then meet a special person and get married and have kids. Then one day you will be surrounded by grandkids and have lovely big family holidays! However, your child announces they are leaving the church and moving in with their partner in a homosexual relationship. They have no intention of going to college or having kids! This may result in creating so much conflict and triggering so many issues! Are you wrong for wanting righteousness for your kid? NO! Are you wrong for praying for them? NO! BUT – the problem is rooted in control over another person due to the expectations of the results of their actions! Now, if we begin a debate over this topic, that is the exact misdirection the trickster false gods want you to get stuck on. We can work through this in millions of ways, but what if the power of the conflict or physical symptoms surrounding this active energy / current event is actually based in the future?! What God expects of your kid or what you expect of your kid, is being used to create conflict, that is not your intention, but that is the perception.
Example #4: You believe that God or the spirit world or life after death or the second coming; looks a very specific way. These strong beliefs are based on your religious teachings, readings of other people’s experiences, your own personal experiences, and your studies within the scriptures. So, your beliefs of the future are firmly rooted! You are afraid of deception if someone believes differently or if someone teaches differently. So, you believe it is God’s will for you to speak up for the truth and righteousness and avoid any misdirection leading to deception. All because there is a fear of being deceived and an expectation God has for you! This perceived possibility of deception (in the future) is almost paralyzing regarding personal revelation (right now) or God’s will (right now) or even knowing God’s plan for your life (future) and what God expects of you! You might find you are stagnant and struggling with hearing God or feeling God. You might be in conflict with others who believe differently, even feeling it is your responsibility to teach them the “right way”. Is it wrong to be on the lookout to avoid deception? NO! Is it wrong to speak your truth and spread God’s truth? NO! This might be even more triggering as these are heavy and powerful beliefs; all beliefs are honored with this topic because the misdirection is in the debate. Instead, we practice blind faith and Godly hope without getting trapped in a specific expectation outside of your control or ability to completely understand. The block is in the future and creating very real limitations for God’s miracles that He has in store for you right now!
Example #5: your health is declining (or relationships) and yet you have done everything you can to get better, but nothing works! You start this protocol and think it’s the answer to all your problems! You feel HOPE; “I will be so much better soon”! But then your symptoms flare up after finishing this protocol and you feel more defeated and hopeless. It was easier to feel hope for relief and a better future. It was easier to put your faith in ME for bringing all the answers with a simple document that you read once with only minimal effort on your part. Then you hop onto the next person to promise you results. Then the next. Always seeking an answer to remove the discomfort of sickness or conflict to create a better future with less suffering. You even want a shield to prevent these bad attacks from happening again! BUT what if I tell you that your body is mortal AND you are not always right or perfect and neither are your loved ones! And that is okay! Am I telling you that progressing and personal development and self-reliance is wrong? NO! Am I telling you that you should give up and settle with a miserable life? NO! Am I telling you that energy work is bad or that you have been deceived or that God wants you to give up expectations for healing? NO! This is probably the trickiest energy and most intelligent attack on the world. This is an advanced energy and probably affects you in multitudes of ways. You may need to do these steps a hundred different times. Does that mean you should do this as a bulk release and use your intention to tackle all the effects in one reading so you can feel better and move on with all the cool stuff you want to do in your life without wasting any more time suffering? Let me ask you this question – if I eat a massive thanksgiving feast, am I done eating for the next month? If I run a marathon today, can I lay in bed for the next year and avoid exercise while reaping the benefits of that one day’s work? What if all this is misdirection. There is a much bigger picture and so many mysteries of heaven God wants to share with you, but if your focus is “selfish”: to feel better so you can busy yourself in the things of this world, then you will be missing the opportunities. We have such good intentions, but they are rooted in worldly desires. What if we stop looking at the symptoms, stop looking to put faith in the flesh, stop telling God how to bless us and placing a timeline on God’s miracles? What if we accept the duality with God and let go of controlling the outcome? The expected outcome is your driving force! Its still a power the future is holding over you! This is changing energy work! Energy being held in the future? WOW! Energy that is actively and presently being created by me but imprisoning me a perceived future? WOW! I want you to expand on this energy and learn more! I am just opening the can of worms with this protocol. I am bringing it to your attention. Proposing an entirely new concept. Follow the steps, but keep learning how this is actively affecting you. YOU HAVE SO MUCH MORE POWER than you realize! You are literally creating your suffering… Did I just trigger you? What if this statement actually empowers you more to take hold of the reins of your life and stand up to Satan and say “NO MORE SATAN, you are NOT in control, I AM. I am a child of God and He is the only one I trust forevermore!”
Forewarning: Are these steps going to make your kids realize they are throwing their lives away and see that you are right and ultimately things will return to “normal”? Are these steps going to make your husband stop yelling at you and start living up to his potential? Are these steps going to make you feel better so you can return to normal life and stop suffering? Does God really want you to suffer all alone? Can we shield against these bad trickster false gods and no longer have to struggle or overcome them for the whole of humanity?
Here's the deal – Stop. Trying. To Control. The Outcome. By Projecting. An EXPECTATION of future results as your motivation for personal development work! It’s a trap and we have to stop the cycle of power that is draining you of happiness and success. You are approaching personal development that is limiting and feeding false expectations. Throw all that out the window! Stop putting your energy into something OUT OF YOUR CONTROL! Let’s do this for the right reasons. If we are going to create a duality with God as your partner, you must let Him do his part! Maybe the problem is feeling out of control and being unable to shift into a space of fluidity. We think we need to have a guarantee of an outcome so we create an expectation based on the past, but it’s limiting the experience or the blessings. Let’s raise awareness and retrain our brains! Let’s clean up first, but then every day be aware of this pattern. YOU HAVE A CHOICE! I know it doesn’t feel like it, that is how the adversary wants us to feel by exasperating those limitations and displacing your power into the past where you feel even more powerless as you cannot change the past! But you have a choice. Your body IS MORTAL. That is ok! Your body has limitations! That is ok too! Guess what? Your loved ones are imperfect and you aren’t always right! Embrace the experience of life with love for yourself and others exactly as they are, with a Godly hope in your heart while letting go of the rest. Your body is amazing! Let it guide you and teach you!
The past: you might have hundreds of experiences in your past creating unpleasant symptoms and even leading to this projection of the future – good or bad. We can clean-up from the past, but we cannot change it, I wonder if that focusing on the past might only be 1/3 of the cause. I reflected on spirits that I have interacted with and how some of them had terrible life experiences. How do they overcome those experiences so thoroughly that they can be in a space of pure Godly light, without feeling sinful or dirty or overwhelmed? Don’t answer this with your religious teachings. I know what the scripture verses say and interpretations might be many, but I want God to elaborate and teach me in a way that helps me to make those changes right now! The past is done, maybe I simply need to shift my focus to see my past with a great deal of patience the way we perceive a child learning to walk. Its all experience, the trials, mistakes, difficulties, etc. That experience is the exact point I came to earth to gain a body and experience. I cannot change the past, but I don’t need to either. No matter how difficult the trial was, I am capable of seeing MYSELF (and others) in a space of LOVE and patience for the journey. The future is flexible! That’s where change is possible! That’s why its overlooked as a source of energy.